
时间:2022-09-14 16:57:37

This question already has an answer here:


i am trying to pass a dropdown selected value to database my datacontracts has the following code


      public EnumTypes.RegardingObjectType RegardingObjectType { get; set; }
    public Guid RegardingObjectId { get; set; }

enumtypes.cs has the following


    public class EnumTypes

    public enum RegardingObjectType
        UnknownOrNone = 0,
        Account = 1,
        Cellsite = 2,

eventdal.cs has the following


       private t_Event MapEventToEntity(Event newevent, t_Event eventToBeChanged)
   eventToBeChanged.RegardingObjectType = int.Parse(newevent.RegardingObjectType.ToString());

it builds fine but getting exception while running


3 个解决方案



Entity Framework 4 does not support using enums as column types. If you want to have native support for enums, you'll need to upgrade to Entity Framework 5.

实体框架4不支持将枚举用作列类型。如果您希望对枚举具有本机支持,则需要升级到Entity Framework 5。

If you absolutely have to use EF 4 (because of a project that's already been implemented in it), then I recommend that you go around it as so:

如果你绝对必须使用EF 4(因为已经在其中实现的项目),那么我建议你这样做:

public int RegardingObjectTypeAsInt { get; set; }

public EnumTypes.RegardingObjectType RegardingObjectType
  get { return (EnumTypes.RegardingObjectType) this.RegardingObjectTypeAsInt; }
  set { this.RegardingObjectTypeAsInt = (int)value; }

It's not a pretty solution, but it's a solid workaround to the problem, and you still get to bind to it on your pages and treat it as the enum itself in your other code.




this worked


eventToBeChanged.RegardingObjectType = (int)newevent.RegardingObjectType;

instead of


  eventToBeChanged.RegardingObjectType = int.Parse(newevent.RegardingObjectType.ToString());



If you want to map the string value to the database, check out this answer:


How to map an enum property in Entity Framework 4

如何在Entity Framework 4中映射枚举属性

As @IronMan84 pointed out though, I'm not sure if this works with multi-word enums - but it's useful and it works none-the-less.

正如@ IronMan84指出的那样,我不确定这是否适用于多字枚举 - 但它很有用并且它可以正常工作。



Entity Framework 4 does not support using enums as column types. If you want to have native support for enums, you'll need to upgrade to Entity Framework 5.

实体框架4不支持将枚举用作列类型。如果您希望对枚举具有本机支持,则需要升级到Entity Framework 5。

If you absolutely have to use EF 4 (because of a project that's already been implemented in it), then I recommend that you go around it as so:

如果你绝对必须使用EF 4(因为已经在其中实现的项目),那么我建议你这样做:

public int RegardingObjectTypeAsInt { get; set; }

public EnumTypes.RegardingObjectType RegardingObjectType
  get { return (EnumTypes.RegardingObjectType) this.RegardingObjectTypeAsInt; }
  set { this.RegardingObjectTypeAsInt = (int)value; }

It's not a pretty solution, but it's a solid workaround to the problem, and you still get to bind to it on your pages and treat it as the enum itself in your other code.




this worked


eventToBeChanged.RegardingObjectType = (int)newevent.RegardingObjectType;

instead of


  eventToBeChanged.RegardingObjectType = int.Parse(newevent.RegardingObjectType.ToString());



If you want to map the string value to the database, check out this answer:


How to map an enum property in Entity Framework 4

如何在Entity Framework 4中映射枚举属性

As @IronMan84 pointed out though, I'm not sure if this works with multi-word enums - but it's useful and it works none-the-less.

正如@ IronMan84指出的那样,我不确定这是否适用于多字枚举 - 但它很有用并且它可以正常工作。