
时间:2022-06-30 16:27:14

During an investigation of some client machines losing their connection with SQL Server 2005, I ran into the following line of code on the web:

在调查某些客户端计算机失去与SQL Server 2005的连接时,我在Web上遇到了以下代码:

Select * FROM sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info WHERE counter = 'timeout'

选择* FROM sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info WHERE counter ='timeout'

When I run this query on our server - we are getting the following results:

当我在我们的服务器上运行此查询时 - 我们得到以下结果:

counter - occurrence - value

反发生 - 价值

timeout - 9100 - 1

超时 - 9100 - 1

As far as I can determine, this means that the query optimizer is timing out while trying to optimize queries run against our server – 9100 times. We are however, not seeing any timeout errors in the SQL Server error log, and our end-users have not reported any timeout specific errors.

据我所知,这意味着查询优化器在尝试优化针对我们的服务器运行的查询时超时 - 9100次。但是,我们没有在SQL Server错误日志中看到任何超时错误,并且我们的最终用户没有报告任何超时特定错误。

Can anyone tell me what this number of “occurrences” means? Is this an issue we should be concerned about?


3 个解决方案


This counter is nothing to do with your connection issues.


SQL Server won't spend forever trying to compile the best possible plan (at least without using trace flags).

SQL Server不会花费太多时间来尝试编译最好的计划(至少不使用跟踪标志)。

It calculates two values at the beginning of the optimisation process.


  1. Cost of a good enough plan
  2. 一个足够好的计划的成本

  3. Maximum time to spend on query optimisation (this is measured in number of transformation tasks carried out rather than clock time).
  4. 花在查询优化上的最长时间(这是根据执行的转换任务的数量而不是时钟时间来衡量的)。

If a plan with a cost lower than the threshold is found then it needn't continue optimising. Also if it exceeds the number of tasks budgeted then optimisation will also end and it will return the best plan found so far.


The reason that optimisation finished early shows up in the execution plan in the StatementOptmEarlyAbortReason attribute. There are actually three possible values.


  • Good enough plan found
  • 找到了足够好的计划

  • Timeout
  • Memory Limit Exceeded.
  • 内存限制超出。

A timeout will increment the counter you ask about in sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info.


Further Reading


The occurence column will tell you the number of times that counter has been incremented and the value column is an internal column for this counter.


See here


Sorry, the documentation say this is internal only.


Based on the other link, I suspect this is for internal engine timeouts (eg SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT)

根据其他链接,我怀疑这是内部引擎超时(例如SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT)

A client timeout will also not be logged in SQL because the client aborts the batch, ths stopping SQL processing.


Please do you have more details?



This counter is nothing to do with your connection issues.


SQL Server won't spend forever trying to compile the best possible plan (at least without using trace flags).

SQL Server不会花费太多时间来尝试编译最好的计划(至少不使用跟踪标志)。

It calculates two values at the beginning of the optimisation process.


  1. Cost of a good enough plan
  2. 一个足够好的计划的成本

  3. Maximum time to spend on query optimisation (this is measured in number of transformation tasks carried out rather than clock time).
  4. 花在查询优化上的最长时间(这是根据执行的转换任务的数量而不是时钟时间来衡量的)。

If a plan with a cost lower than the threshold is found then it needn't continue optimising. Also if it exceeds the number of tasks budgeted then optimisation will also end and it will return the best plan found so far.


The reason that optimisation finished early shows up in the execution plan in the StatementOptmEarlyAbortReason attribute. There are actually three possible values.


  • Good enough plan found
  • 找到了足够好的计划

  • Timeout
  • Memory Limit Exceeded.
  • 内存限制超出。

A timeout will increment the counter you ask about in sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info.


Further Reading


The occurence column will tell you the number of times that counter has been incremented and the value column is an internal column for this counter.


See here


Sorry, the documentation say this is internal only.


Based on the other link, I suspect this is for internal engine timeouts (eg SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT)

根据其他链接,我怀疑这是内部引擎超时(例如SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT)

A client timeout will also not be logged in SQL because the client aborts the batch, ths stopping SQL processing.


Please do you have more details?
