
时间:2022-09-02 16:53:03

I am running a data erasure program on a Linux (Ubuntu) machine. This machine erases many hard drives each day and I would like to be able to collect basic information about the hard drives for research purposes. One thing that I would like to know about a hard drive is the operating system that the hard drive was used with. This is probably only possible if the drive in question was once the boot drive.

我在Linux (Ubuntu)机器上运行一个数据删除程序。这台机器每天擦除许多硬盘驱动器,我希望能够收集有关硬盘驱动器的基本信息以供研究之用。我想知道的一件事是硬盘是使用硬盘的操作系统。这可能只有在涉及的驱动器是一次引导驱动器时才有可能实现。

Neither of main hard drive diagnostic tools, hdparm and smartmontools, have the functionality built in to identify the associated operating system. There do not appear to be any existing tools to achieve this, so I imagine I will have to build my own.


My best solution follows this basic outline:


  1. Determine Filesystem of hard drive
  2. 确定硬盘驱动器的文件系统
  3. Mount hard drive
  4. 挂载硬盘
  5. Use clues about the directory structure, existence of files, and modification times of files to determine the OS and build.
  6. 使用有关目录结构、文件存在和文件修改时间的线索来确定操作系统和构建。

So unless there is some magical tool I'm unaware of that already does this for me, my main question is how to achieve step number 3.


I know a few identifying features so far and also found this thread, where someone posted the helpful information about determining the XP service pack level, as well as some other things useful for identifying groups of Microsoft operating systems the hard drive might be a part of.


Are there any detectives on SO who can identify an operating system based on a glance the directory structure and existing files? Or does anyone know where I might go to find such knowledge?


1 个解决方案



I'd just grab the knowledge from a configuration management tool, e.g. puppet, chef, cdist, etc. cdist's OS detection code is simple - https://github.com/telmich/cdist/blob/master/conf/explorer/os - and might help.




I'd just grab the knowledge from a configuration management tool, e.g. puppet, chef, cdist, etc. cdist's OS detection code is simple - https://github.com/telmich/cdist/blob/master/conf/explorer/os - and might help.
