
时间:2021-02-20 16:20:33

I am using a datagrid. It has itemEditor components, combo boxes, etc. as aprt of columns. Ideally datagrid.invalidateList() method works to reload the datagrid with new dataProvider data.


But, for me it is appending to the old data and new data gets added below the older data. I am not able to fix this reload of datagrid.


3 个解决方案


Use ArrayCollection, not Array! ArrayCollection provides all the change notification machinery you need. Array does not.

使用ArrayCollection,而不是Array! ArrayCollection提供您需要的所有更改通知机制。数组没有。


I'm having a little trouble understanding exactly what your problem is. Can't you just replace DataGrid.dataProvider with the new collection?



Well I got that. I just had to make my array empty.


so now its likeif arr is an array acting as dataprovider.

所以现在它的likeif arr是一个充当数据提供者的数组。


This makes the array empty and then i make it as dataprovider.



Use ArrayCollection, not Array! ArrayCollection provides all the change notification machinery you need. Array does not.

使用ArrayCollection,而不是Array! ArrayCollection提供您需要的所有更改通知机制。数组没有。


I'm having a little trouble understanding exactly what your problem is. Can't you just replace DataGrid.dataProvider with the new collection?



Well I got that. I just had to make my array empty.


so now its likeif arr is an array acting as dataprovider.

所以现在它的likeif arr是一个充当数据提供者的数组。


This makes the array empty and then i make it as dataprovider.
