
时间:2021-05-08 16:25:41

I've a php web page with a form. After filling the form in web page, I can submit it to the server. But after that, if I refresh the page, it inserts the same record to the database. Is there any solutions to this problem?


7 个解决方案



Use the POST/Redirect/GET pattern. This will prevent the user from being able to resubmit the same form.

使用POST / Redirect / GET模式。这将阻止用户重新提交相同的表单。



There are a number of ways, for example:


  • Create a token which you insert into the form (hidden field). if the same token is submitted twice, discard the second submit.
  • 创建一个插入表单的标记(隐藏字段)。如果同一令牌被提交两次,则丢弃第二次提交。
  • Check in the database if an identical post already exists.
  • 如果已存在相同的帖子,请检入数据库。
  • Save the form submit in a session variable.
  • 将表单提交保存在会话变量中。
  • Redirect the user to a second page after the submit, using the Post/Redirect/Get pattern (preferably in combination with one of the above).
  • 使用Post / Redirect / Get模式(最好结合上述之一),在提交后将用户重定向到第二页。



Yep, do two queries. The first checks to make sure the data doesn't already exist in the DB, the second one does the insert if there is no duplicate data. There are a bunch of ways to go about checking to make sure the duplicate data doesn't exist, but this is the basic process you will want to go through.




Well, that's what Refresh means: "do it again."


You can check to see if data that matches the submitted data is already in the database. If so, you can reject the new submission.




Before inserting to the database check whether the same values are duplicates already, and if they are duplicates, don't insert. Checking for multiple columns helps even further. For example, instead of checking just for a "username", you would check for a "username" AND "password".


Obviously the examples above are fake, but you should get the point.




You can make a process.php page and set your form's action to it.


In process.php


//code to insert item to database
header('Location: YOUR_FORM_PAGE_HERE);

Then it will send them back to the original page and there won't be any post data




You could change your query to INSERT IGNORE INTO table_name ...

您可以将查询更改为INSERT IGNORE INTO table_name ...

this will prevent you from inserting twice.




Use the POST/Redirect/GET pattern. This will prevent the user from being able to resubmit the same form.

使用POST / Redirect / GET模式。这将阻止用户重新提交相同的表单。



There are a number of ways, for example:


  • Create a token which you insert into the form (hidden field). if the same token is submitted twice, discard the second submit.
  • 创建一个插入表单的标记(隐藏字段)。如果同一令牌被提交两次,则丢弃第二次提交。
  • Check in the database if an identical post already exists.
  • 如果已存在相同的帖子,请检入数据库。
  • Save the form submit in a session variable.
  • 将表单提交保存在会话变量中。
  • Redirect the user to a second page after the submit, using the Post/Redirect/Get pattern (preferably in combination with one of the above).
  • 使用Post / Redirect / Get模式(最好结合上述之一),在提交后将用户重定向到第二页。



Yep, do two queries. The first checks to make sure the data doesn't already exist in the DB, the second one does the insert if there is no duplicate data. There are a bunch of ways to go about checking to make sure the duplicate data doesn't exist, but this is the basic process you will want to go through.




Well, that's what Refresh means: "do it again."


You can check to see if data that matches the submitted data is already in the database. If so, you can reject the new submission.




Before inserting to the database check whether the same values are duplicates already, and if they are duplicates, don't insert. Checking for multiple columns helps even further. For example, instead of checking just for a "username", you would check for a "username" AND "password".


Obviously the examples above are fake, but you should get the point.




You can make a process.php page and set your form's action to it.


In process.php


//code to insert item to database
header('Location: YOUR_FORM_PAGE_HERE);

Then it will send them back to the original page and there won't be any post data




You could change your query to INSERT IGNORE INTO table_name ...

您可以将查询更改为INSERT IGNORE INTO table_name ...

this will prevent you from inserting twice.
