
时间:2022-07-26 16:38:10

I need to make a stored procedure or function that returns a set of rows. I've noted that in a stored procedure i can SELECT * FROM table with success. If i fetch rows in a loop and SELECT something, something_other FROM table once per loop execution, I only get one single result.

我需要创建一个返回一组行的存储过程或函数。我注意到在存储过程中我可以SELECT * FROM表成功。如果我在一个循环中获取行并选择一些东西,每个循环执行一次,其他一些FROM表,我只得到一个结果。

What I need to do is looping, doing some calculations and returning a rowset. What's the best way to do this? A temporary table? Stored functions?


Any help appreciated.


2 个解决方案


It sounds like you're using a cursor inside the body of the stored procedure to accomplish your looping?


My first advise is: try to do your calculations in a single query without resorting to cursors. What's the calculation exactly?


If you really do need to use a cursor, then INSERT the results of each loop into a temporary table and then SELECT * from that table when you're done looping.

如果确实需要使用游标,则将每个循环的结果插入到临时表中,然后在完成循环时从该表中选择SELECT *。


You can return multiple result sets but only if the client library supports it and the client is expecting it. Some don't, so using them will result in out-of-sequence errors.


You can certainly build a temporary table, select from it and drop it inside the procedure, that would be safe. Another option is to build a UNION select using a prepared SQL statement which returns all the rows you need and execute that. That's a bit messy.



It sounds like you're using a cursor inside the body of the stored procedure to accomplish your looping?


My first advise is: try to do your calculations in a single query without resorting to cursors. What's the calculation exactly?


If you really do need to use a cursor, then INSERT the results of each loop into a temporary table and then SELECT * from that table when you're done looping.

如果确实需要使用游标,则将每个循环的结果插入到临时表中,然后在完成循环时从该表中选择SELECT *。


You can return multiple result sets but only if the client library supports it and the client is expecting it. Some don't, so using them will result in out-of-sequence errors.


You can certainly build a temporary table, select from it and drop it inside the procedure, that would be safe. Another option is to build a UNION select using a prepared SQL statement which returns all the rows you need and execute that. That's a bit messy.
