【1.Basic Algorithm Analysis】
Big-O Notation: roughly estimates how the algo scales when it's used on diff sized datasets.
eg: O(function);
The func is a math formula based on n and c: n represents the num of data elem in the algo and c represents a constant num.
O(log2 n) O(n) O(n log2 n) O(n2) O(n3) O(2^n)
1.A template is a mold for an algorithm or a class, and the programmers decide what type of material they want to use with it.
2.C++ supports 2 kinds of templates: template functions and template classes.
3.The syntax for a template function is such:
template <class T> returntype functionname( parameter list )
U first declare that you are creating a template by putting in the template keyword.
U then put the class keyword and the name of the generic datatype after that, contained within the <> brackets.T is the name of the generic datatype, and whenever I want to use the class in the function, I refer to it as T.
template <class T> T sum(T* p_array, int p_count) { int index; T sum = 0; for (index = 0; index < p_count; index++) sum += pArray[index]; return sum; } int main() { float array[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; cout << sum(array, 10) << endl; return 0; }
4.A template class is similar to a template function, except that a template class is an entire class that operates on a generic datatype.
template < class T > class Adder { public: Adder() { m_sum = 0; } void Add( T p_number ) { m_sum += p_number; } T Sum() { return m_sum; } private: T m_sum; };
This is the syntax required to declare an instance of the adder class that operates on integers:
Adder<int> intadder;
5.Multiple Parameterized Types
A template can have any number of parameterized types:
template < class one, class two, class three >
template < class Sumtype, class Averagetype > Averagetype Average( Sumtype* p_array, Averagetype p_count ) { int index; Sumtype sum = 0; for ( index = 0; index < p_count; index++ ) sum += p_array[index]; return (Averagetype)sum / p_count; }
The compiler determines the types of a template function implicitly.
6.Using Values as Template Parameters.
template <datatype value>
template< class Datatype, int size >
class Array...
Array<int, 5> iarray5;
Array<float, 15> farray15;
template <class T, T value>