
时间:2022-07-27 16:52:59

I need to store data from a cron job in Ruby on Rails so that my controllers can still access it. I'm not too sure what the best way is to do this. By the way I'm a Ruby on Rails newb, so perhaps what I'm asking is extremely simple.

我需要在Ruby on Rails中存储来自cron作业的数据,以便我的控制器仍然可以访问它。我不太清楚最好的办法是什么。顺便说一下,我是一个Ruby on Rails newb,所以也许我所要求的非常简单。

2 个解决方案



Check this out http://railscasts.com/episodes/164-cron-in-ruby (there is a revised version, but you have to pay $9 aprox. per month for pro videos).


You can make a task or a runner so you can access to ActiveRecord and store the data into some model.


For runners in Rails: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/command_line.html#rails-runner For tasks: http://erik.debill.org/2011/12/04/rake-for-rails-developers


Also, if you use tasks (which I recommend) watch this entry: Do rails rake tasks provide access to ActiveRecord models?

此外,如果您使用任务(我建议),请观看此条目:rails rake任务是否可以访问ActiveRecord模型?



One way to store the results of you cron job is the create a controller with basic authentication if you care about the security of your results.


See the API.


So after you save your results from you cron say to /tmp/myresults, you can post via

因此,在您将结果保存到cron / tmp / myresults之后,您可以发布通过

curl -d @/tmp/myresults  http:/myrailsapplcaition.com:3000:/path_tomypost_method



Check this out http://railscasts.com/episodes/164-cron-in-ruby (there is a revised version, but you have to pay $9 aprox. per month for pro videos).


You can make a task or a runner so you can access to ActiveRecord and store the data into some model.


For runners in Rails: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/command_line.html#rails-runner For tasks: http://erik.debill.org/2011/12/04/rake-for-rails-developers


Also, if you use tasks (which I recommend) watch this entry: Do rails rake tasks provide access to ActiveRecord models?

此外,如果您使用任务(我建议),请观看此条目:rails rake任务是否可以访问ActiveRecord模型?



One way to store the results of you cron job is the create a controller with basic authentication if you care about the security of your results.


See the API.


So after you save your results from you cron say to /tmp/myresults, you can post via

因此,在您将结果保存到cron / tmp / myresults之后,您可以发布通过

curl -d @/tmp/myresults  http:/myrailsapplcaition.com:3000:/path_tomypost_method