聚合SQL数据- MS SQL server 2008

时间:2021-08-13 16:34:52

I have some trouble with grouping the data by the order number and aggregating the "support columns" while selecting always the "highest" value.


║ OrderNumber ║ PhoneSupport ║ ServiceSupport ║
║ 0000000001  ║ 0020         ║                ║
║ 0000000001  ║ 0010         ║ 0030           ║
║ 0000000001  ║ 0010         ║ 0020           ║
║ 0000000002  ║              ║ 0030           ║
║ 0000000002  ║ 0030         ║                ║
║ 0000000003  ║ 0020         ║                ║
║ 0000000003  ║ 0030         ║                ║

In this example the output should be like this.


║ OrderNumber ║ PhoneSupport ║ ServiceSupport ║
║ 0000000001  ║ 0020         ║ 0030           ║
║ 0000000002  ║ 0030         ║ 0030           ║
║ 0000000003  ║ 0030         ║                ║

So far I have often read in various forums something about cursors but I don't like to use it.


My idea was to use the over clause but I am not sure if it is a solution for that case.


2 个解决方案



Use GROUP BY, do MAX on the columns you want the "highest" value for.

使用GROUP BY,在您想要的“最高”值的列上执行MAX。

select OrderNumber, max(PhoneSupport), max(ServiceSupport)
from tablename
group by OrderNumber



You can use Group By and Max and then wrap the query in parent to do Order By on aggregate columns. Example shown below.

您可以使用Group By和Max,然后将查询封装在父类中,在聚合列上按顺序执行。例子所示。

select * 
from (
    select OrderNumber, max(PhoneSupport) as PhoneSupport, max(ServiceSupport)  as ServiceSupport
    from tablename
    group by OrderNumber) aa
Order By aa.PhoneSupport



Use GROUP BY, do MAX on the columns you want the "highest" value for.

使用GROUP BY,在您想要的“最高”值的列上执行MAX。

select OrderNumber, max(PhoneSupport), max(ServiceSupport)
from tablename
group by OrderNumber



You can use Group By and Max and then wrap the query in parent to do Order By on aggregate columns. Example shown below.

您可以使用Group By和Max,然后将查询封装在父类中,在聚合列上按顺序执行。例子所示。

select * 
from (
    select OrderNumber, max(PhoneSupport) as PhoneSupport, max(ServiceSupport)  as ServiceSupport
    from tablename
    group by OrderNumber) aa
Order By aa.PhoneSupport