
时间:2023-01-31 16:57:32

I'm creating a simple GUI application using PyQt5 where I request some data from an API which is then used to populate various controls of the UI.


The examples I was following about worker threads in PyQt all seem to sub-class QThread and then do their business logic in the overridden run() method. This works fine but I want to execute different API calls at different times using a worker.


So my question is: do I need to create a specific worker thread for every operation I wish to do or is there a way of having a single thread class that I can use to carry out different operations at different times and therefore avoid the overhead of creating different thread sub-classes?


2 个解决方案



What you can do is design an object to do all these tasks (inherit QObject for slots / signals). Lets say each task is defined as a separate function - lets designate these functions as slots.

你可以做的是设计一个对象来完成所有这些任务(为插槽/信号继承QObject)。让我们说每个任务都被定义为一个单独的函数 - 让我们将这些函数指定为插槽。

Then (a general order of events):


  • instantiate a QThread object.
  • 实例化QThread对象。

  • instantiate your class.
  • 实例化你的班级。

  • Move your object into the thread using YouClass->moveToThread(pThread).
  • 使用YouClass-> moveToThread(pThread)将对象移动到线程中。

  • Now define a signal for each slot and connect these signals to the relevant slots in your object.
  • 现在为每个插槽定义一个信号,并将这些信号连接到对象中的相关插槽。

  • Finally run the thread using pThread->start()
  • 最后使用pThread-> start()运行线程

Now you can emit a signal to do a particular task in the thread. You do not need to sub-class QThread just use a normal class derived from QObject (so that you can use slots/signals).


You can either use one class in one thread to do many operations (note: they will be queued). Or make many classes in many threads (to run "parallel").


I don't know python well enough to attempt an example here so I won't :o


Note: The reason to sub-class QThread would be if you wanted to extend the functionality of the QThread class - i.e. add more/specific thread-related functions. QThread is a class that controls a thread, and is not meant to be used to run arbitrary/generic tasks... even though you can abuse it to do so if you wish :)

注意:如果你想扩展QThread类的功能 - 即添加更多/特定的线程相关函数,那么子类QThread的原因就是如此。 QThread是一个控制线程的类,并不打算用于运行任意/通用任务......即使你可以滥用它,如果你愿意:)



Here is a concise example of one (but could be as many as you wish) worker object which is moved to a single running QThread (started) and is communicating via signals. Also the thread is stopped at the end. It demonstrates what code_fodder outlined in his answer.


from PyQt4 import QtCore
QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal

class Master(QtCore.QObject):

    command = QtCore.Signal(str)

    def __init__(self):

class Worker(QtCore.QObject):

    def __init__(self):

    def do_something(self, text):
        print('current thread id = {}, message to worker = {}'.format(int(QtCore.QThread.currentThreadId()), text))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    app = QtCore.QCoreApplication([])

    # give us a thread and start it
    thread = QtCore.QThread()

    # create a worker and move it to our extra thread
    worker = Worker()

    # create a master object and connect it to the worker
    master = Master()

    # call a method of the worker directly (will be executed in the actual thread)
    worker.do_something('wrong way to communicate with worker')

    # communicate via signals, will execute the method now in the extra thread
    master.command.emit('right way to communicate with worker')

    # start the application and kill it after 1 second
    QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1000, app.quit)

    # don't forget to terminate the extra thread



What you can do is design an object to do all these tasks (inherit QObject for slots / signals). Lets say each task is defined as a separate function - lets designate these functions as slots.

你可以做的是设计一个对象来完成所有这些任务(为插槽/信号继承QObject)。让我们说每个任务都被定义为一个单独的函数 - 让我们将这些函数指定为插槽。

Then (a general order of events):


  • instantiate a QThread object.
  • 实例化QThread对象。

  • instantiate your class.
  • 实例化你的班级。

  • Move your object into the thread using YouClass->moveToThread(pThread).
  • 使用YouClass-> moveToThread(pThread)将对象移动到线程中。

  • Now define a signal for each slot and connect these signals to the relevant slots in your object.
  • 现在为每个插槽定义一个信号,并将这些信号连接到对象中的相关插槽。

  • Finally run the thread using pThread->start()
  • 最后使用pThread-> start()运行线程

Now you can emit a signal to do a particular task in the thread. You do not need to sub-class QThread just use a normal class derived from QObject (so that you can use slots/signals).


You can either use one class in one thread to do many operations (note: they will be queued). Or make many classes in many threads (to run "parallel").


I don't know python well enough to attempt an example here so I won't :o


Note: The reason to sub-class QThread would be if you wanted to extend the functionality of the QThread class - i.e. add more/specific thread-related functions. QThread is a class that controls a thread, and is not meant to be used to run arbitrary/generic tasks... even though you can abuse it to do so if you wish :)

注意:如果你想扩展QThread类的功能 - 即添加更多/特定的线程相关函数,那么子类QThread的原因就是如此。 QThread是一个控制线程的类,并不打算用于运行任意/通用任务......即使你可以滥用它,如果你愿意:)



Here is a concise example of one (but could be as many as you wish) worker object which is moved to a single running QThread (started) and is communicating via signals. Also the thread is stopped at the end. It demonstrates what code_fodder outlined in his answer.


from PyQt4 import QtCore
QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal

class Master(QtCore.QObject):

    command = QtCore.Signal(str)

    def __init__(self):

class Worker(QtCore.QObject):

    def __init__(self):

    def do_something(self, text):
        print('current thread id = {}, message to worker = {}'.format(int(QtCore.QThread.currentThreadId()), text))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    app = QtCore.QCoreApplication([])

    # give us a thread and start it
    thread = QtCore.QThread()

    # create a worker and move it to our extra thread
    worker = Worker()

    # create a master object and connect it to the worker
    master = Master()

    # call a method of the worker directly (will be executed in the actual thread)
    worker.do_something('wrong way to communicate with worker')

    # communicate via signals, will execute the method now in the extra thread
    master.command.emit('right way to communicate with worker')

    # start the application and kill it after 1 second
    QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1000, app.quit)

    # don't forget to terminate the extra thread