
时间:2022-08-08 16:54:20

I've been wanting to build a pretty big project which pretty much mimics Twitter, I've just started it and have run into a little error with account creation. I was wondering what the best method of storing and recalling data is. I'm well aware I can use .txt files to do this, but then I've found it's trickier to make the program recognize the structure of the data.


For example, the file might look like this:
acnt - twigman
pass - yellow

And the user creating an account might use the same name, and I would need to stop that, but I wouldn't know how to make the program know where the username starts and ends.


If I could use a database within the Python program, that would be a heck of a lot easier, it would mean the program can run as just one file and it would be easier to code. The program could also recognize the beginning and end of a user name without needing to write more script for it.


Thank you for your help.


3 个解决方案



Your expectations of Python are very low. That is great news because you are going to be very happy.


You can definitely use a database with Python. The simplest and quickest to set up as well as closest to what you described is a file database: SQLite. Here is a great tutorial to start.


If you want to stick to simpler than than, you can use the pickle module or the shelve module to ‘persist’ your data


Of course, once your database increases significantly in size, you can move on to MySQL or PostgreSQL or others.


I encourage you to check out database abstraction tools such as SQLAlchemy as they can make your life easier.


If you are building a web application, then why reinvent the wheel? Choose one from the many Python web frameworks. Some if not all of them abstract away the database so you can focus on your application and its features.

如果您正在构建一个web应用程序,那么为什么要重新发明*呢?从许多Python web框架中选择一个。有些(如果不是全部的话)会将数据库抽象出来,以便您可以专注于应用程序及其特性。



Connecting to a database is really the way to go here. This gets deep pretty fast, but as far as handling the python sytax it's fairly straightforward. This answer handles that subject well:

连接到数据库实际上就是到这里的方法。这一过程非常迅速,但就处理python sytax而言,它非常简单。这个答案很好地解决了这个问题:

How do I connect to a MySQL Database in Python?


If you are truly going to be interacting with real users, you should learn about how to properly secure their passwords via hashing or other methods. Storing passwords in plain text is a big no-no. Here's an interesting place to start for password hashing in Python:


Python's safest method to store and retrieve passwords from a database




Use SQLite or any other RDBMS like PostgreSQL. To use Python with RDBMS: https://wiki.python.org/moin/DatabaseInterfaces

使用SQLite或任何其他RDBMS,如PostgreSQL。使用Python与RDBMS: https://wiki.python.org/moin/databaseinterface



Your expectations of Python are very low. That is great news because you are going to be very happy.


You can definitely use a database with Python. The simplest and quickest to set up as well as closest to what you described is a file database: SQLite. Here is a great tutorial to start.


If you want to stick to simpler than than, you can use the pickle module or the shelve module to ‘persist’ your data


Of course, once your database increases significantly in size, you can move on to MySQL or PostgreSQL or others.


I encourage you to check out database abstraction tools such as SQLAlchemy as they can make your life easier.


If you are building a web application, then why reinvent the wheel? Choose one from the many Python web frameworks. Some if not all of them abstract away the database so you can focus on your application and its features.

如果您正在构建一个web应用程序,那么为什么要重新发明*呢?从许多Python web框架中选择一个。有些(如果不是全部的话)会将数据库抽象出来,以便您可以专注于应用程序及其特性。



Connecting to a database is really the way to go here. This gets deep pretty fast, but as far as handling the python sytax it's fairly straightforward. This answer handles that subject well:

连接到数据库实际上就是到这里的方法。这一过程非常迅速,但就处理python sytax而言,它非常简单。这个答案很好地解决了这个问题:

How do I connect to a MySQL Database in Python?


If you are truly going to be interacting with real users, you should learn about how to properly secure their passwords via hashing or other methods. Storing passwords in plain text is a big no-no. Here's an interesting place to start for password hashing in Python:


Python's safest method to store and retrieve passwords from a database




Use SQLite or any other RDBMS like PostgreSQL. To use Python with RDBMS: https://wiki.python.org/moin/DatabaseInterfaces

使用SQLite或任何其他RDBMS,如PostgreSQL。使用Python与RDBMS: https://wiki.python.org/moin/databaseinterface