ASP.NET MVC 2在您的视图上下文之外的模型验证

时间:2022-03-31 16:36:59

I was reading this blog post on ASP.NET MVC 2's new model validation and found it to be pretty cool. I see the value in keeping things DRY by adding a couple attributes to a class property and then automagically getting client and server side validation (as long as your controller checks for valid models).

我正在阅读关于ASP.NET MVC 2的新模型验证的博客文章,并发现它非常酷。通过向类属性添加一些属性然后自动获得客户端和服务器端验证(只要您的控制器检查有效模型),我看到了保持DRY的价值。

That said, imagine an ASP.NET MVC application in a greater context. Perhaps I have an ASP.NET MVC application with this validation and all, but then I want to expose things to new clients, like an iPhone or Android application (not just a mobile browser). I would have to write some web-services or something that use the same underlying repositories/services that my ASP.NET MVC app uses. Could I re-use this validation stuff?

也就是说,想象一下在更大的上下文中的ASP.NET MVC应用程序。也许我有一个带有此验证的ASP.NET MVC应用程序,但后来我想向新客户端公开,比如iPhone或Android应用程序(不仅仅是移动浏览器)。我将不得不编写一些Web服务或使用我的ASP.NET MVC应用程序使用的相同底层存储库/服务的东西。我可以重复使用这个验证的东西吗?

Wouldn't I have to re-write the client-side validation? I don't see a way around this, since I'll be shipping off serialized objects to be de-serialized into non-C# classes from Objective-C or whatever.


Wouldn't I also have to re-write the server-side validation? Is there some way for me to call into the ModelState on an object outside the context of an ASP.NET MVC controller (e.g., as part of the web-services I create to talk to mobile clients).

我不也必须重新编写服务器端验证吗?有没有办法让我在ASP.NET MVC控制器上下文之外的对象上调用ModelState(例如,作为我创建的与移动客户端通信的Web服务的一部分)。

1 个解决方案



Assuming you are talking about Data Annotations, they are not part of MVC actually. So you can use them elsewhere as you wish.


There are other work extending them - annotationscontrib is one of them and I guess you can look at how, for example ModelBinder is implemented and write your own service using that.

还有其他工作可以扩展它们 - annotationscontrib就是其中之一,我想你可以看看如何实现ModelBinder,并使用它来编写自己的服务。

xVal Project is possibly doing along the same lines as what you are after - converting the validation rules into Javascript. Unfortunately I am not sure how much effort you need to adapt xVal for your project or rewrite it.

xVal Project可能与您所使用的相同 - 将验证规则转换为Javascript。不幸的是,我不确定您需要多少努力才能使xVal适应您的项目或重写它。

As for running the validations on the annotated classes one can use the Validator (thanks womp)




Assuming you are talking about Data Annotations, they are not part of MVC actually. So you can use them elsewhere as you wish.


There are other work extending them - annotationscontrib is one of them and I guess you can look at how, for example ModelBinder is implemented and write your own service using that.

还有其他工作可以扩展它们 - annotationscontrib就是其中之一,我想你可以看看如何实现ModelBinder,并使用它来编写自己的服务。

xVal Project is possibly doing along the same lines as what you are after - converting the validation rules into Javascript. Unfortunately I am not sure how much effort you need to adapt xVal for your project or rewrite it.

xVal Project可能与您所使用的相同 - 将验证规则转换为Javascript。不幸的是,我不确定您需要多少努力才能使xVal适应您的项目或重写它。

As for running the validations on the annotated classes one can use the Validator (thanks womp)
