
时间:2022-03-28 16:14:15

How can I use the compiler to infer the type of a static member?


In C# 6.0, the compiler can infer the type of a static property or method by providing the "using static <namespace>.<class>" directive.

在c# 6.0中,编译器可以通过提供“使用静态 ”来推断静态属性或方法的类型。 <类> 指令”。

Thus, I want to write as little code as possible.


I have the following static members:


module Mock

type Profile() =

    static member SomeUserName = "some_user_name"
    static member SomePassword = "some_password"

I then define some types and a function:


open Mock

type User =        User of string
type Password =    Password of string
type Credentials = { User:User; Password:Password }

let login credentials =

I then have the following test:


let ``sign in`` () =

    // Setup
    let credentials = { User=     User     Profile.SomeUserName
                        Password= Password Profile.SomePassword } 
    // Test
    credentials |> login 
                |> should equal true

I would like to remove the Profile type qualifier from SomeUserName and SomePassword and do this instead:


// Setup
let credentials = { User=     User     SomeUserName
                    Password= Password SomePassword } 

Do I have to explicitly specify a type of a static member?


1 个解决方案



The obvious solution, as Fyodor Soikin points out, is to simply make Profile a module.

正如费奥多尔•索伊金(Fyodor Soikin)所指出的,显而易见的解决方案是将概要文件设置为一个模块。

module Profile =
    let someUserName = "some_user_name"
    let somePassword = "some_password"

Then you can just:


open Profile

let credentials = { 
    User = User someUserName;
    Password = Password somePassword 

Incidentally, while it may not be possible to open static classes in F# at the moment, this looks set to change in future versions - this feature has been "approved in principle". See the user voice item for more.




The obvious solution, as Fyodor Soikin points out, is to simply make Profile a module.

正如费奥多尔•索伊金(Fyodor Soikin)所指出的,显而易见的解决方案是将概要文件设置为一个模块。

module Profile =
    let someUserName = "some_user_name"
    let somePassword = "some_password"

Then you can just:


open Profile

let credentials = { 
    User = User someUserName;
    Password = Password somePassword 

Incidentally, while it may not be possible to open static classes in F# at the moment, this looks set to change in future versions - this feature has been "approved in principle". See the user voice item for more.
