I am trying to flatten XML with repeated nodes of the same name (but uniquely identified by an attribute value) to a flat data in R. The example I have is
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tr id="1">
<A id="100">100</A>
<tr id="2">
<A id="200">200</A>
<A id="300">300</A>
The desired result is a data.frame that would look like
tr A B C
1 100 abc true
2 200 wxyz FALSE
2 300 wxyz FALSE
I have read the xml ...
我已经阅读了xml ...
xmlfile <- "H:/My Documents/Code/R/xml/example.xml"
xmldoc <- xmlTreeParse(xmlfile)
Using xpathSApply(), I can retrieve each node and attribute without problem, e.g.,
data.frame(id = xpathSApply(xmldoc, "//A", xmlGetAttr, "id"))
but I fail to organize the whole lot in a data.frame, because the number of "A" nodes is larger (3) than the number of all the other nodes (2).
Any help will be greatly appreciated ...
任何帮助将不胜感激 ...
1 个解决方案
You probably need to create a data.frame for each node and combine the results.
tr <- getNodeSet(xmldoc, "//tr")
x <- lapply(tr, function(x) data.frame(tr = xpathSApply(x, "." , xmlGetAttr, "id"),
A = xpathSApply(x, ".//A", xmlValue),
B = xpathSApply(x, ".//B", xmlValue),
C = xpathSApply(x, ".//C", xmlValue) ))
do.call("rbind", x)
tr A B C
1 1 100 abc true
2 2 200 wxyz FALSE
3 2 300 wxyz FALSE
You probably need to create a data.frame for each node and combine the results.
tr <- getNodeSet(xmldoc, "//tr")
x <- lapply(tr, function(x) data.frame(tr = xpathSApply(x, "." , xmlGetAttr, "id"),
A = xpathSApply(x, ".//A", xmlValue),
B = xpathSApply(x, ".//B", xmlValue),
C = xpathSApply(x, ".//C", xmlValue) ))
do.call("rbind", x)
tr A B C
1 1 100 abc true
2 2 200 wxyz FALSE
3 2 300 wxyz FALSE