
时间:2021-07-19 16:52:27

I'm seeing a huge performance hit in our enterprise application when changing the XML schema collection of a given column on a large table. Simplistically put, we're doing something like this:



(note: CustomFields was previously bound to XML(CustomFieldsSchemaCollection, but of course we need to modify that xml schema, so we need this statement so that that schema can be modified)


And then, after modifying the CustomFieldSchemaCollection, we do this:


ALTER TABLE HugeTable ALTER COLUMN CustomFields XML(CustomFieldSchemaCollection)

The first statement takes 8 minutes and the second statement takes 10 minutes.


We found we could slightly optimize the first statement (50% performance boost) by using the following:


ALTER TABLE HugeTable ALTER COLUMN CustomFields nvarchar(max)

The effect is that the first statement takes 4 minutes and the second statement takes 10 (so, 14 min, down from 18).


Bottom line question is... Is there a way to do this "xml schema re-binding" (or whatever one calls it) in a way that avoids SQL Server's totally unnecessary and redundant checking of every value in the column? (Note: yes, we can safely assume that the existing XML data in that table will conform to the new xml schema collection.)

底线的问题是……是否有一种方法可以避免SQL Server对列中的每个值进行完全不必要和冗余的检查,从而实现这种“xml模式重新绑定”(或任何调用它的方法)?(注意:是的,我们可以安全地假设该表中的现有XML数据将符合新的XML模式集合。)

Thanks to anyone who can assist!


1 个解决方案



If time really is a big issue (which on a 1 time upgrade shouldn't really matter much) could you consider just removing the underlying data, do your re-binding to the new schema, then do a bulk insert turning all the identity insert issues off etc...?


Or for a super stepwise, write a script that does the following as batches:


  1. Alter the table and add a new XML column with the new schema
  2. 修改表并使用新的模式绑定添加一个新的XML列。
  3. Set the new column data = new old column data
  4. 设置新的列数据=新的旧列数据
  5. Drop the old column.
  6. 把旧的列。
  7. Rename the new column to the old column name.
  8. 将新列重命名为旧列名。
  9. Modify Ordinality if needed (Different Topic... And unless all your consuming queries are written safely by specifying column names instead of relying on the
    underlying ordinality)
  10. 如果需要(不同的主题……)而且,除非所有的消费查询都是通过指定列名而不是依赖于底层的顺序来安全地编写的。



If time really is a big issue (which on a 1 time upgrade shouldn't really matter much) could you consider just removing the underlying data, do your re-binding to the new schema, then do a bulk insert turning all the identity insert issues off etc...?


Or for a super stepwise, write a script that does the following as batches:


  1. Alter the table and add a new XML column with the new schema
  2. 修改表并使用新的模式绑定添加一个新的XML列。
  3. Set the new column data = new old column data
  4. 设置新的列数据=新的旧列数据
  5. Drop the old column.
  6. 把旧的列。
  7. Rename the new column to the old column name.
  8. 将新列重命名为旧列名。
  9. Modify Ordinality if needed (Different Topic... And unless all your consuming queries are written safely by specifying column names instead of relying on the
    underlying ordinality)
  10. 如果需要(不同的主题……)而且,除非所有的消费查询都是通过指定列名而不是依赖于底层的顺序来安全地编写的。