在XAML UWP中转换原始类型的最佳方式是什么?

时间:2022-04-05 16:27:40

In WPF, Silverlight or Windows Phone Silverlight we had a nice way to convert to any type from a string which is specified in XAML.

在WPF、Silverlight或Windows Phone Silverlight中,我们有一种很好的方式,可以从XAML中指定的字符串转换为任何类型。

The only thing we had to do is to subclass from TypeConverter and then mark particular properties or classes with TypeConverterAttribure specifying which converter the framework should use.


This feature is totally missing in Universal App XAML and the worst of all Universal App XAML has a very limited ability for value conversion.


You can use only bool, int, double, string and that's about it. If you create a custom control with dependency property of types char or long you cannot assign those properties in XAML.

你只能使用bool, int, double, string这是关于它的。如果使用char或long类型的依赖属性创建自定义控件,则不能在XAML中分配这些属性。

The compiler says that it cannot convert from string to char for example. What would be the best work around if you need to assign control's properties in XAML for types like char?


So far I came up with an idea to use {x:Bind Converter={StaticResource PropertyConverter}, ConverterParameter=Value} where basically the Value is converted to the target property type with the help of PropertyConverter which simply calls Convert.ChangeType inside.

到目前为止,我想到了使用{x:Bind Converter={StaticResource PropertyConverter}, ConverterParameter=Value}的方法,在PropertyConverter的帮助下,将值转换为目标属性类型,它只调用Convert。ChangeType里面。

The problem is that this approach does not work in XAMLs which are in Themes directory, which are basically control templates. It works only for UserControls.


Is there a better way, ideally a universal way, to convert any type from string to a particular type when assigning in XAML?


2 个解决方案



The Converter is the right approach. The reason why you cant use x:Bind in your theme xaml file (e.g inside datatemplace) is it require difference setup. You can use Binding in place of x:Bind.




Visibility="{Binding IsMenuOpen, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibility}}"



Looks like starting in the Creator's Update you can now use this method to replicate this behavior, from the article:


namespace CustomControlWithType
    [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.CreateFromString(MethodName = "CustomControlWithType.Location.ConvertToLatLong")]
    public class Location
        public double Latitude { get; set; }
        public double Longitude { get; set; }
        public double Altitude { get; set; }

        public static Location ConvertToLatLong(string rawString)
            string[] coords = rawString.Split(',');

            var position = new Location();
            position.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(coords[0]);
            position.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(coords[1]);

            if (coords.Length > 2)
                position.Altitude = Convert.ToDouble(coords[2]);

            return position;



The Converter is the right approach. The reason why you cant use x:Bind in your theme xaml file (e.g inside datatemplace) is it require difference setup. You can use Binding in place of x:Bind.




Visibility="{Binding IsMenuOpen, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibility}}"



Looks like starting in the Creator's Update you can now use this method to replicate this behavior, from the article:


namespace CustomControlWithType
    [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.CreateFromString(MethodName = "CustomControlWithType.Location.ConvertToLatLong")]
    public class Location
        public double Latitude { get; set; }
        public double Longitude { get; set; }
        public double Altitude { get; set; }

        public static Location ConvertToLatLong(string rawString)
            string[] coords = rawString.Split(',');

            var position = new Location();
            position.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(coords[0]);
            position.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(coords[1]);

            if (coords.Length > 2)
                position.Altitude = Convert.ToDouble(coords[2]);

            return position;