
时间:2023-01-31 16:57:26

Is anyone aware of a vendor neutral XSD to describe a relational database schema? Our system needs to grab information about the structure of a database:


  • Tables
  • Columns and types
  • 列和类型

  • Primary and Foreign Keys Constraints
  • 主键和外键约束

  • Indexes
  • etc

in a vendor independent manner and store it in an XML file for later processing.


Before we do what we typically do and roll our own. I wanted to do some research and see if there was an existing XSD that people are standardizing on for what I assume is not an uncommon requirement for modeling tools and such. I did not find anything on Google that was not database vendor specific. If you know of an existing public standard I would very much appreciate a link.


Thanks in advance,



3 个解决方案


This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but the PostgresSQL Wiki has an interesting section on XML exports, that describes how they are supporting SQL and XML together. It displays a section on how a table would be exported as as XML and the XSD that would support it, which looks rather generic. It could serve as a model for you to create your own.

这不是您正在寻找的,但PostgresSQL Wiki有一个关于XML导出的有趣部分,它描述了它们如何一起支持SQL和XML。它显示了一个关于如何将表导出为XML的部分以及支持它的XSD,它看起来相当通用。它可以作为您创建自己的模型。

The Wiki talks about reference to a ISO/IEC 9075-14:2006 standard, that appears to be adopted by a few big vendors as a baseline. I quick browse on the ISO site says that :2006 was updated to 2008. I'm sure you can find a covered spec of this that you don't have to pay for to download.

Wiki讨论了ISO / IEC 9075-14:2006标准的提法,该标准似乎被少数大型供应商采用作为基准。我在ISO网站上快速浏览说:2006年更新到2008年。我相信你可以找到一个涵盖的规范,你不需要付费下载。

The article also points to a SQL/XML standard definition that is a bit outdated, but could serve your needs if you're looking for some basics.

本文还指出SQL / XML标准定义有点过时,但如果您正在寻找一些基础知识,它可以满足您的需求。


Interesting problem - I am not aware of any standard or tool to achieve this.

有趣的问题 - 我不知道有任何标准或工具来实现这一目标。

You would almost have to have some kind of a "neutralized" version with adapters for each individual database system you want to target - even just to map all the various data types (VARCHAR and NVARCHAR in SQL Server, VARCHAR2 in Oracle and so on).

您几乎必须拥有某种“中和”版本,其中包含适用于您要定位的每个数据库系统的适配器 - 甚至只是映射所有各种数据类型(SQL Server中的VARCHAR和NVARCHAR,Oracle中的VARCHAR2等) 。

You might just use the types defined in the SQL:2003 standard - but even then you'd probably still have to have some kind of a vendor-specific mapping / adaption of sorts. Not to mention some kind of support for vendor-specific implementation details (like IDENTITY columns in SQL Server vs. SEQUENCE in Oracle and others).

您可能只使用SQL:2003标准中定义的类型 - 但即便如此,您可能仍需要某种特定于供应商的映射/适应性类型。更不用说对特定于供应商的实现细节的某种支持(例如SQL Server中的IDENTITY列与Oracle中的SEQUENCE等)。

Very interesting question! I hope others will be able to shed more light on the issue and maybe recommend an existing tool.


If not, and you decide to roll your own - consider making it open-source on CodePlex or Google Code! I'm sure a lot of folks would be most interested!

如果没有,并且您决定自己推出 - 请考虑在CodePlex或Google Code上开源!我相信很多人会最感兴趣!



The UML Information Management Metamodel (IMM) Specification from OMG may worth a try.



This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but the PostgresSQL Wiki has an interesting section on XML exports, that describes how they are supporting SQL and XML together. It displays a section on how a table would be exported as as XML and the XSD that would support it, which looks rather generic. It could serve as a model for you to create your own.

这不是您正在寻找的,但PostgresSQL Wiki有一个关于XML导出的有趣部分,它描述了它们如何一起支持SQL和XML。它显示了一个关于如何将表导出为XML的部分以及支持它的XSD,它看起来相当通用。它可以作为您创建自己的模型。

The Wiki talks about reference to a ISO/IEC 9075-14:2006 standard, that appears to be adopted by a few big vendors as a baseline. I quick browse on the ISO site says that :2006 was updated to 2008. I'm sure you can find a covered spec of this that you don't have to pay for to download.

Wiki讨论了ISO / IEC 9075-14:2006标准的提法,该标准似乎被少数大型供应商采用作为基准。我在ISO网站上快速浏览说:2006年更新到2008年。我相信你可以找到一个涵盖的规范,你不需要付费下载。

The article also points to a SQL/XML standard definition that is a bit outdated, but could serve your needs if you're looking for some basics.

本文还指出SQL / XML标准定义有点过时,但如果您正在寻找一些基础知识,它可以满足您的需求。


Interesting problem - I am not aware of any standard or tool to achieve this.

有趣的问题 - 我不知道有任何标准或工具来实现这一目标。

You would almost have to have some kind of a "neutralized" version with adapters for each individual database system you want to target - even just to map all the various data types (VARCHAR and NVARCHAR in SQL Server, VARCHAR2 in Oracle and so on).

您几乎必须拥有某种“中和”版本,其中包含适用于您要定位的每个数据库系统的适配器 - 甚至只是映射所有各种数据类型(SQL Server中的VARCHAR和NVARCHAR,Oracle中的VARCHAR2等) 。

You might just use the types defined in the SQL:2003 standard - but even then you'd probably still have to have some kind of a vendor-specific mapping / adaption of sorts. Not to mention some kind of support for vendor-specific implementation details (like IDENTITY columns in SQL Server vs. SEQUENCE in Oracle and others).

您可能只使用SQL:2003标准中定义的类型 - 但即便如此,您可能仍需要某种特定于供应商的映射/适应性类型。更不用说对特定于供应商的实现细节的某种支持(例如SQL Server中的IDENTITY列与Oracle中的SEQUENCE等)。

Very interesting question! I hope others will be able to shed more light on the issue and maybe recommend an existing tool.


If not, and you decide to roll your own - consider making it open-source on CodePlex or Google Code! I'm sure a lot of folks would be most interested!

如果没有,并且您决定自己推出 - 请考虑在CodePlex或Google Code上开源!我相信很多人会最感兴趣!



The UML Information Management Metamodel (IMM) Specification from OMG may worth a try.
