
时间:2021-08-13 16:49:43

I'm quite new to c++ so thera are a bunch of questions I've got but for now this one drives my crazy:


I've ot a json response and want to parse one object as long (because it's a timestamp). After that I want tp parse that long to a time_point object via



So this is what I got for now:


auto last_change_date_long = (long long)json_troubleticket["lastChangeDate"].int_value();
time_t last_change_date_raw = time_t(last_change_date_long);
auto last_change_date = chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(last_change_date_raw);

It compiles, but if i run this (while I know the value for lastChangeDate is 1480702672000) it's result is 2147483647000 ...


Does anyone have a suggestion what went wrong?


1 个解决方案



This will do it:


auto i = 1480702672000;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point tp{std::chrono::milliseconds{i}};

Note that the above is not guaranteed to work by the standard because the epoch of system_clock is unspecified. However all implementations are currently using Unix Time, and I have an informal agreement with the implementors that they will not deviate from this while I try to standardize this existing practice.


The reason you're seeing the behavior you have is that your json is counting milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, but time_t typically counts seconds (though that is also not specified by the standard). So at the point where you create last_change_date_raw from last_change_date_long, you're implicitly converting milliseconds to seconds. This would result in a date midway through the year 48891. The implementation of from_time_t is likely freaking out about that (overflowing).

看到这种行为的原因是,您的json从1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC开始计算毫秒数,但是time_t通常计算秒数(尽管标准也没有指定)。因此,当您从last_change_date_long创建last_change_raw时,您将隐式地将毫秒转换为秒。这将导致在48891年中期的一个日期。from_time_t的实现可能会因为这个(溢出)而抓狂。

Fwiw, this particular time point represents:


2016-12-02 18:17:52.000 UTC



This will do it:


auto i = 1480702672000;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point tp{std::chrono::milliseconds{i}};

Note that the above is not guaranteed to work by the standard because the epoch of system_clock is unspecified. However all implementations are currently using Unix Time, and I have an informal agreement with the implementors that they will not deviate from this while I try to standardize this existing practice.


The reason you're seeing the behavior you have is that your json is counting milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, but time_t typically counts seconds (though that is also not specified by the standard). So at the point where you create last_change_date_raw from last_change_date_long, you're implicitly converting milliseconds to seconds. This would result in a date midway through the year 48891. The implementation of from_time_t is likely freaking out about that (overflowing).

看到这种行为的原因是,您的json从1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC开始计算毫秒数,但是time_t通常计算秒数(尽管标准也没有指定)。因此,当您从last_change_date_long创建last_change_raw时,您将隐式地将毫秒转换为秒。这将导致在48891年中期的一个日期。from_time_t的实现可能会因为这个(溢出)而抓狂。

Fwiw, this particular time point represents:


2016-12-02 18:17:52.000 UTC