是否有像C#中的C ++新声明

时间:2022-05-07 16:28:20

I wondered if there was a new declaration like in C# for C++

我想知道C#中是否有像C ++这样的新声明

C# allows you to do this and it just neatens up the code a bit:


FuncCall( new Foo() {
    Bar = "sausage",
    Boo = 4
} );

It's just I thought this was a bit sloppy in C++:

我只是觉得这在C ++中有点草率:

unique_ptr<Foo> foo( new Foo() );
foo.Bar = "sausage";
foo.Boo = 4;

FuncCall( move( foo ) );

Foo might look like this:


class Foo

    string Bar;
    int Boo;

Why am i not just placing all into construct paramters?


Because it's stupid when you have to initalize so much:


Foo( int width, int height, string title, string className, string thjis, stihjrjoifger gfirejgoirejgioerjgoire ) It goes on forever... Whereas i already have the properties inside my class... So was just wondering if it could be done..

Foo(int width,int height,string title,string className,string thjis,stihjrjoifger gfirejgoirejgioerjgoire)它永远存在......虽然我已经拥有了我班级内的属性......所以只是想知道它是否可以完成..

4 个解决方案


You might use a lambda:


FuncCall( []{ Foo f; f.Bar = "sausage"; f.Boo = 4; return f; }() );

Live example


Foo has to have a constructor or be an aggregate type:


class Foo {
  std::string bar;
  int boo;
  Foo(std::string s, int i) : bar(std::move(s)), boo(i) {}

void FuncCall(std::unique_ptr<Foo> ptr) {}

int main() {
  FuncCall(make_unique<Foo>("sausage", 4));

struct Foo {
  std::string bar;
  int boo;

void FuncCall(std::unique_ptr<Foo> ptr) {}

int main() {
  std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo(new Foo{"sausage", 4});

Or you can avoid pointers:


void FuncCall(Foo foo) {}

int main() {
  FuncCall({sausage", 4});


Be aware that the following:


class Foo {
    std::string m_bar = "Bar";
    int m_baz = 3;
    float m_boo = 4.2;
    /* ... */
    Foo() {}    // or Foo() = default or elision

int main() {
    Foo f;
    f.m_bar = "wunderBar";

Expands out to be along the lines of the following:


Foo* fptr = stack_allocate<Foo*>(sizeof(Foo));
// from ctor
fptr->m_bar.string("Bar"); // construct m_bar
// your code:

For similar reasons, you might want to look at the IL instructions for your C# construct - you'll find it's performing equally redundant operations (and in more complex situations, possibly boxing/unboxing).

出于类似的原因,您可能希望查看C#构造的IL指令 - 您会发现它执行同样冗余的操作(在更复杂的情况下,可能是装箱/拆箱)。

Your C++ approach will also fail you when you incorporate non-copyable or non-movable types which will force you to pass pointers and/or bend your design.

当您合并不可复制或不可移动的类型时,您的C ++方法也会失败,这将迫使您传递指针和/或弯曲您的设计。

What it /seems/ you are trying to do is recreate Python's optional parameters:


# C++-alike
class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, Bar, Baz, Boo):

# C#-alike:
class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, Bar="Bar", Baz=13, Boo=4.2):

C++ doesn't provide a direct way of doing this, the closest mechanisms are default parameters and operator overloading:

C ++没有提供直接的方法,最接近的机制是默认参数和运算符重载:

class Foo {
    std::string m_bar = "Bar";
    int m_baz = 3;
    float m_boo = 4.2;
    Foo(std::string bar="Bar", int baz=3, int boo=6.1)
        : m_bar(bar), m_baz(baz), m_boo(boo)
    /* Foo* f = new Foo(); => new Foo(bar="Bar", baz=13, boo=6.1);
     * Foo* f = new Foo("hello"); => new Foo(bar="hello", baz=3, boo=4.2);
     * Foo* f = new Foo("hello", 1, 1.); => new Foo(bar="hello", baz=1, boo=1.);
     * Foo* f = new Foo(42.); => invalid, arguments must be in order.


class Foo {
    std::string m_bar = "Bar";
    int m_baz = 3;
    float m_boo = 4.2;
    Foo() = default;

    // allow Foo("hello")
    Foo(const char* bar) : m_bar(bar) {}
    Foo(const std::string& bar) : m_bar(bar) {}
    Foo(std::string&& bar) : m_bar(std::forward(bar)) {}

    // allow Foo(10, 12.)
    explicit Foo(int baz, float boo) : m_baz(baz), m_boo(boo) {}

    /* Foo* f = new Foo(); => new Foo(bar="Bar", baz=3, boo=4.2);
     * Foo* f = new Foo("hello"); => new Foo(bar="hello", baz=3, boo=4.2);
     * Foo* f = new Foo(1, 1.); => new Foo(bar="Bar", baz=1, boo=1.);
     * Foo* f = new Foo(42.); => invalid, no match

See http://ideone.com/yFIqlA for SSCE.


If you genuinely have a dozen different constructor configurations, you should probably rethink your design.


--- Edit ---


Note: It's not compulsory that you expose all parameters in the constructor:


class Foo {
    std::string m_user_supplied;
    std::time_t m_time;
    Foo() : m_user_supplied(), m_time(0) {}
    Foo(std::string src) : m_user_supplied(src), m_time(0) {}
    void addTime(time_t inc) { m_time += inc; }

--- Edit 2 ---

---编辑2 ---

"should maybe rethink your design" ... One problem with large, optional lists of parameters is growth. You are likely to wind up with parameters that depend on each other, contradict each other or interact with each other. You can either choose not to validate these or you can end up with complicated constructors.


struct Foo {
    FILE* m_output;
    const char* m_mode;

    Foo(..., FILE* output, const char* mode, ...)
        if (output != nullptr) {
            ASSERT( output == nullptr || mode != nullptr );
            ... other requirements
        } else {
            if (mode != nullptr)
                ... might not be an error but it might be a bug ...

One approach to avoiding this is to use encapsulation/aggregation of related members.


class Foo {
    struct FileAccess {
        FILE* m_file;
        const char* m_mode;
        constexpr FileAccess() : m_file(nullptr), m_mode(nullptr) noexcept {}
        FileAccess(FILE* file, const char* mode) : m_file(file), m_mode(mode) {
            if (file == nullptr || mode == nullptr)
                throw invalid_argument("file/mode cannot be null");

    FileAccess m_access;

    Foo(..., FileAccess access, ...);

This can go a fair way to reducing the bloat. If your API is stable, you can use it with initializer lists (if your API is not stable and you do change will bite you in the ass)


auto fooWithFile = make_unique<Foo>{..., /*access=*/{stdout, "w"}, ...};
auto fooWithout  = make_unique<Foo>{..., /*access=*/{}, ...};

If you subsequently decide to stop using ctors and switch to using setters, this will translate reasonably well, since you can have overloaded "set" which takes one of the various configuration structs:


auto foo = make_unique<Foo>();
foo->set(FileAccess(stdout, "w"))
   ->set(Position(Right, -100, Top, 180))
   ->set(DimensionPercentage(80, 75));


auto foo = make_unique<Foo>() { # pseudo based on if C++ had the C# syntax
    m_file = stdout;
    m_mode = "w";
    m_xPosition = -100;
    m_xPositionRel = Right;
    m_yPosition = -180;
    m_yPositionRel = Top;
    m_dimensionType = Percentage;
    m_xDimension = 80;
    m_yDimension = 75;


You can use uniform initialization to initialize it.



You might use a lambda:


FuncCall( []{ Foo f; f.Bar = "sausage"; f.Boo = 4; return f; }() );

Live example


Foo has to have a constructor or be an aggregate type:


class Foo {
  std::string bar;
  int boo;
  Foo(std::string s, int i) : bar(std::move(s)), boo(i) {}

void FuncCall(std::unique_ptr<Foo> ptr) {}

int main() {
  FuncCall(make_unique<Foo>("sausage", 4));

struct Foo {
  std::string bar;
  int boo;

void FuncCall(std::unique_ptr<Foo> ptr) {}

int main() {
  std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo(new Foo{"sausage", 4});

Or you can avoid pointers:


void FuncCall(Foo foo) {}

int main() {
  FuncCall({sausage", 4});


Be aware that the following:


class Foo {
    std::string m_bar = "Bar";
    int m_baz = 3;
    float m_boo = 4.2;
    /* ... */
    Foo() {}    // or Foo() = default or elision

int main() {
    Foo f;
    f.m_bar = "wunderBar";

Expands out to be along the lines of the following:


Foo* fptr = stack_allocate<Foo*>(sizeof(Foo));
// from ctor
fptr->m_bar.string("Bar"); // construct m_bar
// your code:

For similar reasons, you might want to look at the IL instructions for your C# construct - you'll find it's performing equally redundant operations (and in more complex situations, possibly boxing/unboxing).

出于类似的原因,您可能希望查看C#构造的IL指令 - 您会发现它执行同样冗余的操作(在更复杂的情况下,可能是装箱/拆箱)。

Your C++ approach will also fail you when you incorporate non-copyable or non-movable types which will force you to pass pointers and/or bend your design.

当您合并不可复制或不可移动的类型时,您的C ++方法也会失败,这将迫使您传递指针和/或弯曲您的设计。

What it /seems/ you are trying to do is recreate Python's optional parameters:


# C++-alike
class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, Bar, Baz, Boo):

# C#-alike:
class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, Bar="Bar", Baz=13, Boo=4.2):

C++ doesn't provide a direct way of doing this, the closest mechanisms are default parameters and operator overloading:

C ++没有提供直接的方法,最接近的机制是默认参数和运算符重载:

class Foo {
    std::string m_bar = "Bar";
    int m_baz = 3;
    float m_boo = 4.2;
    Foo(std::string bar="Bar", int baz=3, int boo=6.1)
        : m_bar(bar), m_baz(baz), m_boo(boo)
    /* Foo* f = new Foo(); => new Foo(bar="Bar", baz=13, boo=6.1);
     * Foo* f = new Foo("hello"); => new Foo(bar="hello", baz=3, boo=4.2);
     * Foo* f = new Foo("hello", 1, 1.); => new Foo(bar="hello", baz=1, boo=1.);
     * Foo* f = new Foo(42.); => invalid, arguments must be in order.


class Foo {
    std::string m_bar = "Bar";
    int m_baz = 3;
    float m_boo = 4.2;
    Foo() = default;

    // allow Foo("hello")
    Foo(const char* bar) : m_bar(bar) {}
    Foo(const std::string& bar) : m_bar(bar) {}
    Foo(std::string&& bar) : m_bar(std::forward(bar)) {}

    // allow Foo(10, 12.)
    explicit Foo(int baz, float boo) : m_baz(baz), m_boo(boo) {}

    /* Foo* f = new Foo(); => new Foo(bar="Bar", baz=3, boo=4.2);
     * Foo* f = new Foo("hello"); => new Foo(bar="hello", baz=3, boo=4.2);
     * Foo* f = new Foo(1, 1.); => new Foo(bar="Bar", baz=1, boo=1.);
     * Foo* f = new Foo(42.); => invalid, no match

See http://ideone.com/yFIqlA for SSCE.


If you genuinely have a dozen different constructor configurations, you should probably rethink your design.


--- Edit ---


Note: It's not compulsory that you expose all parameters in the constructor:


class Foo {
    std::string m_user_supplied;
    std::time_t m_time;
    Foo() : m_user_supplied(), m_time(0) {}
    Foo(std::string src) : m_user_supplied(src), m_time(0) {}
    void addTime(time_t inc) { m_time += inc; }

--- Edit 2 ---

---编辑2 ---

"should maybe rethink your design" ... One problem with large, optional lists of parameters is growth. You are likely to wind up with parameters that depend on each other, contradict each other or interact with each other. You can either choose not to validate these or you can end up with complicated constructors.


struct Foo {
    FILE* m_output;
    const char* m_mode;

    Foo(..., FILE* output, const char* mode, ...)
        if (output != nullptr) {
            ASSERT( output == nullptr || mode != nullptr );
            ... other requirements
        } else {
            if (mode != nullptr)
                ... might not be an error but it might be a bug ...

One approach to avoiding this is to use encapsulation/aggregation of related members.


class Foo {
    struct FileAccess {
        FILE* m_file;
        const char* m_mode;
        constexpr FileAccess() : m_file(nullptr), m_mode(nullptr) noexcept {}
        FileAccess(FILE* file, const char* mode) : m_file(file), m_mode(mode) {
            if (file == nullptr || mode == nullptr)
                throw invalid_argument("file/mode cannot be null");

    FileAccess m_access;

    Foo(..., FileAccess access, ...);

This can go a fair way to reducing the bloat. If your API is stable, you can use it with initializer lists (if your API is not stable and you do change will bite you in the ass)


auto fooWithFile = make_unique<Foo>{..., /*access=*/{stdout, "w"}, ...};
auto fooWithout  = make_unique<Foo>{..., /*access=*/{}, ...};

If you subsequently decide to stop using ctors and switch to using setters, this will translate reasonably well, since you can have overloaded "set" which takes one of the various configuration structs:


auto foo = make_unique<Foo>();
foo->set(FileAccess(stdout, "w"))
   ->set(Position(Right, -100, Top, 180))
   ->set(DimensionPercentage(80, 75));


auto foo = make_unique<Foo>() { # pseudo based on if C++ had the C# syntax
    m_file = stdout;
    m_mode = "w";
    m_xPosition = -100;
    m_xPositionRel = Right;
    m_yPosition = -180;
    m_yPositionRel = Top;
    m_dimensionType = Percentage;
    m_xDimension = 80;
    m_yDimension = 75;


You can use uniform initialization to initialize it.
