How to properly dispose graphics context - do I need to use try
and finally
? Simple example:
如何正确处理图形上下文 - 我需要使用try和finally吗?简单的例子:
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();
try {
g2D.drawLine(0, 0, 10, 0);
} finally {
This is an example from java.awt.Window class:
* {@inheritDoc}
* @since 1.7
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if (!isOpaque()) {
Graphics gg = g.create();
try {
if (gg instanceof Graphics2D) {
gg.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
} finally {
As I see, constructors used are pretty simple, but try
and finally
still exits. So I think it would be a good practice to use them.
1 个解决方案
In that simple example, there's no need for try..finally
; g2D.drawLine
does not throw exceptions.1 However, if the body of the try
might throw an exception, execute a return
statement, or otherwise abnormally terminate the paint
method, then I would recommend try..finally
to ensure that the context is properly disposed.
在这个简单的例子中,没有必要尝试..最终; g2D.drawLine不会抛出异常。但是,如果try的主体可能抛出异常,执行return语句,或者以其他方式异常终止paint方法,那么我建议try..finally以确保上下文正确处置。
1It could, I suppose, throw an OutOfMemoryError
or some other unchecked exception. If it does that, though, disposing of a Graphics2D
context will be the least of your problems.
In that simple example, there's no need for try..finally
; g2D.drawLine
does not throw exceptions.1 However, if the body of the try
might throw an exception, execute a return
statement, or otherwise abnormally terminate the paint
method, then I would recommend try..finally
to ensure that the context is properly disposed.
在这个简单的例子中,没有必要尝试..最终; g2D.drawLine不会抛出异常。但是,如果try的主体可能抛出异常,执行return语句,或者以其他方式异常终止paint方法,那么我建议try..finally以确保上下文正确处置。
1It could, I suppose, throw an OutOfMemoryError
or some other unchecked exception. If it does that, though, disposing of a Graphics2D
context will be the least of your problems.