MySQL char和varchar字符集和存储大小

时间:2022-03-06 16:59:10

Wondering how much actual storage space will be taken up by these two datatypes, as the MySQL documentation is slightly unclear on the matter.


CHAR(M) M × w bytes, 0 <= M <= 255, where w is the number of bytes required for the maximum-length character in the character set

CHAR(M)M×w字节,0 < = M < = 255,w是最大长度所需的字节数字符的字符集

VARCHAR(M), VARBINARY(M) L + 1 bytes if column values require 0 – 255 bytes, L + 2 bytes if values may require more than 255 bytes

VARCHAR(M), VARBINARY(M) L + 1 bytes如果列值需要0 - 255个字节,如果值需要超过255个字节,则为L + 2个字节

This seems to imply to me that, given a utf8-encoded database, a CHAR will always take up 32 bits per character, whilst a VARCHAR will take between 8 and 32 depending on the actual byte length of the characters stored. Is that correct? Or does a VARCHAR imply an 8-bit character width, and storing multi-octet UTF8 characters actually consumes multiple 'characters' from the VARCHAR? Or does the VARCHAR also always store 32 bits per character? So many possibilities.


Not something I've ever had to worry this much about before, but I'm starting to hit in-memory temp table size limits and I don't necessarily want to have to increase MySQL's available pool (for the second time).


1 个解决方案



CHAR and VARCHAR both count characters. Both of them count the maximum storage that they might require given the character encoding and length. For ASCII, that's 1 byte per character. For UTF-8, that's 3 bytes per character (not 4 as you'd expect, because MySQL's Unicode support is crippled for some reason, and it doesn't support any Unicode characters which would require 4 bytes in UTF-8). So far, CHAR and VARCHAR are the same.


Now, CHAR just goes ahead and reserves this amount of storage.


VARCHAR instead allocated 1 or 2 bytes, depending on whether this maximum storage is < 256 or ≥ 256. And the actual amount of space occupied by the entry is these one or two bytes, plus the amount of space actually occupied by the string.

VARCHAR分配1或2字节,而是取决于这个最大存储是< 256或≥256。条目实际占用的空间是这一两个字节,加上字符串实际占用的空间。

Interestingly, this makes 85 a magic number for UTF-8 VARCHAR:

有趣的是,这使85成为UTF-8 VARCHAR的神奇数字:

  • VARCHAR(85) uses 1 byte for the length because the maximum possible length of 85 (crippled) UTF-8 characters is 3 × 85 = 255.
  • VARCHAR(85)使用1个字节的长度,因为最大可能85(瘫痪)utf - 8字符3×85 = 255。
  • VARCHAR(86) uses 2 byte for the length because the maximum possible length of 86 (crippled) UTF-8 characters is 3 × 86 = 258.
  • VARCHAR(86)使用2字节的长度,因为86年的最大可能的长度(瘫痪)utf - 8字符是3×86 = 258。



CHAR and VARCHAR both count characters. Both of them count the maximum storage that they might require given the character encoding and length. For ASCII, that's 1 byte per character. For UTF-8, that's 3 bytes per character (not 4 as you'd expect, because MySQL's Unicode support is crippled for some reason, and it doesn't support any Unicode characters which would require 4 bytes in UTF-8). So far, CHAR and VARCHAR are the same.


Now, CHAR just goes ahead and reserves this amount of storage.


VARCHAR instead allocated 1 or 2 bytes, depending on whether this maximum storage is < 256 or ≥ 256. And the actual amount of space occupied by the entry is these one or two bytes, plus the amount of space actually occupied by the string.

VARCHAR分配1或2字节,而是取决于这个最大存储是< 256或≥256。条目实际占用的空间是这一两个字节,加上字符串实际占用的空间。

Interestingly, this makes 85 a magic number for UTF-8 VARCHAR:

有趣的是,这使85成为UTF-8 VARCHAR的神奇数字:

  • VARCHAR(85) uses 1 byte for the length because the maximum possible length of 85 (crippled) UTF-8 characters is 3 × 85 = 255.
  • VARCHAR(85)使用1个字节的长度,因为最大可能85(瘫痪)utf - 8字符3×85 = 255。
  • VARCHAR(86) uses 2 byte for the length because the maximum possible length of 86 (crippled) UTF-8 characters is 3 × 86 = 258.
  • VARCHAR(86)使用2字节的长度,因为86年的最大可能的长度(瘫痪)utf - 8字符是3×86 = 258。