保护数据PHP + MYSQL的最佳方法

时间:2022-02-16 16:56:11

I'm building an app that will store some of our clients details, things like usernames / passwords, information that we need to remember and keep secure.


What's the best method for storing this information securely?


5 个解决方案


Such an open-ended question with not a lot of detail to go on. I'd suggest reading Chris Shiflett's excellent "Essential PHP Security" before you go any further. It's short, to the point and very practical.

这样一个开放式的问题,没有太多的细节可以继续。在你再继续之前,我建议你阅读Chris Shiflett出色的“Essential PHP Security”。这很简单,非常实用。

There's also a reasonable amount of the advice available from the book's website too at http://phpsecurity.org/



Devlounge have a very good article on security.




Using a PHP framework for security

If you want to get PHP security setup quickly without doing a load of research, a PHP framework would be a good idea.


I am a fan of CodeIgniter but other options include CakePHP and Zend.


Using a framework for security will mean you get a tried and tested method straight away, however there may be some time and effort needed to learn the framework.


A total list of PHP frameworks can be found on wikipedia.



Pretty simple actually. Set up a quick MySQL database, and a user table. In that user table, store the usernames in a column and a hashed version of the password in another column.


As added security, I like to generate a random 8 character string and store that as well in each row - I call that column the "Keycode". When the user signs in with a correct username / password, I store their authentication in session variables AS WELL as the matching "Keycode".

作为增加的安全性,我喜欢生成随机的8个字符串并将其存储在每一行中 - 我将该列称为“Keycode”。当用户使用正确的用户名/密码登录时,我将他们的身份验证存储在会话变量AS WELL中作为匹配的“密钥代码”。

That way, the session authentication can not only look for the right username / password, but quickly query the db, and check to see if the "Keycode" stored in the session variable is the same as the keycode in the row.


It works well because not even the user knows their keycode.



As far as passwords go you should store a hash of the password. Whenever you authenticate the user, you hash their inputted password and compare the result with what you've stored. This way you aren't storing the actual password.



Such an open-ended question with not a lot of detail to go on. I'd suggest reading Chris Shiflett's excellent "Essential PHP Security" before you go any further. It's short, to the point and very practical.

这样一个开放式的问题,没有太多的细节可以继续。在你再继续之前,我建议你阅读Chris Shiflett出色的“Essential PHP Security”。这很简单,非常实用。

There's also a reasonable amount of the advice available from the book's website too at http://phpsecurity.org/



Devlounge have a very good article on security.




Using a PHP framework for security

If you want to get PHP security setup quickly without doing a load of research, a PHP framework would be a good idea.


I am a fan of CodeIgniter but other options include CakePHP and Zend.


Using a framework for security will mean you get a tried and tested method straight away, however there may be some time and effort needed to learn the framework.


A total list of PHP frameworks can be found on wikipedia.



Pretty simple actually. Set up a quick MySQL database, and a user table. In that user table, store the usernames in a column and a hashed version of the password in another column.


As added security, I like to generate a random 8 character string and store that as well in each row - I call that column the "Keycode". When the user signs in with a correct username / password, I store their authentication in session variables AS WELL as the matching "Keycode".

作为增加的安全性,我喜欢生成随机的8个字符串并将其存储在每一行中 - 我将该列称为“Keycode”。当用户使用正确的用户名/密码登录时,我将他们的身份验证存储在会话变量AS WELL中作为匹配的“密钥代码”。

That way, the session authentication can not only look for the right username / password, but quickly query the db, and check to see if the "Keycode" stored in the session variable is the same as the keycode in the row.


It works well because not even the user knows their keycode.



As far as passwords go you should store a hash of the password. Whenever you authenticate the user, you hash their inputted password and compare the result with what you've stored. This way you aren't storing the actual password.
