Crystal Reports XI在打开报告时挂起

时间:2022-03-30 16:42:40

I am trying to open a report in Crystal Report 11 Designer (product version, but it seems to freeze up. This report use to work fine, but today the client could not load the report.

我试图在Crystal Report 11 Designer(产品版本11.5.8.826)中打开一个报告,但似乎冻结了。此报告用于正常工作,但今天客户端无法加载报告。

I also tried to open the report on another developer's workstation, with the same result.


Has this happened to anyone else?


10 个解决方案



In the page setup menu, you can check the No Printer checkbox and it will no longer have the delay of looking for a printer on the network. I find it often useful to start a report against the Microsoft XPS Document Writer Printer or something along those lines though.

在页面设置菜单中,您可以选中无打印机复选框,它将不再有在网络上查找打印机的延迟。我发现打开针对Microsoft XPS Document Writer打印机的报告或者其他类似的东西通常很有用。



We found the answer. We used a program called Wireshark (


We closed down every app, and just ran the wireshark and tried to open the report in the crystal designer.


Then found that it was trying to access the printer spooler service on a box we used, but changed recently to another box. So just restarted the service on the old box, and all is good again




Are you sure all servers referenced in the report are still online? If you've changed database connections on the report, I've seen Crystal store a reference to the old one even when there are no active usages. If the old server is offline, Crystal still tries to connect to it when loading and will hang for a long time. We had a report that used to load in seconds start taking minutes right after an old test server was powered down. Powered it back up, it loaded instantly again, even though all the connections to it were seeming removed. We wound up totally rebuilding the report from scratch.


I found it using Sysinternals TDIMon, it showed connection attempts and timeouts coming from Crystal.

我发现它使用Sysinternals TDIMon,它显示了来自Crystal的连接尝试和超时。



I've had similar issues open a report and the designer concurrently.


At the time, I didn't have Internet connectivity and the designer was trying (unsuccessfully) to load the web content that is included in the 'Start Page'. Eventually, the timeout was exceeded and the report loaded. I unchecked the 'Show online resources'.




I ran into this problem also and tried several items listed here. Didn't work. Then I tried opening the file I wanted from within Crystal Reports using the folder icon. The reports opened immediately. But if I used windows explorer and went to the folder they were stored in and then tried to open the crystal report it would take 5 minutes to load (3 minutes to load the designer tab, then another 2 minutes to load the preview tab).

我也遇到了这个问题,并尝试了这里列出的几个项目。没工作。然后我尝试使用文件夹图标在Crystal Reports中打开我想要的文件。报告立即开始。但是,如果我使用Windows资源管理器并转到他们存储的文件夹然后尝试打开水晶报告,则需要5分钟才能加载(3分钟加载设计器选项卡,然后另外2分钟加载预览选项卡)。



try this "C# code":


ReportDocument rpDoc = new ReportDocument()

hope it helps




I had the same problem on Crystal Reports 2008 (XII)! I tryed to stop the Windows printer spooling service while CR was freezed and got instantly an anwer freom CR (Printer not.. blah blah using default...blah)

我在Crystal Reports 2008(XII)上遇到了同样的问题!我试图停止Windows打印机假脱机服务,而CR被冻结,并立即获得anwer freom CR(打印机不...等等等等等等等等等等)

After that, i removed the 'Printer-checkbox' in page setup (answer above). After that i had no problem loading this Report in CR Designer and also the C# ReportDocument.Load(string filePath) worked fine....

之后,我删除了页面设置中的“打印机复选框”(上面的答案)。之后我在CR Designer中加载此报告没有问题,而且C#ReportDocument.Load(字符串filePath)工作正常....



Crystal Reports are hanging from all windows servers 2008 R2 and IIS 7.5

Crystal Reports悬挂在所有Windows Server 2008 R2和IIS 7.5上

Solution: Selected the printer 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer'. To do this go to the report in the designer->Design->Page-Setup and select.

解决方案:选择打印机'Microsoft XPS Document Writer'。要执行此操作,请转至designer-> Design-> Page-Setup中的报告并选择。



We had this issue as well and determined that it had to do with the default printer that is attached to the printer when the report is created. Very similar issue and resoltuon to what Pirmin Ruegg encountered. Setting the default printer to one that all users have, or Selecting the No printer option, corrected our issue.

我们也遇到了这个问题,并确定它与创建报告时连接到打印机的默认打印机有关。非常类似的问题和对Pirmin Ruegg遇到的问题的反应。将默认打印机设置为所有用户拥有的打印机,或者选择No printer选项,更正了我们的问题。



Same is the case with me. My application stucks when i view the report but after checking the "NO PRINTER" option in the crystal report designer it works fine.

我的情况也是如此。当我查看报告时,我的应用程序停滞不前,但在检查水晶报表设计器中的“NO PRINTER”选项后,它工作正常。



In the page setup menu, you can check the No Printer checkbox and it will no longer have the delay of looking for a printer on the network. I find it often useful to start a report against the Microsoft XPS Document Writer Printer or something along those lines though.

在页面设置菜单中,您可以选中无打印机复选框,它将不再有在网络上查找打印机的延迟。我发现打开针对Microsoft XPS Document Writer打印机的报告或者其他类似的东西通常很有用。



We found the answer. We used a program called Wireshark (


We closed down every app, and just ran the wireshark and tried to open the report in the crystal designer.


Then found that it was trying to access the printer spooler service on a box we used, but changed recently to another box. So just restarted the service on the old box, and all is good again




Are you sure all servers referenced in the report are still online? If you've changed database connections on the report, I've seen Crystal store a reference to the old one even when there are no active usages. If the old server is offline, Crystal still tries to connect to it when loading and will hang for a long time. We had a report that used to load in seconds start taking minutes right after an old test server was powered down. Powered it back up, it loaded instantly again, even though all the connections to it were seeming removed. We wound up totally rebuilding the report from scratch.


I found it using Sysinternals TDIMon, it showed connection attempts and timeouts coming from Crystal.

我发现它使用Sysinternals TDIMon,它显示了来自Crystal的连接尝试和超时。



I've had similar issues open a report and the designer concurrently.


At the time, I didn't have Internet connectivity and the designer was trying (unsuccessfully) to load the web content that is included in the 'Start Page'. Eventually, the timeout was exceeded and the report loaded. I unchecked the 'Show online resources'.




I ran into this problem also and tried several items listed here. Didn't work. Then I tried opening the file I wanted from within Crystal Reports using the folder icon. The reports opened immediately. But if I used windows explorer and went to the folder they were stored in and then tried to open the crystal report it would take 5 minutes to load (3 minutes to load the designer tab, then another 2 minutes to load the preview tab).

我也遇到了这个问题,并尝试了这里列出的几个项目。没工作。然后我尝试使用文件夹图标在Crystal Reports中打开我想要的文件。报告立即开始。但是,如果我使用Windows资源管理器并转到他们存储的文件夹然后尝试打开水晶报告,则需要5分钟才能加载(3分钟加载设计器选项卡,然后另外2分钟加载预览选项卡)。



try this "C# code":


ReportDocument rpDoc = new ReportDocument()

hope it helps




I had the same problem on Crystal Reports 2008 (XII)! I tryed to stop the Windows printer spooling service while CR was freezed and got instantly an anwer freom CR (Printer not.. blah blah using default...blah)

我在Crystal Reports 2008(XII)上遇到了同样的问题!我试图停止Windows打印机假脱机服务,而CR被冻结,并立即获得anwer freom CR(打印机不...等等等等等等等等等等)

After that, i removed the 'Printer-checkbox' in page setup (answer above). After that i had no problem loading this Report in CR Designer and also the C# ReportDocument.Load(string filePath) worked fine....

之后,我删除了页面设置中的“打印机复选框”(上面的答案)。之后我在CR Designer中加载此报告没有问题,而且C#ReportDocument.Load(字符串filePath)工作正常....



Crystal Reports are hanging from all windows servers 2008 R2 and IIS 7.5

Crystal Reports悬挂在所有Windows Server 2008 R2和IIS 7.5上

Solution: Selected the printer 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer'. To do this go to the report in the designer->Design->Page-Setup and select.

解决方案:选择打印机'Microsoft XPS Document Writer'。要执行此操作,请转至designer-> Design-> Page-Setup中的报告并选择。



We had this issue as well and determined that it had to do with the default printer that is attached to the printer when the report is created. Very similar issue and resoltuon to what Pirmin Ruegg encountered. Setting the default printer to one that all users have, or Selecting the No printer option, corrected our issue.

我们也遇到了这个问题,并确定它与创建报告时连接到打印机的默认打印机有关。非常类似的问题和对Pirmin Ruegg遇到的问题的反应。将默认打印机设置为所有用户拥有的打印机,或者选择No printer选项,更正了我们的问题。



Same is the case with me. My application stucks when i view the report but after checking the "NO PRINTER" option in the crystal report designer it works fine.

我的情况也是如此。当我查看报告时,我的应用程序停滞不前,但在检查水晶报表设计器中的“NO PRINTER”选项后,它工作正常。