
时间:2022-02-22 16:57:59

Currently I'm developing a Blackberry Application to access internal business contacts in our company. As far as I know there is no database platform for j2me or blackberry applications. What the the best way to store large sets of data without a database?


I found http://www.mcobject.com/j2me_database via google which uses a B-Tree algorithm.


Any other Ideas (besides RMS) , I should test?



3 个解决方案


You might want to check out the OpenBaseMovil framework or you could build up your own storing engine on top of RMS with own indexing, etc. It's a litte bit overkill, nevertheless.



There are 3 different ways that I know of to persist on the BlackBerry.


  1. BlackBerry persistent store APIs. It doesn't provide a relational database model but it allows you to persist entire objects.
  2. BlackBerry持久性商店API。它不提供关系数据库模型,但它允许您持久化整个对象。

  3. MIDP record store which are part of the standard MIDP spec.
  4. MIDP记录存储是标准MIDP规范的一部分。

  5. File connection API's
  6. 文件连接API

You best bet is to use the persistent store api: Storing persistent data



SQLite is in OS 5.0, but I suspect you can't wait that long.

SQLite在OS 5.0中,但我怀疑你不能等待那么久。

Sybase has SQL Anywhere for the BlackBerry that I believe runs on OS 4.1 and higher:

Sybase认为在OS 4.1及更高版本上运行的BlackBerry适用于BlackBerry:

SQL Anywhere Developer Edition Downloads

SQL Anywhere开发人员版下载


You might want to check out the OpenBaseMovil framework or you could build up your own storing engine on top of RMS with own indexing, etc. It's a litte bit overkill, nevertheless.



There are 3 different ways that I know of to persist on the BlackBerry.


  1. BlackBerry persistent store APIs. It doesn't provide a relational database model but it allows you to persist entire objects.
  2. BlackBerry持久性商店API。它不提供关系数据库模型,但它允许您持久化整个对象。

  3. MIDP record store which are part of the standard MIDP spec.
  4. MIDP记录存储是标准MIDP规范的一部分。

  5. File connection API's
  6. 文件连接API

You best bet is to use the persistent store api: Storing persistent data



SQLite is in OS 5.0, but I suspect you can't wait that long.

SQLite在OS 5.0中,但我怀疑你不能等待那么久。

Sybase has SQL Anywhere for the BlackBerry that I believe runs on OS 4.1 and higher:

Sybase认为在OS 4.1及更高版本上运行的BlackBerry适用于BlackBerry:

SQL Anywhere Developer Edition Downloads

SQL Anywhere开发人员版下载