
时间:2022-03-10 16:23:51

I'm looking for a datatype (which will be used as an Index), it should be 16 bits in 32-bit os and 32-bits in 64-bit OS. I use VS2010, and I'm aware that HALF_PTR can be used but it doesn't sound good when used for index and I can still typedef it to a more meaningful name, but before that is there any defined datatype that I can use for this purpose?


1 个解决方案



You can use traits to make a type alias that suits your system:


#include <cstdint>

template <unsigned int> struct HalfPtrImpl;
template <> struct HalfPtrImpl<4> { typedef uint16_t type; };
template <> struct HalfPtrImpl<8> { typedef uint32_t type; };

typedef HalfPtrImpl<sizeof(uintptr_t)>::type HalfPtr;

Now use HalfPtr as your type.


(You can shortcut the above by using std::conditional a couple of times. Many ways to skin this cat.)

(您可以通过使用std :: conditional几次来快速执行上述操作。许多方法可以为这只猫提供皮肤。)



You can use traits to make a type alias that suits your system:


#include <cstdint>

template <unsigned int> struct HalfPtrImpl;
template <> struct HalfPtrImpl<4> { typedef uint16_t type; };
template <> struct HalfPtrImpl<8> { typedef uint32_t type; };

typedef HalfPtrImpl<sizeof(uintptr_t)>::type HalfPtr;

Now use HalfPtr as your type.


(You can shortcut the above by using std::conditional a couple of times. Many ways to skin this cat.)

(您可以通过使用std :: conditional几次来快速执行上述操作。许多方法可以为这只猫提供皮肤。)