
时间:2021-11-27 16:56:22

I have an app and it needs to store a few simple objects that change, and it needs to be able to persist them. Should I save the data to a db like mongo and read it in on startup or should I just save to a json file?


Thanks for any tips.


2 个解决方案



Either way can work. 'It depends' which is best in your situation.

无论哪种方式都可以。 '这取决于'哪种情况最适合你的情况。

Things to consider:


  • Flat files are not (or not easily) queriable.
  • 平面文件不是(或不容易)可查询的。

  • You will have to manage flat files (e.g. folders, file names, etc)
  • 您必须管理平面文件(例如文件夹,文件名等)

  • Is it possible that there will be a collision? Are you going to read & write often?
  • 是否可能发生碰撞?你经常读写吗?

  • If you are only persisting a few objects, is a database like mongo overkill?
  • 如果你只是持久化一些对象,那么像mongo这样的数据库是否过度杀伤?

  • Is something like redis a better solution?
  • 像redis这样的东西是更好的解决方案吗?

I'm currently working on a project that involves several data stores. MySQL, flat-files, mongo, et cetera.

我目前正在开发一个涉及多个数据存储的项目。 MySQL,平面文件,mongo等等。

The flat files work really well for storing data that will be pulled up later. It's suitable for data that isn't read or written often.


Mongo has modules like Mongoose that take away a lot of complexities. But the documentation for both Mongoose and Mongo can be a bit dry and confusing.


Think about how the data will be used, how it will evolve, and if you need to query it. If it just needs to be pulled up at the app's startup, then a flat file can work. If it is going to grow into larger objects then flat files can still be the solution. But if there's a chance for additional objects in the future, then flat-files will become harder to manage, and it will be a pain to add them into a working system.


And overall, if you want any type of querying (other than manually opening files and inspecting them) then go with Mongoose or a similar database.




It depends mongo will be easier if u want to alter the data. It is basically a storage engine for json lol. Depends on your use case. If you think this will grow, you might as well use mongo. If your storage needs will never change use a json file.

如果你想改变数据,这取决于mongo会更容易。它基本上是json lol的存储引擎。取决于您的用例。如果你认为这会增长,你也可以使用mongo。如果您的存储需求永远不会改变,请使用json文件。



Either way can work. 'It depends' which is best in your situation.

无论哪种方式都可以。 '这取决于'哪种情况最适合你的情况。

Things to consider:


  • Flat files are not (or not easily) queriable.
  • 平面文件不是(或不容易)可查询的。

  • You will have to manage flat files (e.g. folders, file names, etc)
  • 您必须管理平面文件(例如文件夹,文件名等)

  • Is it possible that there will be a collision? Are you going to read & write often?
  • 是否可能发生碰撞?你经常读写吗?

  • If you are only persisting a few objects, is a database like mongo overkill?
  • 如果你只是持久化一些对象,那么像mongo这样的数据库是否过度杀伤?

  • Is something like redis a better solution?
  • 像redis这样的东西是更好的解决方案吗?

I'm currently working on a project that involves several data stores. MySQL, flat-files, mongo, et cetera.

我目前正在开发一个涉及多个数据存储的项目。 MySQL,平面文件,mongo等等。

The flat files work really well for storing data that will be pulled up later. It's suitable for data that isn't read or written often.


Mongo has modules like Mongoose that take away a lot of complexities. But the documentation for both Mongoose and Mongo can be a bit dry and confusing.


Think about how the data will be used, how it will evolve, and if you need to query it. If it just needs to be pulled up at the app's startup, then a flat file can work. If it is going to grow into larger objects then flat files can still be the solution. But if there's a chance for additional objects in the future, then flat-files will become harder to manage, and it will be a pain to add them into a working system.


And overall, if you want any type of querying (other than manually opening files and inspecting them) then go with Mongoose or a similar database.




It depends mongo will be easier if u want to alter the data. It is basically a storage engine for json lol. Depends on your use case. If you think this will grow, you might as well use mongo. If your storage needs will never change use a json file.

如果你想改变数据,这取决于mongo会更容易。它基本上是json lol的存储引擎。取决于您的用例。如果你认为这会增长,你也可以使用mongo。如果您的存储需求永远不会改变,请使用json文件。