
时间:2022-09-25 16:32:42

I am trying to use user-defined types in Cassandra with nodejs. Following the documentation, I successfully manage to do it in cqlsh (https://www.datastax.com/documentation/cql/3.1/cql/cql_using/cqlUseUDT.html). I manage to insert items in cqlsh but not ussing the cassandra-driver module.


I understand they are some intricacies do to the use of javascript (http://www.datastax.com/documentation/developer/nodejs-driver/1.0/nodejs-driver/reference/nodejs2Cql3Datatypes.html) and I have tried the different options offered but I couldnt not get it to work.


Here are my trials and their resulting error message:


var insertQuery = 'INSERT INTO mykeyspace.users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)'

client.execute(insertQuery, ['62c36092-82a1-3a00-93r1-46196ee77204', { firstname: 'paul', lastname: 'jacques'}], {hints: ['uuid', 'map<text, text>']}, function(err) { console.log(err);})

{ name: 'ResponseError', message: 'Not enough bytes to read 0th field java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=9 cap=9]', info: 'Represents an error message from the server', code: 8704, query: 'INSERT INTO mykeyspace.users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)' }

{name:'ResponseError',message:'没有足够的字节来读取第0个字段java.nio.HeapByteBuffer [pos = 0 lim = 9 cap = 9]',info:'表示来自服务器的错误消息',代码:8704 ,查询:'INSERT INTO mykeyspace.users(id,name)VALUES(?,?)'}

client.execute(insertQuery, ['62c36092-82a1-3a00-93r1-46196ee77204', { firstname: 'paul', lastname: 'jacques'}], { prepare: true }, function(err) { console.log(err);})

    { [TypeError: Not a valid blob, expected Buffer obtained { firstname: 'paul', lastname: 'jacques' }]
  query: 'INSERT INTO mykeyspace.users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)' }

Then what is the correct syntax to get it to work?


NB. I am using cassandra 2.1.1

NB。我正在使用cassandra 2.1.1

1 个解决方案



The DataStax Node.js driver does not support User defined types yet, so the driver won't be able to serialize the data accordingly.

DataStax Node.js驱动程序尚不支持用户定义的类型,因此驱动程序无法相应地序列化数据。

You can use json notation in CQL to access the individual fields. For example, queries like the following will work:


SELECT addr.street, addr.city FROM location WHERE id=?;



UPDATE SET addr['street'] = ?, addr['city'] = ? WHERE id = ?



The DataStax Node.js driver does not support User defined types yet, so the driver won't be able to serialize the data accordingly.

DataStax Node.js驱动程序尚不支持用户定义的类型,因此驱动程序无法相应地序列化数据。

You can use json notation in CQL to access the individual fields. For example, queries like the following will work:


SELECT addr.street, addr.city FROM location WHERE id=?;



UPDATE SET addr['street'] = ?, addr['city'] = ? WHERE id = ?