解决 Azkaban Executor 启动后不会自动激活

时间:2022-02-12 16:52:15


通过翻看 Azkaban Executor Server 源码,发现 Executor 提供了 rest 接口,来手动激活 Executor.
为什么不在 Executor 启动时自动激活呢….官方 issue110 解释如下:

We don't update prior to web-server start.

Let me introduce how we do a regular Executor deployment. Both old webserver and old executor(3.a) are up initially, and old executor is running jobs (we can not interrupt it). Executor Deployment starts:

install new Executor (3.b) on our box without activating.
Run job tests, which targets 3.b and make sure 3.b is working.
Activate 3.b, and deactivate 3.a. Even though 3.a is deactivated, jobs still keep runnig there.
Deployment completes.
We would better run tests against new executor before activating it. Is it a bit clear now?


curl http://${executorHost}:${executorPort}/executor?action=activate
