type KubeletConfiguration struct 略内容太多
type Pod struct {是运行在一个host上容器的集合,通过客户端创建并调度到hosts
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
// Standard object's metadata.
// More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata
// +optional
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=metadata"`
// Specification of the desired behavior of the pod.
// More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status
// +optional
Spec PodSpec `json:"spec,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=spec"`
// Most recently observed status of the pod.
// This data may not be up to date.
// Populated by the system.
// Read-only.
// More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status
// +optional
Status PodStatus `json:"status,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=status"`
一. Kubelet启动流程
main 入口
cmd/kubelet/kubelet.go 源码如下:
func main() {
s := options.NewKubeletServer()
defer logs.FlushLogs()
if s.ExperimentalDockershim {
if err := app.RunDockershim(&s.KubeletConfiguration, &s.ContainerRuntimeOptions); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
if err := app.Run(s, nil); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
- options.NewKubeletServer(): 创建了一个KubeletServer结构
- 日志等的初始化
- verflag.PrintAndExitIfRequested(): 判断了参数是否是help,是的话直接打印help退出。
- 最后就关键函数app.Run(s, nil)
func run(s *options.KubeletServer, kubeDeps *kubelet.KubeletDeps) (err error) {
// TODO: this should be replaced by a --standalone flag
standaloneMode := (len(s.APIServerList) == 0 && !s.RequireKubeConfig)
if s.ExitOnLockContention && s.LockFilePath == "" {
return errors.New("cannot exit on lock file contention: no lock file specified")
done := make(chan struct{})
if s.LockFilePath != "" {
glog.Infof("acquiring file lock on %q", s.LockFilePath)
if err := flock.Acquire(s.LockFilePath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to acquire file lock on %q: %v", s.LockFilePath, err)
if s.ExitOnLockContention {
glog.Infof("watching for inotify events for: %v", s.LockFilePath)
if err := watchForLockfileContention(s.LockFilePath, done); err != nil {
return err
// Set feature gates based on the value in KubeletConfiguration
err = utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Set(s.KubeletConfiguration.FeatureGates)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: this should be replaced by a --standalone flag
standaloneMode := (len(s.APIServerList) == 0 && !s.RequireKubeConfig)
if s.ExitOnLockContention && s.LockFilePath == "" {
return errors.New("cannot exit on lock file contention: no lock file specified")
done := make(chan struct{})
if s.LockFilePath != "" {
glog.Infof("acquiring file lock on %q", s.LockFilePath)
if err := flock.Acquire(s.LockFilePath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to acquire file lock on %q: %v", s.LockFilePath, err)
if s.ExitOnLockContention {
glog.Infof("watching for inotify events for: %v", s.LockFilePath)
if err := watchForLockfileContention(s.LockFilePath, done); err != nil {
return err
// Set feature gates based on the value in KubeletConfiguration
err = utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Set(s.KubeletConfiguration.FeatureGates)
if err != nil {
return err
func UnsecuredKubeletDeps(s *options.KubeletServer) (*kubelet.KubeletDeps, error) {
// Initialize the TLS Options
tlsOptions, err := InitializeTLS(&s.KubeletFlags, &s.KubeletConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mounter := mount.New(s.ExperimentalMounterPath)
var writer kubeio.Writer = &kubeio.StdWriter{}
if s.Containerized {
glog.V(2).Info("Running kubelet in containerized mode (experimental)")
mounter = mount.NewNsenterMounter()
writer = &kubeio.NsenterWriter{}
var dockerClient libdocker.Interface
if s.ContainerRuntime == kubetypes.DockerContainerRuntime {
dockerClient = libdocker.ConnectToDockerOrDie(s.DockerEndpoint, s.RuntimeRequestTimeout.Duration,
} else {
dockerClient = nil
return &kubelet.KubeletDeps{
Auth: nil, // default does not enforce auth[nz]
CAdvisorInterface: nil, // cadvisor.New launches background processes (bg http.ListenAndServe, and some bg cleaners), not set here
Cloud: nil, // cloud provider might start background processes
ContainerManager: nil,
DockerClient: dockerClient,
KubeClient: nil,
ExternalKubeClient: nil,
Mounter: mounter,
NetworkPlugins: ProbeNetworkPlugins(s.NetworkPluginDir, s.CNIConfDir, s.CNIBinDir),
OOMAdjuster: oom.NewOOMAdjuster(),
OSInterface: kubecontainer.RealOS{},
Writer: writer,
VolumePlugins: ProbeVolumePlugins(s.VolumePluginDir),
TLSOptions: tlsOptions,
}, nil
// Initialize the TLS Options
tlsOptions, err := InitializeTLS(&s.KubeletFlags, &s.KubeletConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mounter := mount.New(s.ExperimentalMounterPath)
var writer kubeio.Writer = &kubeio.StdWriter{}
if s.Containerized {
glog.V(2).Info("Running kubelet in containerized mode (experimental)")
mounter = mount.NewNsenterMounter()
writer = &kubeio.NsenterWriter{}
var dockerClient libdocker.Interface
if s.ContainerRuntime == kubetypes.DockerContainerRuntime {
dockerClient = libdocker.ConnectToDockerOrDie(s.DockerEndpoint, s.RuntimeRequestTimeout.Duration,
} else {
dockerClient = nil
return &kubelet.KubeletDeps{
Auth: nil, // default does not enforce auth[nz]
CAdvisorInterface: nil, // cadvisor.New launches background processes (bg http.ListenAndServe, and some bg cleaners), not set here
Cloud: nil, // cloud provider might start background processes
ContainerManager: nil,
DockerClient: dockerClient,
KubeClient: nil,
ExternalKubeClient: nil,
Mounter: mounter,
NetworkPlugins: ProbeNetworkPlugins(s.NetworkPluginDir, s.CNIConfDir, s.CNIBinDir),
OOMAdjuster: oom.NewOOMAdjuster(),
OSInterface: kubecontainer.RealOS{},
Writer: writer,
VolumePlugins: ProbeVolumePlugins(s.VolumePluginDir),
TLSOptions: tlsOptions,
}, nil
- 初始化TLS证书啥的
- kubelet可能会以容器的方式部署,需要配置标准输出,若部署到容器中,就会有namespace隔离的问题,导致kubelet无法访问docker容器的namespace,所以这里会进行判断,如果运行在容器中的话,就需要用到nsenter,它可以协助kubelet到指定的namespace运行命令。
- 返回KuneletDeps结构体
二. Kubelet运行
内部,我们看到它最终会调用 startKublet
函数func RunKubelet(kubeFlags *options.KubeletFlags, kubeCfg *componentconfig.KubeletConfiguration, kubeDeps *kubelet.KubeletDeps, runOnce bool, standaloneMode bool) error {运行 kubelet 主要启动两个功能,
// process pods and exit.
if runOnce {
if _, err := k.RunOnce(podCfg.Updates()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("runonce failed: %v", err)
glog.Infof("Started kubelet %s as runonce", version.Get().String())
} else {
startKubelet(k, podCfg, kubeCfg, kubeDeps)
glog.Infof("Started kubelet %s", version.Get().String())
return nil
来进入主循环,执行入口一个管道,会实时地发送过来 pod 最新的配置信息是 k.Run(podCfg.Updates())
启动 kubelet 的 API 服务。
func (kl *Kubelet) Run(updates <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate) {基本上就是
// init modulers,如imageManager、containerManager、oomWathcer、resourceAnalyzer
if err := kl.initializeModules(); err != nil {
kl.recorder.Eventf(kl.nodeRef, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.KubeletSetupFailed, err.Error())
// Start volume manager
go kl.volumeManager.Run(kl.sourcesReady, wait.NeverStop)
// 起协程,定时向APIServer更新node status
if kl.kubeClient != nil {
// Start syncing node status immediately, this may set up things the runtime needs to run.
go wait.Until(kl.syncNodeStatus, kl.nodeStatusUpdateFrequency, wait.NeverStop)
// 起协程,定时同步网络状态
go wait.Until(kl.syncNetworkStatus, 30*time.Second, wait.NeverStop)
go wait.Until(kl.updateRuntimeUp, 5*time.Second, wait.NeverStop)
// Start loop to sync iptables util rules
if kl.makeIPTablesUtilChains {
go wait.Until(kl.syncNetworkUtil, 1*time.Minute, wait.NeverStop)
// Start a goroutine responsible for killing pods (that are not properly
// handled by pod workers).
// 起协程,定时处理那些被killing pods
go wait.Until(kl.podKiller, 1*time.Second, wait.NeverStop)
// Start gorouting responsible for checking limits in resolv.conf
if kl.resolverConfig != "" {
go wait.Until(func() { kl.checkLimitsForResolvConf() }, 30*time.Second, wait.NeverStop)
// Start component sync loops.
// Start the pod lifecycle event generator.
// 开启pods事件,用于处理APIServer下发的任务,updates是一个管道
kl.syncLoop(updates, kl)
各种组件的启动,每个组件都是以 goroutine 运行的。最后的syncLoop处理所有 pod 更新的主循环,获取 pod 的变化(新建、修改和删除),调用对应的处理函数保证节点上的容器符合 pod 的配置。
func (kl *Kubelet) syncLoop(updates <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate, handler SyncHandler) {从三个channel观察pod变化,file api-server http。当有变化时调用对应的处理函数,保证 pod 处于期望的状态。如果没有变化,会定期保证所有的容器和最新的期望状态保持一致。 循环调用
glog.Info("Starting kubelet main sync loop.")
// The resyncTicker wakes up kubelet to checks if there are any pod workers
// that need to be sync'd. A one-second period is sufficient because the
// sync interval is defaulted to 10s.
syncTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer syncTicker.Stop()
housekeepingTicker := time.NewTicker(housekeepingPeriod)
defer housekeepingTicker.Stop()
plegCh := kl.pleg.Watch()
for {
if rs := kl.runtimeState.runtimeErrors(); len(rs) != 0 {
glog.Infof("skipping pod synchronization - %v", rs)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
if !kl.syncLoopIteration(updates, handler, syncTicker.C, housekeepingTicker.C, plegCh) {
方法。如果在每次出现错误,kubelet 会记录到 runtimeState
中,就等待 5 秒中继续循环。
syncLoopIteration代码如下所示:func (kl *Kubelet) syncLoopIteration(configCh <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate, handler SyncHandler,configCh: 对于配置更改分发pods适合的回调接口处理事件
syncCh <-chan time.Time, housekeepingCh <-chan time.Time, plegCh <-chan *pleg.PodLifecycleEvent) bool {
select {
case u, open := <-configCh:
// Update from a config source; dispatch it to the right handler
// callback.
if !open {
glog.Errorf("Update channel is closed. Exiting the sync loop.")
return false
switch u.Op {
case kubetypes.ADD:
glog.V(2).Infof("SyncLoop (ADD, %q): %q", u.Source, format.Pods(u.Pods))
// After restarting, kubelet will get all existing pods through
// ADD as if they are new pods. These pods will then go through the
// admission process and *may* be rejected. This can be resolved
// once we have checkpointing.
case kubetypes.UPDATE:
glog.V(2).Infof("SyncLoop (UPDATE, %q): %q", u.Source, format.PodsWithDeletiontimestamps(u.Pods))
case kubetypes.REMOVE:
glog.V(2).Infof("SyncLoop (REMOVE, %q): %q", u.Source, format.Pods(u.Pods))
case kubetypes.RECONCILE:
glog.V(4).Infof("SyncLoop (RECONCILE, %q): %q", u.Source, format.Pods(u.Pods))
case kubetypes.DELETE:
glog.V(2).Infof("SyncLoop (DELETE, %q): %q", u.Source, format.Pods(u.Pods))
// DELETE is treated as a UPDATE because of graceful deletion.
case kubetypes.SET:
// TODO: Do we want to support this?
glog.Errorf("Kubelet does not support snapshot update")
// Mark the source ready after receiving at least one update from the
// source. Once all the sources are marked ready, various cleanup
// routines will start reclaiming resources. It is important that this
// takes place only after kubelet calls the update handler to process
// the update to ensure the internal pod cache is up-to-date.
case e := <-plegCh:
if isSyncPodWorthy(e) {
// PLEG event for a pod; sync it.
if pod, ok := kl.podManager.GetPodByUID(e.ID); ok {
glog.V(2).Infof("SyncLoop (PLEG): %q, event: %#v", format.Pod(pod), e)
} else {
// If the pod no longer exists, ignore the event.
glog.V(4).Infof("SyncLoop (PLEG): ignore irrelevant event: %#v", e)
if e.Type == pleg.ContainerDied {
if containerID, ok := e.Data.(string); ok {
kl.cleanUpContainersInPod(e.ID, containerID)
case <-syncCh:
// Sync pods waiting for sync
podsToSync := kl.getPodsToSync()
if len(podsToSync) == 0 {
glog.V(4).Infof("SyncLoop (SYNC): %d pods; %s", len(podsToSync), format.Pods(podsToSync))
case update := <-kl.livenessManager.Updates():
if update.Result == proberesults.Failure {
// The liveness manager detected a failure; sync the pod.
// We should not use the pod from livenessManager, because it is never updated after
// initialization.
pod, ok := kl.podManager.GetPodByUID(update.PodUID)
if !ok {
// If the pod no longer exists, ignore the update.
glog.V(4).Infof("SyncLoop (container unhealthy): ignore irrelevant update: %#v", update)
glog.V(1).Infof("SyncLoop (container unhealthy): %q", format.Pod(pod))
case <-housekeepingCh:
if !kl.sourcesReady.AllReady() {
// If the sources aren't ready or volume manager has not yet synced the states,
// skip housekeeping, as we may accidentally delete pods from unready sources.
glog.V(4).Infof("SyncLoop (housekeeping, skipped): sources aren't ready yet.")
} else {
glog.V(4).Infof("SyncLoop (housekeeping)")
if err := handler.HandlePodCleanups(); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed cleaning pods: %v", err)
return true
- 事件类型有kubetypes.ADD
- 事件类型有kubetypes.UPDATE
- 事件类型有kubetypes.REMOVE
- 事件类型有kubetypes.RECONCILE
- 事件类型有kubetypes.DELETE
- 事件类型有kubetypes.SET
分析用户添加新 pod 的情况,也就是
func (kl *Kubelet) HandlePodAdditions(pods []*v1.Pod) {
start := kl.clock.Now()
for _, pod := range pods {
existingPods := kl.podManager.GetPods()
// Always add the pod to the pod manager. Kubelet relies on the pod
// manager as the source of truth for the desired state. If a pod does
// not exist in the pod manager, it means that it has been deleted in
// the apiserver and no action (other than cleanup) is required.
if kubepod.IsMirrorPod(pod) {
kl.handleMirrorPod(pod, start)
if !kl.podIsTerminated(pod) {
// Only go through the admission process if the pod is not
// terminated.
// We failed pods that we rejected, so activePods include all admitted
// pods that are alive.
activePods := kl.filterOutTerminatedPods(existingPods)
// Check if we can admit the pod; if not, reject it.
if ok, reason, message := kl.canAdmitPod(activePods, pod); !ok {
kl.rejectPod(pod, reason, message)
mirrorPod, _ := kl.podManager.GetMirrorPodByPod(pod)
kl.dispatchWork(pod, kubetypes.SyncPodCreate, mirrorPod, start)
- 把所有的 pod 按照创建日期排序,最先创建的 pod 会先被处理
- 验证 pod 是否能在该节点运行,如果不可以拒绝
- 把 pod 分配给给 worker 做异步处理
func (kl *Kubelet) dispatchWork(pod *v1.Pod, syncType kubetypes.SyncPodType, mirrorPod *v1.Pod, start time.Time) {
if kl.podIsTerminated(pod) {
if pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
// If the pod is in a terminated state, there is no pod worker to
// handle the work item. Check if the DeletionTimestamp has been
// set, and force a status update to trigger a pod deletion request
// to the apiserver.
// Run the sync in an async worker.
Pod: pod,
MirrorPod: mirrorPod,
UpdateType: syncType,
OnCompleteFunc: func(err error) {
if err != nil {
// Note the number of containers for new pods.
if syncType == kubetypes.SyncPodCreate {
func (p *podWorkers) UpdatePod(options *UpdatePodOptions) {检查podUpdates这个map,由于是新创建的pod,会创建一个go routine,执行函数mannagePodLoop。
pod := options.Pod
uid := pod.UID
var podUpdates chan UpdatePodOptions
var exists bool
defer p.podLock.Unlock()
if podUpdates, exists = p.podUpdates[uid]; !exists {
// We need to have a buffer here, because checkForUpdates() method that
// puts an update into channel is called from the same goroutine where
// the channel is consumed. However, it is guaranteed that in such case
// the channel is empty, so buffer of size 1 is enough.
podUpdates = make(chan UpdatePodOptions, 1)
p.podUpdates[uid] = podUpdates
// Creating a new pod worker either means this is a new pod, or that the
// kubelet just restarted. In either case the kubelet is willing to believe
// the status of the pod for the first pod worker sync. See corresponding
// comment in syncPod.
go func() {
defer runtime.HandleCrash()
if !p.isWorking[pod.UID] {
p.isWorking[pod.UID] = true
podUpdates <- *options
} else {
// if a request to kill a pod is pending, we do not let anything overwrite that request.
update, found := p.lastUndeliveredWorkUpdate[pod.UID]
if !found || update.UpdateType != kubetypes.SyncPodKill {
p.lastUndeliveredWorkUpdate[pod.UID] = *options
func (p *podWorkers) managePodLoop(podUpdates <-chan UpdatePodOptions) {manangePodLoop调用syncPodFn函数去同步Pod,syncPodFn这个函数实际上是syncPod函数
var lastSyncTime time.Time
for update := range podUpdates {
err := func() error {
podUID := update.Pod.UID
// This is a blocking call that would return only if the cache
// has an entry for the pod that is newer than minRuntimeCache
// Time. This ensures the worker doesn't start syncing until
// after the cache is at least newer than the finished time of
// the previous sync.
status, err := p.podCache.GetNewerThan(podUID, lastSyncTime)
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.syncPodFn(syncPodOptions{
mirrorPod: update.MirrorPod,
pod: update.Pod,
podStatus: status,
killPodOptions: update.KillPodOptions,
updateType: update.UpdateType,
lastSyncTime = time.Now()
return err
// notify the call-back function if the operation succeeded or not
if update.OnCompleteFunc != nil {
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error syncing pod %s (%q), skipping: %v", update.Pod.UID, format.Pod(update.Pod), err)
// if we failed sync, we throw more specific events for why it happened.
// as a result, i question the value of this event.
// TODO: determine if we can remove this in a future release.
// do not include descriptive text that can vary on why it failed so in a pathological
// scenario, kubelet does not create enough discrete events that miss default aggregation
// window.
p.recorder.Eventf(update.Pod, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedSync, "Error syncing pod")
p.wrapUp(update.Pod.UID, err)
syncPod函数内容比较多,挑比较容易理解的讲解一下,哈哈: makePodDataDirs,创建pod数据目录,三个目录,pod,volume,plugin。即目录/var/lib/kubelet/uuid
func (kl *Kubelet) makePodDataDirs(pod *v1.Pod) error {
uid := pod.UID
if err := os.MkdirAll(kl.getPodDir(uid), 0750); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(kl.getPodVolumesDir(uid), 0750); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(kl.getPodPluginsDir(uid), 0750); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return err
return nil
func (vm *volumeManager) WaitForAttachAndMount(pod *v1.Pod) error {
expectedVolumes := getExpectedVolumes(pod)
if len(expectedVolumes) == 0 {
// No volumes to verify
return nil
glog.V(3).Infof("Waiting for volumes to attach and mount for pod %q", format.Pod(pod))
uniquePodName := volumehelper.GetUniquePodName(pod)
// Some pods expect to have Setup called over and over again to update.
// Remount plugins for which this is true. (Atomically updating volumes,
// like Downward API, depend on this to update the contents of the volume).
err := wait.Poll(
vm.verifyVolumesMountedFunc(uniquePodName, expectedVolumes))
if err != nil {
// Timeout expired
unmountedVolumes :=
vm.getUnmountedVolumes(uniquePodName, expectedVolumes)
if len(unmountedVolumes) == 0 {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf(
"timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount for pod %q/%q. list of unattached/unmounted volumes=%v",
glog.V(3).Infof("All volumes are attached and mounted for pod %q", format.Pod(pod))
return nil
}如果有 image secrets,去 apiserver 获取对应的 secrets 数据
如果有 image secrets,去 apiserver 获取对应的 secrets 数据
func (kl *Kubelet) getPullSecretsForPod(pod *v1.Pod) []v1.Secret {最终调用的是containerRuntime.SyncPod函数创建container,函数位置pkg/kublet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_manager.go
pullSecrets := []v1.Secret{}
for _, secretRef := range pod.Spec.ImagePullSecrets {
secret, err := kl.secretManager.GetSecret(pod.Namespace, secretRef.Name)
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("Unable to retrieve pull secret %s/%s for %s/%s due to %v. The image pull may not succeed.", pod.Namespace, secretRef.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Name, err)
pullSecrets = append(pullSecrets, *secret)
return pullSecrets
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) SyncPod(pod *v1.Pod, _ v1.PodStatus, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus, pullSecrets []v1.Secret, backOff *flowcontrol.Backoff) (result kubecontainer.PodSyncResult) {
// Step 1: Compute sandbox and container changes.
podContainerChanges := m.computePodContainerChanges(pod, podStatus)
glog.V(3).Infof("computePodContainerChanges got %+v for pod %q", podContainerChanges, format.Pod(pod))
if podContainerChanges.CreateSandbox {
ref, err := ref.GetReference(api.Scheme, pod)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Couldn't make a ref to pod %q: '%v'", format.Pod(pod), err)
if podContainerChanges.SandboxID != "" {
m.recorder.Eventf(ref, v1.EventTypeNormal, "SandboxChanged", "Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.")
} else {
glog.V(4).Infof("SyncPod received new pod %q, will create a new sandbox for it", format.Pod(pod))
// Step 2: Kill the pod if the sandbox has changed.
if podContainerChanges.CreateSandbox || (len(podContainerChanges.ContainersToKeep) == 0 && len(podContainerChanges.ContainersToStart) == 0) {
if len(podContainerChanges.ContainersToKeep) == 0 && len(podContainerChanges.ContainersToStart) == 0 {
glog.V(4).Infof("Stopping PodSandbox for %q because all other containers are dead.", format.Pod(pod))
} else {
glog.V(4).Infof("Stopping PodSandbox for %q, will start new one", format.Pod(pod))
killResult := m.killPodWithSyncResult(pod, kubecontainer.ConvertPodStatusToRunningPod(m.runtimeName, podStatus), nil)
if killResult.Error() != nil {
glog.Errorf("killPodWithSyncResult failed: %v", killResult.Error())
} else {
// Step 3: kill any running containers in this pod which are not to keep.
for containerID, containerInfo := range podContainerChanges.ContainersToKill {
glog.V(3).Infof("Killing unwanted container %q(id=%q) for pod %q", containerInfo.name, containerID, format.Pod(pod))
killContainerResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.KillContainer, containerInfo.name)
if err := m.killContainer(pod, containerID, containerInfo.name, containerInfo.message, nil); err != nil {
killContainerResult.Fail(kubecontainer.ErrKillContainer, err.Error())
glog.Errorf("killContainer %q(id=%q) for pod %q failed: %v", containerInfo.name, containerID, format.Pod(pod), err)
// Keep terminated init containers fairly aggressively controlled
m.pruneInitContainersBeforeStart(pod, podStatus, podContainerChanges.InitContainersToKeep)
// We pass the value of the podIP down to generatePodSandboxConfig and
// generateContainerConfig, which in turn passes it to various other
// functions, in order to facilitate functionality that requires this
// value (hosts file and downward API) and avoid races determining
// the pod IP in cases where a container requires restart but the
// podIP isn't in the status manager yet.
// We default to the IP in the passed-in pod status, and overwrite it if the
// sandbox needs to be (re)started.
podIP := ""
if podStatus != nil {
podIP = podStatus.IP
// Step 4: Create a sandbox for the pod if necessary.
podSandboxID := podContainerChanges.SandboxID
if podContainerChanges.CreateSandbox && len(podContainerChanges.ContainersToStart) > 0 {
var msg string
var err error
glog.V(4).Infof("Creating sandbox for pod %q", format.Pod(pod))
createSandboxResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.CreatePodSandbox, format.Pod(pod))
podSandboxID, msg, err = m.createPodSandbox(pod, podContainerChanges.Attempt)
if err != nil {
createSandboxResult.Fail(kubecontainer.ErrCreatePodSandbox, msg)
glog.Errorf("createPodSandbox for pod %q failed: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
glog.V(4).Infof("Created PodSandbox %q for pod %q", podSandboxID, format.Pod(pod))
podSandboxStatus, err := m.runtimeService.PodSandboxStatus(podSandboxID)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed to get pod sandbox status: %v; Skipping pod %q", err, format.Pod(pod))
// If we ever allow updating a pod from non-host-network to
// host-network, we may use a stale IP.
if !kubecontainer.IsHostNetworkPod(pod) {
// Overwrite the podIP passed in the pod status, since we just started the pod sandbox.
podIP = m.determinePodSandboxIP(pod.Namespace, pod.Name, podSandboxStatus)
glog.V(4).Infof("Determined the ip %q for pod %q after sandbox changed", podIP, format.Pod(pod))
// Get podSandboxConfig for containers to start.
configPodSandboxResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.ConfigPodSandbox, podSandboxID)
podSandboxConfig, err := m.generatePodSandboxConfig(pod, podContainerChanges.Attempt)
if err != nil {
message := fmt.Sprintf("GeneratePodSandboxConfig for pod %q failed: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
configPodSandboxResult.Fail(kubecontainer.ErrConfigPodSandbox, message)
// Step 5: start init containers.
status, next, done := findNextInitContainerToRun(pod, podStatus)
if status != nil && status.ExitCode != 0 {
// container initialization has failed, flag the pod as failed
initContainerResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.InitContainer, status.Name)
initContainerResult.Fail(kubecontainer.ErrRunInitContainer, fmt.Sprintf("init container %q exited with %d", status.Name, status.ExitCode))
if pod.Spec.RestartPolicy == v1.RestartPolicyNever {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("error running pod %q init container %q, restart=Never: %#v", format.Pod(pod), status.Name, status))
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("Error running pod %q init container %q, restarting: %#v", format.Pod(pod), status.Name, status))
if next != nil {
if len(podContainerChanges.ContainersToStart) == 0 {
glog.V(4).Infof("No containers to start, stopping at init container %+v in pod %v", next.Name, format.Pod(pod))
// If we need to start the next container, do so now then exit
container := next
startContainerResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.StartContainer, container.Name)
isInBackOff, msg, err := m.doBackOff(pod, container, podStatus, backOff)
if isInBackOff {
startContainerResult.Fail(err, msg)
glog.V(4).Infof("Backing Off restarting init container %+v in pod %v", container, format.Pod(pod))
glog.V(4).Infof("Creating init container %+v in pod %v", container, format.Pod(pod))
if msg, err := m.startContainer(podSandboxID, podSandboxConfig, container, pod, podStatus, pullSecrets, podIP); err != nil {
startContainerResult.Fail(err, msg)
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("init container start failed: %v: %s", err, msg))
// Successfully started the container; clear the entry in the failure
glog.V(4).Infof("Completed init container %q for pod %q", container.Name, format.Pod(pod))
if !done {
// init container still running
glog.V(4).Infof("An init container is still running in pod %v", format.Pod(pod))
if podContainerChanges.InitFailed {
glog.V(4).Infof("Not all init containers have succeeded for pod %v", format.Pod(pod))
// Step 6: start containers in podContainerChanges.ContainersToStart.
for idx := range podContainerChanges.ContainersToStart {
container := &pod.Spec.Containers[idx]
startContainerResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.StartContainer, container.Name)
isInBackOff, msg, err := m.doBackOff(pod, container, podStatus, backOff)
if isInBackOff {
startContainerResult.Fail(err, msg)
glog.V(4).Infof("Backing Off restarting container %+v in pod %v", container, format.Pod(pod))
glog.V(4).Infof("Creating container %+v in pod %v", container, format.Pod(pod))
if msg, err := m.startContainer(podSandboxID, podSandboxConfig, container, pod, podStatus, pullSecrets, podIP); err != nil {
startContainerResult.Fail(err, msg)
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("container start failed: %v: %s", err, msg))
- Compute sandbox and container changes.
- Kill pod sandbox if necessary.
- Kill any containers that should not be running.
- Create sandbox if necessary.
- Create init containers.
- Create normal containers.
主要解析函数4. Create sandbox if necessary 主要函数 createPodSandbox 位于路径pkg/kublet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_sandbox.go最主要调用RunPodSandbox函数,位于路径pkg/kublet/dockershim/docker_sandbox.go
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) createPodSandbox(pod *v1.Pod, attempt uint32) (string, string, error) {
podSandboxConfig, err := m.generatePodSandboxConfig(pod, attempt)
if err != nil {
message := fmt.Sprintf("GeneratePodSandboxConfig for pod %q failed: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
return "", message, err
// Create pod logs directory
err = m.osInterface.MkdirAll(podSandboxConfig.LogDirectory, 0755)
if err != nil {
message := fmt.Sprintf("Create pod log directory for pod %q failed: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
return "", message, err
podSandBoxID, err := m.runtimeService.RunPodSandbox(podSandboxConfig)
if err != nil {
message := fmt.Sprintf("CreatePodSandbox for pod %q failed: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
return "", message, err
return podSandBoxID, "", nil
func (ds *dockerService) RunPodSandbox(config *runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig) (id string, err error) {
// Step 1: Pull the image for the sandbox.
image := defaultSandboxImage
podSandboxImage := ds.podSandboxImage
if len(podSandboxImage) != 0 {
image = podSandboxImage
// NOTE: To use a custom sandbox image in a private repository, users need to configure the nodes with credentials properly.
// see: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#configuring-nodes-to-authenticate-to-a-private-repository
// Only pull sandbox image when it's not present - v1.PullIfNotPresent.
if err := ensureSandboxImageExists(ds.client, image); err != nil {
return "", err
// Step 2: Create the sandbox container.
createConfig, err := ds.makeSandboxDockerConfig(config, image)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to make sandbox docker config for pod %q: %v", config.Metadata.Name, err)
createResp, err := ds.client.CreateContainer(*createConfig)
if err != nil {
createResp, err = recoverFromCreationConflictIfNeeded(ds.client, *createConfig, err)
if err != nil || createResp == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create a sandbox for pod %q: %v", config.Metadata.Name, err)
ds.setNetworkReady(createResp.ID, false)
defer func(e *error) {
// Set networking ready depending on the error return of
// the parent function
if *e == nil {
ds.setNetworkReady(createResp.ID, true)
// Step 3: Create Sandbox Checkpoint.
if err = ds.checkpointHandler.CreateCheckpoint(createResp.ID, constructPodSandboxCheckpoint(config)); err != nil {
return createResp.ID, err
// Step 4: Start the sandbox container.
// Assume kubelet's garbage collector would remove the sandbox later, if
// startContainer failed.
err = ds.client.StartContainer(createResp.ID)
if err != nil {
return createResp.ID, fmt.Errorf("failed to start sandbox container for pod %q: %v", config.Metadata.Name, err)
// Rewrite resolv.conf file generated by docker.
// NOTE: cluster dns settings aren't passed anymore to docker api in all cases,
// not only for pods with host network: the resolver conf will be overwritten
// after sandbox creation to override docker's behaviour. This resolv.conf
// file is shared by all containers of the same pod, and needs to be modified
// only once per pod.
if dnsConfig := config.GetDnsConfig(); dnsConfig != nil {
containerInfo, err := ds.client.InspectContainer(createResp.ID)
if err != nil {
return createResp.ID, fmt.Errorf("failed to inspect sandbox container for pod %q: %v", config.Metadata.Name, err)
if err := rewriteResolvFile(containerInfo.ResolvConfPath, dnsConfig.Servers, dnsConfig.Searches, dnsConfig.Options); err != nil {
return createResp.ID, fmt.Errorf("rewrite resolv.conf failed for pod %q: %v", config.Metadata.Name, err)
// Do not invoke network plugins if in hostNetwork mode.
if nsOptions := config.GetLinux().GetSecurityContext().GetNamespaceOptions(); nsOptions != nil && nsOptions.HostNetwork {
return createResp.ID, nil
// Step 5: Setup networking for the sandbox.
// All pod networking is setup by a CNI plugin discovered at startup time.
// This plugin assigns the pod ip, sets up routes inside the sandbox,
// creates interfaces etc. In theory, its jurisdiction ends with pod
// sandbox networking, but it might insert iptables rules or open ports
// on the host as well, to satisfy parts of the pod spec that aren't
// recognized by the CNI standard yet.
cID := kubecontainer.BuildContainerID(runtimeName, createResp.ID)
err = ds.network.SetUpPod(config.GetMetadata().Namespace, config.GetMetadata().Name, cID, config.Annotations)
if err != nil {
// TODO(random-liu): Do we need to teardown network here?
if err := ds.client.StopContainer(createResp.ID, defaultSandboxGracePeriod); err != nil {
glog.Warningf("Failed to stop sandbox container %q for pod %q: %v", createResp.ID, config.Metadata.Name, err)
return createResp.ID, err
- 默认sandbox image为 gcr.io/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.0
- ensureSandboxImageExists 当镜像不存在是进行拉取工作
- CreateContainer最终通过docker API POST方法调用 /containers/create
- CreateCheckpoint写入文件,文件名为容器ID
- StartContainer最终通过docker API POST方法调用 /containers/containerID/start
- 重新写入resolv.conf由docker产生,pod里的容器共享
- InspectContainer最终通过docker API GET方法调用 /containers/containerID/json
- 为容器建立网络,通过CNI建立网络,建立loopback接口,建立网络设置为混杂模式(调用命令ip link show dev / ip set bridgeName promisc on)。流量流出需要SNAT(利用iptables规则链)
"cniVersion": "0.1.0",
"name": "kubenet",
"type": "bridge",
"bridge": "%s",
"mtu": %d,
"addIf": "%s",
"isGateway": true,
"ipMasq": false,
"hairpinMode": %t,
"ipam": {
"type": "host-local",
"subnet": "%s",
"gateway": "%s",
"routes": [
{ "dst": "" }