
时间:2022-07-15 16:13:52

As a web developer looking to move from hand-coded PHP sites to framework-based sites, I have seen a lot of discussion about the advantages of one ORM over another. It seems to be useful for projects of a certain (?) size, and even more important for enterprise-level applications.


What does it give me as a developer? How will my code differ from the individual SELECT statements that I use now? How will it help with DB access and security? How does it find out about the DB schema and user credentials?


Edit: @duffymo pointed out what should have been obvious to me: ORM is only useful for OOP code. My code is not OO, so I haven't run into the problems that ORM solves.


13 个解决方案



I'd say that if you aren't dealing with objects there's little point in using an ORM.


If your relational tables/columns map 1:1 with objects/attributes, there's not much point in using an ORM.


If your objects don't have any 1:1, 1:m or m:n relationships with other objects, there's not much point in using an ORM.


If you have complex, hand-tuned SQL, there's not much point in using an ORM.


If you've decided that your database will have stored procedures as its interface, there's not much point in using an ORM.


If you have a complex legacy schema that can't be refactored, there's not much point in using an ORM.


So here's the converse:


If you have a solid object model, with relationships between objects that are 1:1, 1:m, and m:n, don't have stored procedures, and like the dynamic SQL that an ORM solution will give you, by all means use an ORM.


Decisions like these are always a choice. Choose, implement, measure, evaluate.




ORMs are being hyped for being the solution to Data Access problems. Personally, after having used them in an Enterprise Project, they are far from being the solution for Enterprise Application Development. Maybe they work in small projects. Here are the problems we have experienced with them specifically nHibernate:


  1. Configuration: ORM technologies require configuration files to map table schemas into object structures. In large enterprise systems the configuration grows very quickly and becomes extremely difficult to create and manage. Maintaining the configuration also gets tedious and unmaintainable as business requirements and models constantly change and evolve in an agile environment.


  2. Custom Queries: The ability to map custom queries that do not fit into any defined object is either not supported or not recommended by the framework providers. Developers are forced to find work-arounds by writing adhoc objects and queries, or writing custom code to get the data they need. They may have to use Stored Procedures on a regular basis for anything more complex than a simple Select.


  3. Proprietery binding: These frameworks require the use of proprietary libraries and proprietary object query languages that are not standardized in the computer science industry. These proprietary libraries and query languages bind the application to the specific implementation of the provider with little or no flexibility to change if required and no interoperability to collaborate with each other.


  4. Object Query Languages: New query languages called Object Query Languages are provided to perform queries on the object model. They automatically generate SQL queries against the databse and the user is abstracted from the process. To Object Oriented developers this may seem like a benefit since they feel the problem of writing SQL is solved. The problem in practicality is that these query languages cannot support some of the intermediate to advanced SQL constructs required by most real world applications. They also prevent developers from tweaking the SQL queries if necessary.


  5. Performance: The ORM layers use reflection and introspection to instantiate and populate the objects with data from the database. These are costly operations in terms of processing and add to the performance degradation of the mapping operations. The Object Queries that are translated to produce unoptimized queries without the option of tuning them causing significant performance losses and overloading of the database management systems. Performance tuning the SQL is almost impossible since the frameworks provide little flexiblity over controlling the SQL that gets autogenerated.


  6. Tight coupling: This approach creates a tight dependancy between model objects and database schemas. Developers don't want a one-to-one correlation between database fields and class fields. Changing the database schema has rippling affects in the object model and mapping configuration and vice versa.


  7. Caches: This approach also requires the use of object caches and contexts that are necessary to maintian and track the state of the object and reduce database roundtrips for the cached data. These caches if not maintained and synchrnonized in a multi-tiered implementation can have significant ramifications in terms of data-accuracy and concurrency. Often third party caches or external caches have to be plugged in to solve this problem, adding extensive burden to the data-access layer.


For more information on our analysis you can read: http://www.orasissoftware.com/driver.aspx?topic=whitepaper




At a very high level: ORMs help to reduce the Object-Relational impedance mismatch. They allow you to store and retrieve full live objects from a relational database without doing a lot of parsing/serialization yourself.


What does it give me as a developer?


For starters it helps you stay DRY. Either you schema or you model classes are authoritative and the other is automatically generated which reduces the number of bugs and amount of boiler plate code.


It helps with marshaling. ORMs generally handle marshaling the values of individual columns into the appropriate types so that you don't have to parse/serialize them yourself. Furthermore, it allows you to retrieve fully formed object from the DB rather than simply row objects that you have to wrap your self.


How will my code differ from the individual SELECT statements that I use now?


Since your queries will return objects rather then just rows, you will be able to access related objects using attribute access rather than creating a new query. You are generally able to write SQL directly when you need to, but for most operations (CRUD) the ORM will make the code for interacting with persistent objects simpler.

由于您的查询将返回对象,而不是返回行,因此您将能够使用属性访问访问相关的对象,而不是创建新的查询。通常您可以在需要时直接编写SQL,但是对于大多数操作(CRUD), ORM将使与持久对象交互的代码更简单。

How will it help with DB access and security?


Generally speaking, ORMs have their own API for building queries (eg. attribute access) and so are less vulnerable to SQL injection attacks; however, they often allow you to inject your own SQL into the generated queries so that you can do strange things if you need to. Such injected SQL you are responsible for sanitizing yourself, but, if you stay away from using such features then the ORM should take care of sanitizing user data automatically.


How does it find out about the DB schema and user credentials?


Many ORMs come with tools that will inspect a schema and build up a set of model classes that allow you to interact with the objects in the database. [Database] user credentials are generally stored in a settings file.




If you write your data access layer by hand, you are essentially writing your own feature poor ORM.

如果您手工编写数据访问层,您实际上是在编写自己的特性poor ORM。

Oren Eini has a nice blog which sums up what essential features you may need in your DAL/ORM and why it writing your own becomes a bad idea after time: http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2006/05/12/25ReasonsNotToWriteYourOwnObjectRelationalMapper.aspx

Oren Eini有一个很好的博客,总结了你在你的DAL/ORM中可能需要的一些基本特性,以及为什么写你自己的博客会成为一个坏主意:http://ayende.com/blog/archive/2006/05/12/25rationsnottowritenobjectrelationalmapper.aspx

EDIT: The OP has commented in other answers that his code base isn't very object oriented. Dealing with object mapping is only one facet of ORMs. The Active Record pattern is a good example of how ORMs are still useful in scenarios where objects map 1:1 to tables.




I can't speak for other ORM's, just Hibernate (for Java).


Hibernate gives me the following:


  • Automatically updates schema for tables on production system at run-time. Sometimes you still have to update some things manually yourself.
  • 在运行时自动更新生产系统上的表的模式。有时候你还需要手动更新一些东西。
  • Automatically creates foreign keys which keeps you from writing bad code that is creating orphaned data.
  • 自动创建外键,防止您编写创建孤立数据的错误代码。
  • Implements connection pooling. Multiple connection pooling providers are available.
  • 实现连接池。可以使用多个连接池提供程序。
  • Caches data for faster access. Multiple caching providers are available. This also allows you to cluster together many servers to help you scale.
  • 缓存数据以便更快地访问。可以使用多个缓存提供程序。这也允许您将许多服务器聚在一起,以帮助您扩展。
  • Makes database access more transparent so that you can easily port your application to another database.
  • 使数据库访问更加透明,以便可以轻松地将应用程序移植到另一个数据库。
  • Make queries easier to write. The following query that would normally require you to write 'join' three times can be written like this:
    • "from Invoice i where i.customer.address.city = ?" this retrieves all invoices with a specific city
    • “从发票一开始,顾客地址。”这将检索与特定城市的所有发票
    • a list of Invoice objects are returned. I can then call invoice.getCustomer().getCompanyName(); if the data is not already in the cache the database is queried automatically in the background
    • 返回发票对象的列表。然后我可以调用invoice.getCustomer().getCompanyName();如果数据不在缓存中,数据库将在后台自动查询
  • 使查询更容易编写。下面的查询通常要求您写三次“join”,可以这样写:“from Invoice i where i.customer.address”。城市= ?“这个检索所有与特定城市的发票,发票对象的列表被返回。然后我可以调用invoice.getCustomer().getCompanyName();如果数据不在缓存中,数据库将在后台自动查询

You can reverse-engineer a database to create the hibernate schema (haven't tried this myself) or you can create the schema from scratch.


There is of course a learning curve as with any new technology but I think it's well worth it.


When needed you can still drop down to the lower SQL level to write an optimized query.




Top Benefits:


  1. Database Abstraction
  2. 数据库抽象
  3. API-centric design mentality
  4. 设计思维中脱颖而出
  5. High Level == Less to worry about at the fundamental level (its been thought of for you)
  6. 在最基本的层面上(它被认为是为你而存在的)

I have to say, working with an ORM is really the evolution of database-driven applications. You worry less about the boilerplate SQL you always write, and more on how the interfaces can work together to make a very straightforward system.


I love not having to worry about INNER JOIN and SELECT COUNT(*). I just work in my high level abstraction, and I've taken care of database abstraction at the same time.


Having said that, I never have really run into an issue where I needed to run the same code on more than one database system at a time realistically. However, that's not to say that case doesn't exist, its a very real problem for some developers.




Most databases used are relational databases which does not directly translate to objects. What an Object-Relational Mapper does is take the data, create a shell around it with utility functions for updating, removing, inserting, and other operations that can be performed. So instead of thinking of it as an array of rows, you now have a list of objets that you can manipulate as you would any other and simply call obj.Save() when you're done.

使用的大多数数据库是关系数据库,不直接转换为对象。对象-关系映射器所做的是获取数据,并围绕数据创建一个shell,其中包含用于更新、删除、插入和其他可以执行的操作的实用函数。因此,不再把它看作是一行的数组,现在您有了一个objets列表,您可以像其他方法一样操作它,并在完成之后简单地调用object . save()。

I suggest you take a look at some of the ORM's that are in use, a favourite of mine is the ORM used in the python framework, django. The idea is that you write a definition of how your data looks in the database and the ORM takes care of validation, checks and any mechanics that need to run before the data is inserted.

我建议您看一下正在使用的ORM,我最喜欢的是python框架中使用的ORM, django。其思想是,您编写数据在数据库中的外观的定义,ORM负责在插入数据之前进行验证、检查和任何需要运行的机制。



Personally I've not had a great experience with using ORM technology to date. I'm currently working for a company that uses nHibernate and I really can't get on with it. Give me a stored proc and DAL any day! More code sure ... but also more control and code that's easier to debug - from my experience using an early version of nHibernate it has to be added.




What does it give me as a developer?


Saves you time, since you don't have to code the db access portion.


How will my code differ from the individual SELECT statements that I use now?


You will use either attributes or xml files to define the class mapping to the database tables.


How will it help with DB access and security?


Most frameworks try to adhere to db best practices where applicable, such as parametrized SQL and such. Because the implementation detail is coded in the framework, you don't have to worry about it. For this reason, however, it's also important to understand the framework you're using, and be aware of any design flaws or bugs that may open unexpected holes.


How does it find out about the DB schema and user credentials?


You provide the connection string as always. The framework providers (e.g. SQL, Oracle, MySQL specific classes) provide the implementation that queries the db schema, processes the class mappings, and renders / executes the db access code as necessary.




Using an ORM will remove dependencies from your code on a particular SQL dialect. Instead of directly interacting with the database you'll be interacting with an abstraction layer that provides insulation between your code and the database implementation. Additionally, ORMs typically provide protection from SQL injection by constructing parameterized queries. Granted you could do this yourself, but it's nice to have the framework guarantee.


ORMs work in one of two ways: some discover the schema from an existing database -- the LINQToSQL designer does this --, others require you to map your class onto a table. In both cases, once the schema has been mapped, the ORM may be able to create (recreate) your database structure for you. DB permissions probably still need to be applied by hand or via custom SQL.


Typically, the credentials supplied programatically via the API or using a configuration file -- or both, defaults coming from a configuration file, but able to be override in code.




For a podcast that discusses ORM in detail see the following link. http://se-radio.net/podcast/2008-12/episode-121-or-mappers-michael-ploed

对于一个讨论ORM的播客,请参见下面的链接。http://se - radio.net/podcast/2008 12/episode - 121 -或-映射器-迈克尔-巴解组织



While I agree with the accepted answer almost completely, I think it can be amended with lightweight alternatives in mind.


  • If you have complex, hand-tuned SQL
  • 如果您有复杂的、手动调优的SQL
  • If your objects don't have any 1:1, 1:m or m:n relationships with other objects
  • 如果你的对象没有1:1,1:m或m:n与其他对象的关系
  • If you have a complex legacy schema that can't be refactored
  • 如果您有一个不能重构的复杂遗留模式

...then you might benefit from a lightweight ORM where SQL is is not obscured or abstracted to the point where it is easier to write your own database integration.


These are a few of the many reasons why the developer team at my company decided that we needed to make a more flexible abstraction to reside on top of the JDBC.


There are many open source alternatives around that accomplish similar things, and jORM is our proposed solution.


I would recommend to evaluate a few of the strongest candidates before choosing a lightweight ORM. They are slightly different in their approach to abstract databases, but might look similar from a top down view.




my concern with ORM frameworks is probably the very thing that makes it attractive to lots of developers.


nameley that it obviates the need to 'care' about what's going on at the DB level. Most of the problems that we see during the day to day running of our apps are related to database problems. I worry slightly about a world that is 100% ORM that people won't know about what queries are hitting the database, or if they do, they are unsure about how to change them or optimize them.


{I realize this may be a contraversial answer :) }




I'd say that if you aren't dealing with objects there's little point in using an ORM.


If your relational tables/columns map 1:1 with objects/attributes, there's not much point in using an ORM.


If your objects don't have any 1:1, 1:m or m:n relationships with other objects, there's not much point in using an ORM.


If you have complex, hand-tuned SQL, there's not much point in using an ORM.


If you've decided that your database will have stored procedures as its interface, there's not much point in using an ORM.


If you have a complex legacy schema that can't be refactored, there's not much point in using an ORM.


So here's the converse:


If you have a solid object model, with relationships between objects that are 1:1, 1:m, and m:n, don't have stored procedures, and like the dynamic SQL that an ORM solution will give you, by all means use an ORM.


Decisions like these are always a choice. Choose, implement, measure, evaluate.




ORMs are being hyped for being the solution to Data Access problems. Personally, after having used them in an Enterprise Project, they are far from being the solution for Enterprise Application Development. Maybe they work in small projects. Here are the problems we have experienced with them specifically nHibernate:


  1. Configuration: ORM technologies require configuration files to map table schemas into object structures. In large enterprise systems the configuration grows very quickly and becomes extremely difficult to create and manage. Maintaining the configuration also gets tedious and unmaintainable as business requirements and models constantly change and evolve in an agile environment.


  2. Custom Queries: The ability to map custom queries that do not fit into any defined object is either not supported or not recommended by the framework providers. Developers are forced to find work-arounds by writing adhoc objects and queries, or writing custom code to get the data they need. They may have to use Stored Procedures on a regular basis for anything more complex than a simple Select.


  3. Proprietery binding: These frameworks require the use of proprietary libraries and proprietary object query languages that are not standardized in the computer science industry. These proprietary libraries and query languages bind the application to the specific implementation of the provider with little or no flexibility to change if required and no interoperability to collaborate with each other.


  4. Object Query Languages: New query languages called Object Query Languages are provided to perform queries on the object model. They automatically generate SQL queries against the databse and the user is abstracted from the process. To Object Oriented developers this may seem like a benefit since they feel the problem of writing SQL is solved. The problem in practicality is that these query languages cannot support some of the intermediate to advanced SQL constructs required by most real world applications. They also prevent developers from tweaking the SQL queries if necessary.


  5. Performance: The ORM layers use reflection and introspection to instantiate and populate the objects with data from the database. These are costly operations in terms of processing and add to the performance degradation of the mapping operations. The Object Queries that are translated to produce unoptimized queries without the option of tuning them causing significant performance losses and overloading of the database management systems. Performance tuning the SQL is almost impossible since the frameworks provide little flexiblity over controlling the SQL that gets autogenerated.


  6. Tight coupling: This approach creates a tight dependancy between model objects and database schemas. Developers don't want a one-to-one correlation between database fields and class fields. Changing the database schema has rippling affects in the object model and mapping configuration and vice versa.


  7. Caches: This approach also requires the use of object caches and contexts that are necessary to maintian and track the state of the object and reduce database roundtrips for the cached data. These caches if not maintained and synchrnonized in a multi-tiered implementation can have significant ramifications in terms of data-accuracy and concurrency. Often third party caches or external caches have to be plugged in to solve this problem, adding extensive burden to the data-access layer.


For more information on our analysis you can read: http://www.orasissoftware.com/driver.aspx?topic=whitepaper




At a very high level: ORMs help to reduce the Object-Relational impedance mismatch. They allow you to store and retrieve full live objects from a relational database without doing a lot of parsing/serialization yourself.


What does it give me as a developer?


For starters it helps you stay DRY. Either you schema or you model classes are authoritative and the other is automatically generated which reduces the number of bugs and amount of boiler plate code.


It helps with marshaling. ORMs generally handle marshaling the values of individual columns into the appropriate types so that you don't have to parse/serialize them yourself. Furthermore, it allows you to retrieve fully formed object from the DB rather than simply row objects that you have to wrap your self.


How will my code differ from the individual SELECT statements that I use now?


Since your queries will return objects rather then just rows, you will be able to access related objects using attribute access rather than creating a new query. You are generally able to write SQL directly when you need to, but for most operations (CRUD) the ORM will make the code for interacting with persistent objects simpler.

由于您的查询将返回对象,而不是返回行,因此您将能够使用属性访问访问相关的对象,而不是创建新的查询。通常您可以在需要时直接编写SQL,但是对于大多数操作(CRUD), ORM将使与持久对象交互的代码更简单。

How will it help with DB access and security?


Generally speaking, ORMs have their own API for building queries (eg. attribute access) and so are less vulnerable to SQL injection attacks; however, they often allow you to inject your own SQL into the generated queries so that you can do strange things if you need to. Such injected SQL you are responsible for sanitizing yourself, but, if you stay away from using such features then the ORM should take care of sanitizing user data automatically.


How does it find out about the DB schema and user credentials?


Many ORMs come with tools that will inspect a schema and build up a set of model classes that allow you to interact with the objects in the database. [Database] user credentials are generally stored in a settings file.




If you write your data access layer by hand, you are essentially writing your own feature poor ORM.

如果您手工编写数据访问层,您实际上是在编写自己的特性poor ORM。

Oren Eini has a nice blog which sums up what essential features you may need in your DAL/ORM and why it writing your own becomes a bad idea after time: http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2006/05/12/25ReasonsNotToWriteYourOwnObjectRelationalMapper.aspx

Oren Eini有一个很好的博客,总结了你在你的DAL/ORM中可能需要的一些基本特性,以及为什么写你自己的博客会成为一个坏主意:http://ayende.com/blog/archive/2006/05/12/25rationsnottowritenobjectrelationalmapper.aspx

EDIT: The OP has commented in other answers that his code base isn't very object oriented. Dealing with object mapping is only one facet of ORMs. The Active Record pattern is a good example of how ORMs are still useful in scenarios where objects map 1:1 to tables.




I can't speak for other ORM's, just Hibernate (for Java).


Hibernate gives me the following:


  • Automatically updates schema for tables on production system at run-time. Sometimes you still have to update some things manually yourself.
  • 在运行时自动更新生产系统上的表的模式。有时候你还需要手动更新一些东西。
  • Automatically creates foreign keys which keeps you from writing bad code that is creating orphaned data.
  • 自动创建外键,防止您编写创建孤立数据的错误代码。
  • Implements connection pooling. Multiple connection pooling providers are available.
  • 实现连接池。可以使用多个连接池提供程序。
  • Caches data for faster access. Multiple caching providers are available. This also allows you to cluster together many servers to help you scale.
  • 缓存数据以便更快地访问。可以使用多个缓存提供程序。这也允许您将许多服务器聚在一起,以帮助您扩展。
  • Makes database access more transparent so that you can easily port your application to another database.
  • 使数据库访问更加透明,以便可以轻松地将应用程序移植到另一个数据库。
  • Make queries easier to write. The following query that would normally require you to write 'join' three times can be written like this:
    • "from Invoice i where i.customer.address.city = ?" this retrieves all invoices with a specific city
    • “从发票一开始,顾客地址。”这将检索与特定城市的所有发票
    • a list of Invoice objects are returned. I can then call invoice.getCustomer().getCompanyName(); if the data is not already in the cache the database is queried automatically in the background
    • 返回发票对象的列表。然后我可以调用invoice.getCustomer().getCompanyName();如果数据不在缓存中,数据库将在后台自动查询
  • 使查询更容易编写。下面的查询通常要求您写三次“join”,可以这样写:“from Invoice i where i.customer.address”。城市= ?“这个检索所有与特定城市的发票,发票对象的列表被返回。然后我可以调用invoice.getCustomer().getCompanyName();如果数据不在缓存中,数据库将在后台自动查询

You can reverse-engineer a database to create the hibernate schema (haven't tried this myself) or you can create the schema from scratch.


There is of course a learning curve as with any new technology but I think it's well worth it.


When needed you can still drop down to the lower SQL level to write an optimized query.




Top Benefits:


  1. Database Abstraction
  2. 数据库抽象
  3. API-centric design mentality
  4. 设计思维中脱颖而出
  5. High Level == Less to worry about at the fundamental level (its been thought of for you)
  6. 在最基本的层面上(它被认为是为你而存在的)

I have to say, working with an ORM is really the evolution of database-driven applications. You worry less about the boilerplate SQL you always write, and more on how the interfaces can work together to make a very straightforward system.


I love not having to worry about INNER JOIN and SELECT COUNT(*). I just work in my high level abstraction, and I've taken care of database abstraction at the same time.


Having said that, I never have really run into an issue where I needed to run the same code on more than one database system at a time realistically. However, that's not to say that case doesn't exist, its a very real problem for some developers.




Most databases used are relational databases which does not directly translate to objects. What an Object-Relational Mapper does is take the data, create a shell around it with utility functions for updating, removing, inserting, and other operations that can be performed. So instead of thinking of it as an array of rows, you now have a list of objets that you can manipulate as you would any other and simply call obj.Save() when you're done.

使用的大多数数据库是关系数据库,不直接转换为对象。对象-关系映射器所做的是获取数据,并围绕数据创建一个shell,其中包含用于更新、删除、插入和其他可以执行的操作的实用函数。因此,不再把它看作是一行的数组,现在您有了一个objets列表,您可以像其他方法一样操作它,并在完成之后简单地调用object . save()。

I suggest you take a look at some of the ORM's that are in use, a favourite of mine is the ORM used in the python framework, django. The idea is that you write a definition of how your data looks in the database and the ORM takes care of validation, checks and any mechanics that need to run before the data is inserted.

我建议您看一下正在使用的ORM,我最喜欢的是python框架中使用的ORM, django。其思想是,您编写数据在数据库中的外观的定义,ORM负责在插入数据之前进行验证、检查和任何需要运行的机制。



Personally I've not had a great experience with using ORM technology to date. I'm currently working for a company that uses nHibernate and I really can't get on with it. Give me a stored proc and DAL any day! More code sure ... but also more control and code that's easier to debug - from my experience using an early version of nHibernate it has to be added.




What does it give me as a developer?


Saves you time, since you don't have to code the db access portion.


How will my code differ from the individual SELECT statements that I use now?


You will use either attributes or xml files to define the class mapping to the database tables.


How will it help with DB access and security?


Most frameworks try to adhere to db best practices where applicable, such as parametrized SQL and such. Because the implementation detail is coded in the framework, you don't have to worry about it. For this reason, however, it's also important to understand the framework you're using, and be aware of any design flaws or bugs that may open unexpected holes.


How does it find out about the DB schema and user credentials?


You provide the connection string as always. The framework providers (e.g. SQL, Oracle, MySQL specific classes) provide the implementation that queries the db schema, processes the class mappings, and renders / executes the db access code as necessary.




Using an ORM will remove dependencies from your code on a particular SQL dialect. Instead of directly interacting with the database you'll be interacting with an abstraction layer that provides insulation between your code and the database implementation. Additionally, ORMs typically provide protection from SQL injection by constructing parameterized queries. Granted you could do this yourself, but it's nice to have the framework guarantee.


ORMs work in one of two ways: some discover the schema from an existing database -- the LINQToSQL designer does this --, others require you to map your class onto a table. In both cases, once the schema has been mapped, the ORM may be able to create (recreate) your database structure for you. DB permissions probably still need to be applied by hand or via custom SQL.


Typically, the credentials supplied programatically via the API or using a configuration file -- or both, defaults coming from a configuration file, but able to be override in code.




For a podcast that discusses ORM in detail see the following link. http://se-radio.net/podcast/2008-12/episode-121-or-mappers-michael-ploed

对于一个讨论ORM的播客,请参见下面的链接。http://se - radio.net/podcast/2008 12/episode - 121 -或-映射器-迈克尔-巴解组织



While I agree with the accepted answer almost completely, I think it can be amended with lightweight alternatives in mind.


  • If you have complex, hand-tuned SQL
  • 如果您有复杂的、手动调优的SQL
  • If your objects don't have any 1:1, 1:m or m:n relationships with other objects
  • 如果你的对象没有1:1,1:m或m:n与其他对象的关系
  • If you have a complex legacy schema that can't be refactored
  • 如果您有一个不能重构的复杂遗留模式

...then you might benefit from a lightweight ORM where SQL is is not obscured or abstracted to the point where it is easier to write your own database integration.


These are a few of the many reasons why the developer team at my company decided that we needed to make a more flexible abstraction to reside on top of the JDBC.


There are many open source alternatives around that accomplish similar things, and jORM is our proposed solution.


I would recommend to evaluate a few of the strongest candidates before choosing a lightweight ORM. They are slightly different in their approach to abstract databases, but might look similar from a top down view.




my concern with ORM frameworks is probably the very thing that makes it attractive to lots of developers.


nameley that it obviates the need to 'care' about what's going on at the DB level. Most of the problems that we see during the day to day running of our apps are related to database problems. I worry slightly about a world that is 100% ORM that people won't know about what queries are hitting the database, or if they do, they are unsure about how to change them or optimize them.


{I realize this may be a contraversial answer :) }
