Dot Net和Java文化代码

时间:2021-10-24 16:37:13

I've been tasked with the awesome job of generating a look-up table for our application culture information. The columns I need to generate data for are:


  • Dot Net Code
  • Dot Net Code

  • Version
  • Culture Name
  • Country Name
  • Language Name
  • Java Country Code
  • Java国家代码

  • Java Language Code
  • Java语言代码

  • Iso Country Code
  • Iso国家代码

  • Iso Language Code
  • Iso语言代码

I have found the globalization name space, but I'm sure someone out there has asked the same question, or there is a table already available.


Thanks for any help


4 个解决方案



Java uses the 2-letter ISO country and language codes. I recommend getting rid of the "Java Country Code" and "Java Language Code" fields in your lookup table, since they would be redundant.

Java使用2个字母的ISO国家和语言代码。我建议在查找表中删除“Java Country Code”和“Java Language Code”字段,因为它们是多余的。

I assume that wherever you get your ISO country and language codes, you'll find their corresponding names in English. However, the Java Locale API will give also you the localized names for the country and language, if you need them. (I.e., what is America called in Japan?)

我假设无论您获得ISO国家/地区和语言代码,都可以找到相应的英文名称。但是,如果需要,Java Locale API还会为您提供国家/地区和语言的本地化名称。 (即,美国在日本叫什么?)

For example, you can do this:


Locale l = Locale.ITALY;
System.out.println(l.getDisplayCountry() + ": " + l.getDisplayLanguage());
System.out.println(l.getDisplayCountry(l) + ": " + l.getDisplayLanguage(l));

Which, running in the US English locale prints:


Italy: Italian 
Italia: italiano

Note that you can obtain 3-letter ISO codes from the Locale class, but when constructing them, be sure to only use 2-letter codes.




That's strange, the last time I visited this page, someone had beaten me to posting the links to the Java references for Localization.


However, since their post is gone, here's what I was writing before they beat me to it.


Java uses two ISO standards for localization with java,util.Locale.


  • 2-letter ISO-639 for language.
  • 语言为2个字母的ISO-639。

  • 2-letter ISO-3166 for country.
  • 2个字母的ISO-3166国家/地区。



Java uses Locales to store this information. Most of all the information you need regarding it can be found on Sun's Internationalization page. Java uses a syntax similar to the "en-us" syntax, however rather than using a hyphen it delineates with an underscore.

Java使用Locales存储此信息。有关它的大部分信息都可以在Sun的国际化页面上找到。 Java使用类似于“en-us”语法的语法,但不是使用连字符,而是用下划线表示。



I'm guessing that you mean Localization or Internationalization or i18n.


Try this tutorial:


Good Luck, Randy Stegbauer

祝你好运,Randy Stegbauer



Java uses the 2-letter ISO country and language codes. I recommend getting rid of the "Java Country Code" and "Java Language Code" fields in your lookup table, since they would be redundant.

Java使用2个字母的ISO国家和语言代码。我建议在查找表中删除“Java Country Code”和“Java Language Code”字段,因为它们是多余的。

I assume that wherever you get your ISO country and language codes, you'll find their corresponding names in English. However, the Java Locale API will give also you the localized names for the country and language, if you need them. (I.e., what is America called in Japan?)

我假设无论您获得ISO国家/地区和语言代码,都可以找到相应的英文名称。但是,如果需要,Java Locale API还会为您提供国家/地区和语言的本地化名称。 (即,美国在日本叫什么?)

For example, you can do this:


Locale l = Locale.ITALY;
System.out.println(l.getDisplayCountry() + ": " + l.getDisplayLanguage());
System.out.println(l.getDisplayCountry(l) + ": " + l.getDisplayLanguage(l));

Which, running in the US English locale prints:


Italy: Italian 
Italia: italiano

Note that you can obtain 3-letter ISO codes from the Locale class, but when constructing them, be sure to only use 2-letter codes.




That's strange, the last time I visited this page, someone had beaten me to posting the links to the Java references for Localization.


However, since their post is gone, here's what I was writing before they beat me to it.


Java uses two ISO standards for localization with java,util.Locale.


  • 2-letter ISO-639 for language.
  • 语言为2个字母的ISO-639。

  • 2-letter ISO-3166 for country.
  • 2个字母的ISO-3166国家/地区。



Java uses Locales to store this information. Most of all the information you need regarding it can be found on Sun's Internationalization page. Java uses a syntax similar to the "en-us" syntax, however rather than using a hyphen it delineates with an underscore.

Java使用Locales存储此信息。有关它的大部分信息都可以在Sun的国际化页面上找到。 Java使用类似于“en-us”语法的语法,但不是使用连字符,而是用下划线表示。



I'm guessing that you mean Localization or Internationalization or i18n.


Try this tutorial:


Good Luck, Randy Stegbauer

祝你好运,Randy Stegbauer