
时间:2022-04-23 16:35:40

First of all, can i pass parameters for Path in BCP command?


I wrote this query in Exec SQL task

我在Exec SQL任务中编写了这个查询

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT * FROM TLC.dbo.World_Hosts" queryout `"C:\Users\akshay.kapila\Desktop\TLC\Foreachlearn\Dest\?.txt" -T -c -t '`

I have given ? in path. I want specific countries in place of that. They are held in variable "Country".I am using Foreach loop which creates rather it should create a file ex Aus.txt,In.txt everytime loop runs for that specific value.

我给了 ?在路上。我想要特定的国家代替那个国家。它们保存在变量“Country”中。我正在使用Foreach循环,它创建了一个文件ex Aus.txt,In.txt每次循环运行该特定值。

Can i use this way. If not, how can i pass variable value to Path in BCP command?


1 个解决方案



You can use variable as the SQLSourceType in your Execute SQL Task.


Create a variable to hold your bcp command, it may look like:


"EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp \"SELECT ''abc'' as output\" queryout \"" + @[User::strFileName] + "\" -T -c -t '"

Here @[User::strFileName] is the dynamic file you want to generate.

这里@ [User :: strFileName]是您要生成的动态文件。

Then in the Execute SQL Task, change SQLSourceType to variable, and select the variable you just generated.

然后在Execute SQL Task中,将SQLSourceType更改为variable,并选择刚刚生成的变量。



You can use variable as the SQLSourceType in your Execute SQL Task.


Create a variable to hold your bcp command, it may look like:


"EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp \"SELECT ''abc'' as output\" queryout \"" + @[User::strFileName] + "\" -T -c -t '"

Here @[User::strFileName] is the dynamic file you want to generate.

这里@ [User :: strFileName]是您要生成的动态文件。

Then in the Execute SQL Task, change SQLSourceType to variable, and select the variable you just generated.

然后在Execute SQL Task中,将SQLSourceType更改为variable,并选择刚刚生成的变量。