
时间:2021-09-17 16:49:48

i totally stucked with this question, i had heard that there are 5 to 10 variables only can declare having datatype of register. i wish to know how many register datatype variables would be declare.it is pretty to seem. but this level of understanding we required while executing a programs.otherwise we mightstuck at runtime while execution thanks for your answers in advance


1).is registers(for datatypes) are vary to different types of compilers/machines??
2).how many register datatype variables could we pick ?
3).what are all these registers?(i mean cpu reg, memory reg, general purpose reg???)

1).is register (for datatypes)在不同类型的编译器/机器上是不同的?2).我们可以选择多少个注册数据类型变量?这些登记簿是什么?(我是指cpu reg,内存reg, general purpose reg??)

3 个解决方案



register is no more a useful keyword in C programs compiled by a recent C optimizing compiler (e.g. recent versions of GCC or Clang/LLVM).


Today, it simply means that a variable qualified as register cannot be the operand of the & unary address-of operator (notice that register is a qualifier like const or volatile are, not a data type like int).

今天,它仅仅意味着一个限定为寄存器的变量不可能是& unary address-of操作符的操作数(注意,寄存器是像const或volatile这样的限定符,而不是像int这样的数据类型)。

In the 1990s, register was then an important keyword for compilers.


The compiler (when optimizing) does a pretty good job about register allocation and spilling.


Try to compile your favorite C function with e.g. gcc -Wall -O2 -fverbose-asm -S; you'll get an assembly file suffixed .s and you could look inside it; the compiler is doing pretty well about register allocation.

尝试编译你最喜欢的C函数,例如gcc -Wall -O2 -fverbose -S;你会得到一个装配文件后缀。s,你可以看看里面;编译器在寄存器分配方面做得很好。

Notice that GCC provides language extensions to put a few global (or local) variables in explicit registers. This is rarely useful, and it is target processor and ABI specific.


BTW, on desktop or laptop processors, the CPU cache matters a lot more than the registers (see references and hints in this answer to another question).




In C there is no way to explicitely define variable in CPU registers. You may barely hint a compiler with register specifier, but there is no point to do it nowadays, as compilers have sophisticated optimizer, which takes care of registers allocation.




do not use register. The optomizer will do a better job




register is no more a useful keyword in C programs compiled by a recent C optimizing compiler (e.g. recent versions of GCC or Clang/LLVM).


Today, it simply means that a variable qualified as register cannot be the operand of the & unary address-of operator (notice that register is a qualifier like const or volatile are, not a data type like int).

今天,它仅仅意味着一个限定为寄存器的变量不可能是& unary address-of操作符的操作数(注意,寄存器是像const或volatile这样的限定符,而不是像int这样的数据类型)。

In the 1990s, register was then an important keyword for compilers.


The compiler (when optimizing) does a pretty good job about register allocation and spilling.


Try to compile your favorite C function with e.g. gcc -Wall -O2 -fverbose-asm -S; you'll get an assembly file suffixed .s and you could look inside it; the compiler is doing pretty well about register allocation.

尝试编译你最喜欢的C函数,例如gcc -Wall -O2 -fverbose -S;你会得到一个装配文件后缀。s,你可以看看里面;编译器在寄存器分配方面做得很好。

Notice that GCC provides language extensions to put a few global (or local) variables in explicit registers. This is rarely useful, and it is target processor and ABI specific.


BTW, on desktop or laptop processors, the CPU cache matters a lot more than the registers (see references and hints in this answer to another question).




In C there is no way to explicitely define variable in CPU registers. You may barely hint a compiler with register specifier, but there is no point to do it nowadays, as compilers have sophisticated optimizer, which takes care of registers allocation.




do not use register. The optomizer will do a better job
