
时间:2022-01-10 16:27:30

Alright, I've been programming in Java for the better part of three years, now, and consider myself very experienced. However, while looking over the Java SE source code, I ran into something I didn't expect:

好吧,我已经用Java编程三年多了,我觉得自己很有经验。然而,在查看Java SE源代码时,我遇到了一些意想不到的东西:

in class Double:


public static final double MIN_NORMAL = 0x1.0p-1022; // 2.2250738585072014E-308

public static final double MIN_VALUE = 0x0.0000000000001P-1022; // 4.9e-324

I did not expect this and can't find out what it means. If you don't know, I'm referring to the p and P that are after these numbers, before the subtraction operator. I know you can use suffixes to force a number to be a double, long, float, etc., but I've never encountered a p or P. I checked the Java API, but it doesn't mention it. Is there a complete list of Java primitive number literal modifiers somewhere? Does anyone know them all?


For reference, below are the ones I've used or encountered, with the ones whose purposes elude me in bold with question marks (# represents any arbitrary number within respective limits):




  • # = 32-bit integer int
  • # = 32位整数int
  • #L = 64-bit integer long
  • #L = 64位整数长
  • #l = another 64-bit integer l?
  • #l =另一个64位整数l?
  • #f = 32-bit floating-point float
  • #f = 32位浮点浮点数。
  • #F = another 32-bit floating-point float?
  • #F =另一个32位浮点浮点浮点浮点数?
  • #d = 64-bit floating-point double
  • #d = 64位浮点双精度浮点
  • #D = another 64-bit floating-point double?
  • 另一个64位浮点双精度浮点?
  • #e# = scientific notation
  • # # =科学记数法
  • #E# = another scientific notation?
  • 另一种科学符号?
  • #p = ?
  • # p = ?
  • #P = ?
  • # P = ?
  • Any more?
  • 有更多的吗?



  • 0b# = binary (base 2) literal
  • 0b# =二进制(以2为基数)文字
  • 0B# = another binary (base 2) literal?
  • 0B# =另一个二进制(以2为基数)文字?
  • 0# = octal (base 8) literal
  • 0# =八进制(以8为基数
  • # = decimal (base 10) literal
  • # =小数(以10为基数)。
  • 0x# = hexadecimal (base 16) literal
  • 0x# =十六进制(以16为基数)文字
  • 0X# = another hexadecimal (base 16) literal?
  • 0X# =另一个十六进制(基数16)的文字?
  • Any more?
  • 有更多的吗?

Other (are there suffixes or prefixes for these?):


  • (byte)# = 8-bit integer byte
  • (字节)# = 8位整数字节
  • (short)# = 16-bit integer short
  • (短)# = 16位整数短
  • (char)# - 32-bit character char
  • (char)# - 32位字符char

3 个解决方案



P is the exponent. It does not matter if it's capital or not.


According to the Javadoc for toHextString (which we know is being used because it begins with 0x:


public static String toHexString(double d) Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the double argument. All characters mentioned below are ASCII characters. If the argument is NaN, the result is the string "NaN". Otherwise, the result is a string that represents the sign and magnitude of the argument. If the sign is negative, the first character of the result is '-' ('\u002D'); if the sign is positive, no sign character appears in the result. As for the magnitude m:

公共静态字符串toHexString(双d)返回双参数的十六进制字符串表示形式。下面提到的所有字符都是ASCII字符。如果参数是NaN,则结果是字符串“NaN”。否则,结果是一个表示参数符号和大小的字符串。如果符号为负,则结果的第一个字符为'-' ('\u002D');如果符号为正,则结果中不会出现符号字符。至于震级m:

  • If m is infinity, it is represented by the string "Infinity"; thus, positive infinity produces the result "Infinity" and negative
    infinity produces the result "-Infinity".


  • If m is zero, it is represented by the string "0x0.0p0"; thus, negative zero produces the result "-0x0.0p0" and positive zero produces the result "0x0.0p0".


  • If m is a double value with a normalized representation, substrings are used to represent the significand and exponent fields. The significand is represented by the characters "0x1." followed by a lowercase hexadecimal representation of the rest of the significand as a fraction. Trailing zeros in the hexadecimal representation are removed unless all the digits are zero, in which case a single zero is used. Next, the exponent is represented by "p" followed by a decimal string of the unbiased exponent as if produced by a call to Integer.toString on the exponent value.


  • If m is a double value with a subnormal representation, the significand is represented by the characters "0x0." followed by a hexadecimal representation of the rest of the significand as a fraction. Trailing zeros in the hexadecimal representation are removed. Next, the exponent is represented by "p-1022". Note that there must be at least one nonzero digit in a subnormal significand.


According to the JLS, the following pieces of grammar are accepted:


3.10.1. Integer Literals




  • l
  • l
  • L
  • l



  • 0 OctalDigits
  • 0 OctalDigits
  • 0 Underscores OctalDigits
  • 0强调OctalDigits



  • 0 x HexDigits
  • 0 x HexDigits
  • 0 X HexDigits
  • 0 X HexDigits



  • 0 b BinaryDigits
  • 0 b BinaryDigits
  • 0 B BinaryDigits
  • 0 B BinaryDigits

3.10.2. Floating-Point Literals


ExponentIndicator: one of


  • e
  • e
  • E
  • E

FloatTypeSuffix: one of


  • f
  • f
  • F
  • F
  • d
  • d
  • D
  • D



  • HexNumeral
  • HexNumeral
  • HexNumeral .
  • HexNumeral。
  • 0 x HexDigitsopt . HexDigits
  • 0 x HexDigitsopt。HexDigits
  • 0 X HexDigitsopt . HexDigits
  • 0 X HexDigitsopt。HexDigits

BinaryExponentIndicator: one of


  • p
  • p
  • P
  • P

No other single character literals are specified for those purposes.




All of the legal ways to declare a literal are defined in the JLS.


  • p or P is the binary exponent of a number.
  • p或p是一个数字的二进制指数。
  • l or L defines a long.
  • l或l定义了long。
  • f or F defines a float.
  • f或f定义了一个浮点数。
  • d or D defines a double.
  • d或d定义了一个double。
  • 0B or 0b defines a binary literal.
  • 0B或0B定义了二进制文字。
  • 0x or 0X defines a hexadecimal literal.
  • 0x或0x定义十六进制文字。
  • e or E is also an exponent, but since e is a valid character in hexadecimal, p is also used.
  • e或e也是一个指数,但由于e在十六进制中是一个有效字符,所以也使用p。



P or p is a BinaryExponentIndicator. See the Java language specification.


See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se5.0/html/lexical.html#3.10.2

看到http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se5.0/html/lexical.html 3.10.2



P is the exponent. It does not matter if it's capital or not.


According to the Javadoc for toHextString (which we know is being used because it begins with 0x:


public static String toHexString(double d) Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the double argument. All characters mentioned below are ASCII characters. If the argument is NaN, the result is the string "NaN". Otherwise, the result is a string that represents the sign and magnitude of the argument. If the sign is negative, the first character of the result is '-' ('\u002D'); if the sign is positive, no sign character appears in the result. As for the magnitude m:

公共静态字符串toHexString(双d)返回双参数的十六进制字符串表示形式。下面提到的所有字符都是ASCII字符。如果参数是NaN,则结果是字符串“NaN”。否则,结果是一个表示参数符号和大小的字符串。如果符号为负,则结果的第一个字符为'-' ('\u002D');如果符号为正,则结果中不会出现符号字符。至于震级m:

  • If m is infinity, it is represented by the string "Infinity"; thus, positive infinity produces the result "Infinity" and negative
    infinity produces the result "-Infinity".


  • If m is zero, it is represented by the string "0x0.0p0"; thus, negative zero produces the result "-0x0.0p0" and positive zero produces the result "0x0.0p0".


  • If m is a double value with a normalized representation, substrings are used to represent the significand and exponent fields. The significand is represented by the characters "0x1." followed by a lowercase hexadecimal representation of the rest of the significand as a fraction. Trailing zeros in the hexadecimal representation are removed unless all the digits are zero, in which case a single zero is used. Next, the exponent is represented by "p" followed by a decimal string of the unbiased exponent as if produced by a call to Integer.toString on the exponent value.


  • If m is a double value with a subnormal representation, the significand is represented by the characters "0x0." followed by a hexadecimal representation of the rest of the significand as a fraction. Trailing zeros in the hexadecimal representation are removed. Next, the exponent is represented by "p-1022". Note that there must be at least one nonzero digit in a subnormal significand.


According to the JLS, the following pieces of grammar are accepted:


3.10.1. Integer Literals




  • l
  • l
  • L
  • l



  • 0 OctalDigits
  • 0 OctalDigits
  • 0 Underscores OctalDigits
  • 0强调OctalDigits



  • 0 x HexDigits
  • 0 x HexDigits
  • 0 X HexDigits
  • 0 X HexDigits



  • 0 b BinaryDigits
  • 0 b BinaryDigits
  • 0 B BinaryDigits
  • 0 B BinaryDigits

3.10.2. Floating-Point Literals


ExponentIndicator: one of


  • e
  • e
  • E
  • E

FloatTypeSuffix: one of


  • f
  • f
  • F
  • F
  • d
  • d
  • D
  • D



  • HexNumeral
  • HexNumeral
  • HexNumeral .
  • HexNumeral。
  • 0 x HexDigitsopt . HexDigits
  • 0 x HexDigitsopt。HexDigits
  • 0 X HexDigitsopt . HexDigits
  • 0 X HexDigitsopt。HexDigits

BinaryExponentIndicator: one of


  • p
  • p
  • P
  • P

No other single character literals are specified for those purposes.




All of the legal ways to declare a literal are defined in the JLS.


  • p or P is the binary exponent of a number.
  • p或p是一个数字的二进制指数。
  • l or L defines a long.
  • l或l定义了long。
  • f or F defines a float.
  • f或f定义了一个浮点数。
  • d or D defines a double.
  • d或d定义了一个double。
  • 0B or 0b defines a binary literal.
  • 0B或0B定义了二进制文字。
  • 0x or 0X defines a hexadecimal literal.
  • 0x或0x定义十六进制文字。
  • e or E is also an exponent, but since e is a valid character in hexadecimal, p is also used.
  • e或e也是一个指数,但由于e在十六进制中是一个有效字符,所以也使用p。



P or p is a BinaryExponentIndicator. See the Java language specification.


See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se5.0/html/lexical.html#3.10.2

看到http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se5.0/html/lexical.html 3.10.2