Using X++ Find out List purchase price agreements with MOQ

时间:2021-11-30 16:18:44

I often have received the data requirement from the Soucing department.

such as below.


Hi Jimmy,

Could you please based on as below standard run out list with all supplier, unit price, MOQ, Last 12 months purchase QTY us? 



Hi Jimmy


Thanks for your work. I have two questions as follows: 

1.       Can you please check if we have any other cards (CRD-) which are not included in 5 rages. If so, please list them in your table. 

2.       Have you got MOQ 5K, 10K and 20K prices? If so, please list in your table. 




static   void  Jimmy_PurchPriceForMOQWithCRD(Args _args)
    priceDiscTable  _priceDiscTable;
    test            test;
int              i;
    InventTable     IT;
    VendTable       VendTable;
    UTCDateTime     CreateDateTime 
=  DateTimeUtil::addMonths(DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(today(), 0 ), - 12 );

void  getPrice(VendAccount       _VendAccount,
              ItemId            _ItemId)
    priceDiscTable priceDiscTable;
while  select priceDiscTable
            order by priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount,priceDiscTable.Amount desc
where  priceDiscTable.ItemCode        ==  TableGroupAll::Table
&&     priceDiscTable.AccountCode     ==  TableGroupAll::Table
&&     priceDiscTable.relation        ==  PriceType::PricePurch
&&     priceDiscTable.Module          ==  ModuleInventCustVend::Vend
&&     priceDiscTable.ItemRelation    ==  _ItemId
&&     priceDiscTable.AccountRelation ==  _VendAccount
            &&   (systemdateget() >= priceDiscTable.fromDate || !priceDiscTable.fromDate) &&
                 (systemdateget() <= priceDiscTable.toDate   || !priceDiscTable.toDate  )
            &&   (priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 1         ||  priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 2000
            ||    priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 5000      ||  priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 10000
            ||    priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 20000)
switch (priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount)
case   1  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
case   2000  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
case   5000  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
case   10000  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
case   20000  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
case   30000  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
case   50000  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
case   80000  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
case   100000  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
case   150000  :
=  priceDiscTable.Amount; break ;
default  :
break ;

PurchQty getPurchQty(VendAccount   _VendAccount,
                      ItemId        _ItemId)
    purchLine   PurchLine;
    select sum(PurchQty) from PurchLine
where  PurchLine.VendAccount  ==  _VendAccount
&&     PurchLine.ItemId       ==  _ItemId
&&     PurchLine.createdDateTime  >=  CreateDateTime;
return  PurchLine.PurchQty;
    delete_from test;
// 请再帮忙增加编号为LABT和PET和PVC开头的的物料到附属的表格中。
     while  select _priceDiscTable
        group by AccountRelation,ItemRelation,Currency 
// ,fromDate,toDate
         where  _priceDiscTable.ItemCode        ==  TableGroupAll::Table
&&     _priceDiscTable.AccountCode     ==  TableGroupAll::Table
&&     _priceDiscTable.relation        ==  PriceType::PricePurch
&&     _priceDiscTable.Module          ==  ModuleInventCustVend::Vend
//  &&    _priceDiscTable.AccountRelation== "30299"
         &&     _priceDiscTable.ItemRelation   like  " CRD* "
        &&   (systemdateget() >= _priceDiscTable.fromDate || !_priceDiscTable.fromDate) &&
             (systemdateget() <= _priceDiscTable.toDate   || !_priceDiscTable.toDate  )
        &&   (_priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 1         ||  _priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 2000
        ||    _priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 5000      ||  _priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 10000
        ||    _priceDiscTable.QuantityAmount == 20000)

++ ;
=   0 ;
=   0 ;
=   0 ;
=   0 ;
=   0 ;
=   0 ;
=   0 ;
=   0 ;
=   0 ;
=   0 ;

=  _priceDiscTable.ItemRelation;
=  InventTable::find(test.ItemId).ItemName;
=  _priceDiscTable.AccountRelation;
=  VendTable::find(test.VendAccount);
=  VendTable.ChineseName  ?  VendTable.ChineseName : VendTable.Name;

=  _priceDiscTable.Currency;
=  Tec_PrimaryVendor::find(test.ItemId).PrimaryVendorId;
if (test.VendAccount  ==  test.CustName)
=  Noyes::Yes;
=  Noyes::No;
=  _priceDiscTable.FromDate;
=  _priceDiscTable.ToDate;
=  getPurchQty(test.VendAccount,test.ItemId);
" Total updated %1 records! " ,i));
// 也请帮忙导出像附件一样的BOX-,CPP-,LAB-,BLS- 对应价格及其它

from TEST a