新的C ++标准是否提供了新的容器?

时间:2022-05-07 16:28:26

With C++ STL being updated, will there ever be a set number of containers.
Edit: When it comes to containers, Will there be new addition to the library in addition vectors, lists etc..

随着C ++ STL的更新,是否会有一定数量的容器。编辑:当谈到容器时,除了向量,列表等之外,是否会对库进行新的添加。

2 个解决方案


The proposed C++ Standard (aka C++0x) adds the following templated containers:

建议的C ++标准(又名C ++ 0x)添加了以下模板化容器:

  • array (rather like a fixed size vector)
  • 数组(相当于固定大小的向量)

  • forward_list (singly-linked list)
  • forward_list(单链表)

  • unordered_map and unordered_multimap (hash table as dictionary)
  • unordered_map和unordered_multimap(哈希表作为字典)

  • unordered_set and unordered_multiset (hash table as set)
  • unordered_set和unordered_multiset(设置的哈希表)


You might take a look at Hash tables section of a very good Wikipedia article on C++0x

您可以查看一篇关于C ++ 0x的非常好的*文章的哈希表部分


The proposed C++ Standard (aka C++0x) adds the following templated containers:

建议的C ++标准(又名C ++ 0x)添加了以下模板化容器:

  • array (rather like a fixed size vector)
  • 数组(相当于固定大小的向量)

  • forward_list (singly-linked list)
  • forward_list(单链表)

  • unordered_map and unordered_multimap (hash table as dictionary)
  • unordered_map和unordered_multimap(哈希表作为字典)

  • unordered_set and unordered_multiset (hash table as set)
  • unordered_set和unordered_multiset(设置的哈希表)


You might take a look at Hash tables section of a very good Wikipedia article on C++0x

您可以查看一篇关于C ++ 0x的非常好的*文章的哈希表部分