
时间:2022-03-18 16:33:41

I have defined a new numeric data type in Python using Python's Data Model. I would like to convert all my existing NumPy arrays from their existing data types to my custom data type. I understand that NumPy's astype method converts from one data type to another, but based on my understanding, it can only convert between built-in data types.


In contrast to the answer provided here, my data type is not based on built-in data types and has it's own addition, multiplication, bit-wise operations, etc., so I cannot use np.dtype to define my data type. In other words, the following solution would not work:


kerneldt = np.dtype([('myintname', np.int32), ('myfloats', np.float64, 9)])
arr = np.empty(dims, dtype=kerneldt)

Is there any way to convert between a built-in data type and a custom data type and vice versa?


1 个解决方案



This isn't currently possible. There are plans to allow custom dtypes in numpy in the future.

目前这不可行。有计划在未来允许自定义dtypes numpy。



This isn't currently possible. There are plans to allow custom dtypes in numpy in the future.

目前这不可行。有计划在未来允许自定义dtypes numpy。