
时间:2020-11-26 16:28:29

Within a C# method, I execute the following SQL query that returns multiple rows:


SELECT [Data], [Version] 
FROM [dbo].[Table] 
WHERE [Id]=@uniqueId AND [ReferenceId] IS NULL 
ORDER BY [Version] Asc

I then iterate the results and call a method that is supposed to update the table:


while (sqlDataReader.Read())
    SqlBytes data = sqlDataReader.GetSqlBytes(0);
    SqlInt64 version = sqlDataReader.GetSqlInt64(1);

    UpdateReference(data, version);

UpdateReference(data, version)
    // do database unrelated stuff with data

    UPDATE [dbo].[Table] 
    SET [dbo].[Table].[ReferenceId]=..., [dbo].[Table].[Data]=...
    WHERE [dbo].[Table].[Id]=@uniqueId AND [dbo].[Table].[Version]=@version

For a while this worked fine, but suddenly (after executing some SELECT ... INNER JOIN queries on the same table) stopped. I create a transaction scope over the first SELECT (in the same method that calls UpdateReference()):


 using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    SELECT ...
    while (sqlDataReader.Read()) ... UpdateReference();

I get the following exception:


The transaction has aborted.


If I remove the the transaction scope, timeout exception occurs after some time while calling UPDATE:


Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.


But this doesn't seem to be an SQL Server problem. What is also odd is that for some records, there are no such problems - they only occur when the first SELECT is used on certain table records.


Here's what I found out so far:


  • if I execute the queries (from code) independently, everything works fine;
  • 如果我独立地执行查询(来自代码),一切都会正常工作;
  • both queries work as expected if I execute them independently in SQL Management Studio
  • 如果我在SQL Management Studio中独立地执行这两个查询,那么它们都可以正常工作

One solution that seems to work (for now?) is to store results of the first query to lists, then call update on list elements after SELECT has finished:


List<long> versionList = new List<long>();     
List<byte[]> dataList = new List<byte[]>();   

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

        // Execute SELECT ...
        using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, connection))

            using (SqlDataReader sqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader())
                while (sqlDataReader.Read())
                    SqlBytes data = sqlDataReader.GetSqlBytes(0);
                    SqlInt64 version = sqlDataReader.GetSqlInt64(1);

                    // Store result to lists

    // Everything works as expected if this loop is placed here; but if it is placed within the above SqlConnection using clause, an exception is thrown:
    // "Network access for Distributed Transaction Manager (MSDTC) has been disabled. Please enable DTC for network access in the security configurationfor MSDTC using the Component Services Administrative tool."
    for (int i = 0; i < versionList.Count; i++)
       UpdateReference(dataList[i], versionList[i]);


I'm not sure if this solution is any good (besides using more memory than optimal) or what other potential problems it may cause. I would be grateful for any insight into what is going on here and how best to resolve it.




For clarity sake, this is how I fixed the problem:


  1. execute SELECT outside TransactionScope, store results into lists;

    执行SELECT out TransactionScope,将结果存储到列表中;

  2. iterate these lists and feed their content to UPDATE, which is enclosed in a TransactionScope


Feel free to criticize/improve this solution:


    List<long> versionList = new List<long>();     
    List<byte[]> dataList = new List<byte[]>();   

    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

        // Execute SELECT ...
        using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, connection))

            using (SqlDataReader sqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader())
                while (sqlDataReader.Read())
                    SqlBytes data = sqlDataReader.GetSqlBytes(0);
                    SqlInt64 version = sqlDataReader.GetSqlInt64(1);

                    // Store result to lists

        // Call update
        for (int i = 0; i < versionList.Count; i++)
            UpdateReference(dataList[i], versionList[i]);       

UpdateReference(data, version)

    using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
        using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString))

            UPDATE [dbo].[Table] 
            SET [dbo].[Table].[ReferenceId]=..., [dbo].[Table].[Data]=...
            WHERE [dbo].[Table].[Id]=... AND [dbo].[Table].[Version]=@version


1 个解决方案



Yes, select usually takes locks; during the query itself, for stability; but if there is a transaction (depending on the isolation level), those locks can persist after the query for the entire transaction; key-range locks in particular. Of course, code in the same transaction won't be adversely impacted by these locks. Of particular importance is where exactly your connections are created opened, and how many you are using:


  • a connection will only auto-enlist in the ambient transaction if it is created and opened inside that transaction; if you open a connection then create an ambient transaction, the connection does not auto-enlist
  • 只有在环境事务中创建并在该事务中打开连接时,该连接才会自动登记;如果您打开一个连接,然后创建一个环境事务,该连接不会自动登记
  • if you have a single connection inside a transaction scope, it will usually use the LTM; it typically only escalates to DTC if you use more than one connection instance; DTC is a bit fiddly to configure on the network (dtcping can help)
  • 如果事务范围内只有一个连接,则通常使用LTM;它通常只在使用多个连接实例时升级到DTC;在网络上配置DTC有点麻烦(dtcping可能有帮助)
  • in your case, you want a reader and an execute at the same time; I suspect that at the moment you are doing this using multiple connections; one other option is to enable MARS which will allow you to do both operations on a single connection
  • 在你的情况下,你想要一个读者和一个执行同时;我怀疑此时你是在使用多个连接;另一个选择是启用MARS,这将允许您在一个连接上同时执行两个操作

However! Personally, I suspect the simplest option in your case is to do the query first outside of the transaction and into a list (or similar) - i.e. not lazily spooling. Then do the work, and apply any updates. If possible, I would try to avoid a single transaction that spans hundreds/thousands of separate commands - if you can possibly batch that work, that would be preferable.




Yes, select usually takes locks; during the query itself, for stability; but if there is a transaction (depending on the isolation level), those locks can persist after the query for the entire transaction; key-range locks in particular. Of course, code in the same transaction won't be adversely impacted by these locks. Of particular importance is where exactly your connections are created opened, and how many you are using:


  • a connection will only auto-enlist in the ambient transaction if it is created and opened inside that transaction; if you open a connection then create an ambient transaction, the connection does not auto-enlist
  • 只有在环境事务中创建并在该事务中打开连接时,该连接才会自动登记;如果您打开一个连接,然后创建一个环境事务,该连接不会自动登记
  • if you have a single connection inside a transaction scope, it will usually use the LTM; it typically only escalates to DTC if you use more than one connection instance; DTC is a bit fiddly to configure on the network (dtcping can help)
  • 如果事务范围内只有一个连接,则通常使用LTM;它通常只在使用多个连接实例时升级到DTC;在网络上配置DTC有点麻烦(dtcping可能有帮助)
  • in your case, you want a reader and an execute at the same time; I suspect that at the moment you are doing this using multiple connections; one other option is to enable MARS which will allow you to do both operations on a single connection
  • 在你的情况下,你想要一个读者和一个执行同时;我怀疑此时你是在使用多个连接;另一个选择是启用MARS,这将允许您在一个连接上同时执行两个操作

However! Personally, I suspect the simplest option in your case is to do the query first outside of the transaction and into a list (or similar) - i.e. not lazily spooling. Then do the work, and apply any updates. If possible, I would try to avoid a single transaction that spans hundreds/thousands of separate commands - if you can possibly batch that work, that would be preferable.

