
时间:2021-12-07 16:48:52

I am trying to calculate the total probability of an investment returning positive after a given number of periods. It's been a while since I've done probability, so I don't really remember it all that well. Am I doing it right? I am getting fairly low numbers.


double totalProbPos = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < maxPeriods; i++) {
    totalProbPos *= (probPos / 100);
totalProbPos = round(totalProbPos);
System.out.println("\nThe probability that your investment will return positive after " + maxPeriods + " periods is: \n    " + totalProbPos + "%.");

Where:maxPeriods, probPos are given by the user.


2 个解决方案



totalProbPos *= (probPos / 100);

It is better to cast one of the operands to double to avoid integer divison issue (assuming you care about decimal points)


totalProbPos *= ((double)probPos / 100);



I guess (with the emphasis on "guess") that the way to approach this problem is to try to derive a probability distribution for the return on investment at the end time. Then you just find the probability that the return is greater than zero (i.e., integral from 0 to infinity of the probability density). The probability distribution for return at the end time might be something like a Gaussian (normal) distribution, or it might be a distribution over discrete states, as given by a Markov chain. Maybe the original problem statement has some info which would help one figure out what to do.




totalProbPos *= (probPos / 100);

It is better to cast one of the operands to double to avoid integer divison issue (assuming you care about decimal points)


totalProbPos *= ((double)probPos / 100);



I guess (with the emphasis on "guess") that the way to approach this problem is to try to derive a probability distribution for the return on investment at the end time. Then you just find the probability that the return is greater than zero (i.e., integral from 0 to infinity of the probability density). The probability distribution for return at the end time might be something like a Gaussian (normal) distribution, or it might be a distribution over discrete states, as given by a Markov chain. Maybe the original problem statement has some info which would help one figure out what to do.
