oracle数据类型= number,指数与精度和比例有什么关系?

时间:2021-10-14 16:54:26

I've been trying to understand Oracle database's use of data type = number. I ran across the following link:

我一直在试图理解Oracle数据库对data type = number的使用。我遇到了以下链接:

ask tom


and I'm having trouble interpreting it. I should mention I don't have Oracle background, but approaching this from Matlab experience. I understand number data type has a precision and scale. What I don't understand is how the exponent is treated here. Is the exponent a separate consideration from precision and scale? Or, is the exponent limited by precision and scale?


Here's my confusion -- the above link starts with:


Q: I declared the datatype of a column of a table as NUMBER & Presumed it to be Number(38) to be specific. But What I found to be strange that, it is accepting digits beyong 38 1.111E+125. If the Datatype's precision is 38 and scale can range from -84 to 127 how this value can insert into the column.

问:我将表中某一列的数据类型声明为NUMBER,并假定为NUMBER(38)。但我发现奇怪的是,它接受的数字超过38位。1.111 e + 125。如果数据类型的精度为38,并且比例可以从-84到127,那么该值如何插入到列中。

A: and we said... 1.111e+125 only has 4 digits of precision (number of digits needed to represent the number -- in this case 1111).


Which seems to indicate the exponent is treated separate from precision and scale. But a few messages down someone else asks:


Q: When I create a table like: create table test(no number(7)) ; insert into test values(1.00e+25) ; it gives the following error message: ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column. Can u pls. explain this.

问:当我创建一个表时,比如:create table test(no number(7));插入测试值(1.00e+25);它给出以下错误消息:ORA-01438:值大于指定的精度,允许此列。你能解释一下吗?

A: you said 7 digits, you gave it 25


which seems to indicate the exponent is limited by the precision. Hoping someone can help me understand how both answers can be correct.


1 个解决方案



number(7) is an integer with (at most) seven digits (in the "normal" decimal representation). Note that fractions are not allowed. Numbers larger than 9,999,999 will not be accepted. This has nothing to do with how many significant digits they have. This is a "business constraint" put in place by you.


number(7,2) would be a number with seven digits, including two after the decimal point


number is a floating point number with 38 digits of precision (i.e. 38 significant digits, no matter where they are in relation to the decimal point). The exponent can be anything between -84 and 125. There are no "business contraints" here. You can store as much as Oracle can store (which is 38 digits and the exponent between -84 and 125).


Note that all these numbers are stored as decimal data (to avoid rounding errors when converting into binary), so "digits" really mean decimal digits (not binary bits).




number(7) is an integer with (at most) seven digits (in the "normal" decimal representation). Note that fractions are not allowed. Numbers larger than 9,999,999 will not be accepted. This has nothing to do with how many significant digits they have. This is a "business constraint" put in place by you.


number(7,2) would be a number with seven digits, including two after the decimal point


number is a floating point number with 38 digits of precision (i.e. 38 significant digits, no matter where they are in relation to the decimal point). The exponent can be anything between -84 and 125. There are no "business contraints" here. You can store as much as Oracle can store (which is 38 digits and the exponent between -84 and 125).


Note that all these numbers are stored as decimal data (to avoid rounding errors when converting into binary), so "digits" really mean decimal digits (not binary bits).
