
时间:2022-12-01 16:35:04

I am trying to query something like


select emp_id from dept.employee where
  firstname like '%sam%' or 
  firstname like '%SAM%' or
  firstname like '%will%' or
  firstname like '%WILL%'

Is it possible to put it in regex something like


select emp_id from dept.employee where
  firstname like '%sam|SAM|will|WILL%'


select emp_id from dept.employee where
  upper(firstname) like '%sam%' or
  upper(firstname) like '%will%'

I am using DB2 UDB9.

我正在使用DB2 UDB9。

2 个解决方案


Unfortunately, there is no immediate Regex function available in DB2. But it is possible to have an external user-defined function (calling either an external CLI, .NET or Java function) that implements regular expressions. Here's a ready-to-use example by IBM:




That's either a bad example or a bad database design :-).


You should probably not be storing first (or any) names in any way that will require you to use LIKE. You need to keep in mind that tables are almost always read far more often than written, and design accordingly.


That means you want the cost to be on insertion or update, not on selecting. Per-row functions such as upper(name) never scale well to proper enterprise-class databases.


In my opinion, you should have, for DB2, the following:


  • an insert/update trigger that will remove leading and trailing spaces from the first (and last) name.
  • 插入/更新触发器,将从第一个(和最后一个)名称中删除前导和尾随空格。

  • a generated column that will uppercase the names (this uses more storage but that's usually better than wasting time). I'm not sure if UDB9 has generated columns (DB2/z has) but you can do this in the same insert/update trigger. Basically it's an extra column that's always set to the uppercase version of another field.
  • 一个生成的列,它将使名称大写(这会使用更多的存储空间,但这通常比浪费时间更好)。我不确定UDB9是否已生成列(DB2 / z),但您可以在相同的插入/更新触发器中执行此操作。基本上它是一个额外的列,总是设置为另一个字段的大写版本。

  • an index on the generated column, not the original column.
  • 生成列的索引,而不是原始列。

That way, your selects will scream along with queries like (big and ugly, but efficient):


select * from tbl
where generatedname = 'SAM'
or    generatedname = 'SAMUEL'
or    generatedname = 'SAMANTHA'
or    generatedname = 'WILL'
or    generatedname = 'WILLIAM'
or    generatedname = 'WILLOMENA'

or (less big and ugly, just as efficient, and closer to the original query in intent):


select * from tbl
where generatedname like 'SAM%'
or    generatedname like 'WILL%'

using the full power of the query optimizer (DB2, and other DBMS' I would think, can still optimize 'XX%' easily if the field is indexed).


I'm not a big fan of using LIKE for any decent sized tables although sometimes there's not much choice. I can't think of any viable situation in which you'd want to look for "%SAM%" and doing so results in an inability to use the optimizer to its fullest extent.



Unfortunately, there is no immediate Regex function available in DB2. But it is possible to have an external user-defined function (calling either an external CLI, .NET or Java function) that implements regular expressions. Here's a ready-to-use example by IBM:




That's either a bad example or a bad database design :-).


You should probably not be storing first (or any) names in any way that will require you to use LIKE. You need to keep in mind that tables are almost always read far more often than written, and design accordingly.


That means you want the cost to be on insertion or update, not on selecting. Per-row functions such as upper(name) never scale well to proper enterprise-class databases.


In my opinion, you should have, for DB2, the following:


  • an insert/update trigger that will remove leading and trailing spaces from the first (and last) name.
  • 插入/更新触发器,将从第一个(和最后一个)名称中删除前导和尾随空格。

  • a generated column that will uppercase the names (this uses more storage but that's usually better than wasting time). I'm not sure if UDB9 has generated columns (DB2/z has) but you can do this in the same insert/update trigger. Basically it's an extra column that's always set to the uppercase version of another field.
  • 一个生成的列,它将使名称大写(这会使用更多的存储空间,但这通常比浪费时间更好)。我不确定UDB9是否已生成列(DB2 / z),但您可以在相同的插入/更新触发器中执行此操作。基本上它是一个额外的列,总是设置为另一个字段的大写版本。

  • an index on the generated column, not the original column.
  • 生成列的索引,而不是原始列。

That way, your selects will scream along with queries like (big and ugly, but efficient):


select * from tbl
where generatedname = 'SAM'
or    generatedname = 'SAMUEL'
or    generatedname = 'SAMANTHA'
or    generatedname = 'WILL'
or    generatedname = 'WILLIAM'
or    generatedname = 'WILLOMENA'

or (less big and ugly, just as efficient, and closer to the original query in intent):


select * from tbl
where generatedname like 'SAM%'
or    generatedname like 'WILL%'

using the full power of the query optimizer (DB2, and other DBMS' I would think, can still optimize 'XX%' easily if the field is indexed).


I'm not a big fan of using LIKE for any decent sized tables although sometimes there's not much choice. I can't think of any viable situation in which you'd want to look for "%SAM%" and doing so results in an inability to use the optimizer to its fullest extent.
