bex selection option variable在dashboard 4内不可用

时间:2020-12-20 16:59:29


bex query内有变量,类型是selection option,


在dashboard query browser使用此bex query,selection option类型的变量被当做单值变量处理,

WEBI 内使用bex query,selection option类型的变量单做范围处理

即不能使用selection option类型的变量


"Single Values" or "Multiple Single Values" 类型的变量都可用。

When your Bex variable is "Select option" based, BO recognizes this as an interval. That's the reason your are getting that. If you want to select single values in your WebI query then your bex variable has to be either "Single Values" or "Multiple Single Values" based. BO does not support all Bex features. For example it does not support Suppress zeros, Conditions etc.



bex selection option variable在dashboard 4内不可用

BI支持的 BEx Query 元素看下面文档