
时间:2022-02-28 16:58:14

A simple question, but I think it deserves it's place out here for an answer.


I have a T-SQL statement:


select Name
from MyTable
where ID IN (1,2,3,4,5,.....)

How many comma-delimited IDs can I put in this select before SQL breaks? Will it break?

在SQL中断之前,我可以在这个select中输入多少逗号分隔的id ?它会打破吗?

1 个解决方案



The maximum length of the list is only restricted by the maximum batch size which is 65536 network packets. A network packet is 4 KB by default. So that makes about 268 MB of T-SQL text. If you take an average length of 10 digits per element including the separating , you can put about 25 million separate values in there still leaving room for the rest of the query.

该列表的最大长度仅限制于最大批量大小,即65536网络包。默认情况下,网络数据包是4 KB。这就产生了268 MB的T-SQL文本。如果对每个元素(包括分隔符)取平均长度为10位,则可以在其中放置约2,500万个独立值,仍然为查询的其余部分留有空间。

See: Maximum Capacity Specifications for SQL Server

参见:SQL Server的最大容量规范



The maximum length of the list is only restricted by the maximum batch size which is 65536 network packets. A network packet is 4 KB by default. So that makes about 268 MB of T-SQL text. If you take an average length of 10 digits per element including the separating , you can put about 25 million separate values in there still leaving room for the rest of the query.

该列表的最大长度仅限制于最大批量大小,即65536网络包。默认情况下,网络数据包是4 KB。这就产生了268 MB的T-SQL文本。如果对每个元素(包括分隔符)取平均长度为10位,则可以在其中放置约2,500万个独立值,仍然为查询的其余部分留有空间。

See: Maximum Capacity Specifications for SQL Server

参见:SQL Server的最大容量规范