
时间:2021-07-12 16:50:34

Does anyone know of a way to issue commands to a hard drive within Java? Does Java even support this kind of hardware interaction?

有谁知道在Java中向硬盘驱动器发出命令的方法? Java甚至支持这种硬件交互吗?

For example, if I have a SCSI hard drive that I would like to inquiry, is there a pre-existing Java method to do this, or would I have to write my own?


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCSI has some general information on SCSI commands in case you aren't familiar.


4 个解决方案


Java doesn't support talking directly to hardware like that. However, you can use JNI to call a C/C++ function from Java that can.

Java不支持直接与这样的硬件对话。但是,您可以使用JNI从Java调用C / C ++函数。


Three words "JNI or JNA". I strongly recommend taking a look at the latter to see if it suits your situation, instead of just opting for JNI.



No, since Java runs in a "virtual" machine rather than a real one. But it could be used as a bridge as dj mentioned earlier using JNI.


According to Wikipedia JNI can also call assembly directly. JNI could be used to call complete programs written in C or C++

根据*,JNI也可以直接调用汇编。 JNI可用于调用用C或C ++编写的完整程序


you need to write the HDD interface code in C/C++ and then call that from Java using JNI

你需要用C / C ++编写硬盘接口代码,然后用JNI从Java调用它


Java doesn't support talking directly to hardware like that. However, you can use JNI to call a C/C++ function from Java that can.

Java不支持直接与这样的硬件对话。但是,您可以使用JNI从Java调用C / C ++函数。


Three words "JNI or JNA". I strongly recommend taking a look at the latter to see if it suits your situation, instead of just opting for JNI.



No, since Java runs in a "virtual" machine rather than a real one. But it could be used as a bridge as dj mentioned earlier using JNI.


According to Wikipedia JNI can also call assembly directly. JNI could be used to call complete programs written in C or C++

根据*,JNI也可以直接调用汇编。 JNI可用于调用用C或C ++编写的完整程序


you need to write the HDD interface code in C/C++ and then call that from Java using JNI

你需要用C / C ++编写硬盘接口代码,然后用JNI从Java调用它