
时间:2021-08-19 16:52:12

I did some tests with enums and bitwise operators today and to verify the functionality with Xcode I created a series of tests. Here's the full Gist which I will keep public.



For the enum I have set bit shifted values so that I can use bitwise operators to check values. Here is the typedef for the enum for MyState.


typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, MyState) {
    MyStateNone                 = 0,            // (0000 = 0)
    MyStateOn                   = (1 << 0),     // (1000 = 1)
    MyStateOff                  = (1 << 1),     // (0100 = 2)
    MyStateEnabled              = (1 << 2),     // (0010 = 4)
    MyStateDisabled             = (1 << 3),     // (0001 = 8)
    MyStateOnAndEnabled         = MyStateOn | MyStateEnabled,   // 5
    MyStateOffAndDisabled       = MyStateOff | MyStateDisabled  // 10

You can see that the on, off, enabled and disabled state are in sequence which would allow for shifting the values to change states from On and Enabled to Off and Disabled. The bits would go from 1010 to 0101.


I believe that should be a right shift (>>) but in my tests it is a left shift which works. Below are the test functions. Why is it working with the opposite shift operators from what I am expecting? Maybe my understanding is opposite of what it does. That seems to be the case.


Left shift seems to put a 0 on the left side, moving all bits to the right. I thought it meant that left shift meant all bits moved left. Could someone clarify? Thanks.


- (void)testBitShiftingToOnAndEnabled {
    // Note: shifting enum values is ill advised but useful academically

    MyState state = MyStateOffAndDisabled; // 0101 (10)
    NSLog(@"state: %lu", (unsigned long)state);
    // if both values are shifted 1 to the right it becomes off and disabled
    state >>= 1; // 1010 (5)
    NSLog(@"state: %lu", (unsigned long)state);

    XCTAssert(state == MyStateOnAndEnabled, @"Pass");
    XCTAssert(state == 5, @"Pass");

- (void)testBitShiftingToOffAndDisabled {
    // Note: shifting enum values is ill adviced but useful academically

    MyState state = MyStateOnAndEnabled; // 1010 (5)
    NSLog(@"state: %lu", (unsigned long)state);
    // if both values are shifted 1 to the left it becomes off and disabled
    state <<= 1; // 0101 (10)
    NSLog(@"state: %lu", (unsigned long)state);

    XCTAssert(state == MyStateOffAndDisabled, @"Pass");
    XCTAssert(state == 10, @"Pass");

1 个解决方案


The expression 1<<2 means to shift the bits for the value 1 to the left 2 places. Think of the << as arrows pointing left.

表达式1 << 2表示将值1的位移位到左侧2位。想想< <左箭头指向左边。< p>

The value 1 in binary (8-bits):



Now shift the bits to the left 2 places:



That's why 1<<2 changes the value 1 to 4.

这就是1 << 2将值1改为4的原因。

Your misunderstanding is that the bit ordering starts on the right and goes to the left.


Updated comments for your code:


typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, MyState) {
    MyStateNone                 = 0,            // (0000 = 0)
    MyStateOn                   = (1 << 0),     // (0001 = 1)
    MyStateOff                  = (1 << 1),     // (0010 = 2)
    MyStateEnabled              = (1 << 2),     // (0100 = 4)
    MyStateDisabled             = (1 << 3),     // (1000 = 8)
    MyStateOnAndEnabled         = MyStateOn | MyStateEnabled,   // 5
    MyStateOffAndDisabled       = MyStateOff | MyStateDisabled  // 10

BTW - this is basic C. None this is specific to Objective-C.

顺便说一句 - 这是基本的C.没有这是Objective-C特有的。


The expression 1<<2 means to shift the bits for the value 1 to the left 2 places. Think of the << as arrows pointing left.

表达式1 << 2表示将值1的位移位到左侧2位。想想< <左箭头指向左边。< p>

The value 1 in binary (8-bits):



Now shift the bits to the left 2 places:



That's why 1<<2 changes the value 1 to 4.

这就是1 << 2将值1改为4的原因。

Your misunderstanding is that the bit ordering starts on the right and goes to the left.


Updated comments for your code:


typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, MyState) {
    MyStateNone                 = 0,            // (0000 = 0)
    MyStateOn                   = (1 << 0),     // (0001 = 1)
    MyStateOff                  = (1 << 1),     // (0010 = 2)
    MyStateEnabled              = (1 << 2),     // (0100 = 4)
    MyStateDisabled             = (1 << 3),     // (1000 = 8)
    MyStateOnAndEnabled         = MyStateOn | MyStateEnabled,   // 5
    MyStateOffAndDisabled       = MyStateOff | MyStateDisabled  // 10

BTW - this is basic C. None this is specific to Objective-C.

顺便说一句 - 这是基本的C.没有这是Objective-C特有的。