
时间:2022-10-07 16:08:52
     A : Array [1..4] of Integer;
     B : Array [1..4] of Integer;

    A := B;

Won't work as loren-pechtel said here the problem is A and B for me are in different units. So, is there a way to define a type definition from a existing one in another class?


8 个解决方案


Define type in interface block of some unit and then include that unit via uses clause in other units where you need that type.


unit A;
  TMyArray = array [1..4] of Integer;


When you need to use TMyArray in another unit:


unit B;
uses A;

var x : TMyArray;


Alternatively, define your type in the interface section of unit C and use this unit in both A and B.



Array types in Delphi are a bit odd. It looks like A and B are of exactly the same type, but Delphi doesn't consider that they are the same. "Array [1..4] of Integer" appears twice, so Delphi thinks there are two different types. That's just an oddity of Delphi. Most other languages, I think, wouldn't care. It's not a problem in practice; it's just a bit strange. Maybe there is a good reason for it. Who knows. The solution, as the others have said, is define your own type, which you can put in a unit that can be used by other units. I just mention this issue of array types because it may be confusing you.

Delphi中的数组类型有点奇怪。看起来A和B的类型完全相同,但Delphi并不认为它们是相同的。 “整数的数组[1..4]”出现两次,因此德尔福认为有两种不同的类型。这只是德尔福的一个奇怪之处。我认为大多数其他语言都不会关心。这在实践中不是问题;这有点奇怪。也许这是有充分理由的。谁知道。正如其他人所说,解决方案是定义您自己的类型,您可以将其放入可供其他单位使用的单元中。我刚才提到这个数组类型的问题,因为它可能让你感到困惑。


Another approach, a bit old school but still works, is to use the ABSOLUTE keyword to force the memory of one to overlay another, and make the other type compatible. For example, in unit a lets say you have the following:


  TArrayA = Array[1..4] of integer;

then in unit b, you have the following:


  TArrayB = Array[1..4] of integer;  

For compatibility, you can do the following:


  InstanceA : TArrayA;
  InstanceB : TArrayB;
  InstanceBasA : TArrayA ABSOLUTE InstanceB;

What this does is create a variable "InstanceBasA" of type ArrayA which overlays the same memory space as the variable "InstanceB". This allows you to do the following command:


InstanceA := InstanceBasA;


One more method of moving data from variablea to variableb is to use the MOVE command. For example, to move from ArrayA to ArrayB you can do the following:


  ArrayA : array[1..4] of Integer;
  ArrayB : Array[1..4] of Integer;
  ArrayA[1] := 1234;
  ArrayA[2] := 3456;
  ArrayA[3] := 7890;
  ArrayA[4] := 9876;

  // This is where the move from ArrayA to ArrayB happens.
  Move( ArrayA[1], ArrayB[1], SizeOf(ArrayA) );

  Assert( ArrayA[4] = ArrayB[4], 'ArrayA[4] <> ArrayB[4]');

This works by the fact that the array is layed out in a linear fashion, so your copying the bytes starting at the first array position, for the length of the array.



You can force the compiler to assume they are of the same type by typecasting them:


  TIntArray = array[1..4] of integer;

  Assert(SizeOf(ArrayA) = SizeOf(TIntArray));
  Assert(SizeOf(ArrayB) = SizeOf(TIntArray));
  TIntArray(ArrayA) := TIntArray(ArrayB);

But you should make sure that both actually are array[1..4] of otherwise you will overwrite some memory. That's why I added the two assertions.



Just use UnitA in UnitB after inteface and before the implementation ...!!!!

在接口之后和实现之前,只需在UnitB中使用UnitA ...... !!!!


Never, never, NEVER use code like this:


// This is where the move from ArrayA to ArrayB happens.
Move( ArrayA[1], ArrayB[1], SizeOf(ArrayA) );

Where's the flaw? You're using the SOURCE size to get the number of bytes to move, not the DESTINATION size!!! If SizeOf(A) > SizeOf(B) you have a buffer overflow and you're overwriting memory. If you're luck you get an AV, if you're not you have an exploitable vulnerability. It's far better to always use the destination size, although this way you can end up reading memory you shouldn't if Size(B) > Size(A), maybe exposing unwanted data. Anyway, always check structure boundaries when moving data - some companies banned operations like this (i.e. memcpy() ) from their code.

哪个是缺陷?您正在使用SOURCE大小来获取要移动的字节数,而不是DESTINATION大小!如果SizeOf(A)> SizeOf(B)你有缓冲区溢出而你正在覆盖内存。如果你运气好的话,你会得到一个AV,如果你不是一个可利用的漏洞。总是使用目标大小要好得多,虽然这样你最终可以读取内存,如果大小(B)>大小(A),可能会暴露不需要的数据。无论如何,在移动数据时总是检查结构边界 - 一些公司从他们的代码中禁止这样的操作(即memcpy())。


Define type in interface block of some unit and then include that unit via uses clause in other units where you need that type.


unit A;
  TMyArray = array [1..4] of Integer;


When you need to use TMyArray in another unit:


unit B;
uses A;

var x : TMyArray;


Alternatively, define your type in the interface section of unit C and use this unit in both A and B.



Array types in Delphi are a bit odd. It looks like A and B are of exactly the same type, but Delphi doesn't consider that they are the same. "Array [1..4] of Integer" appears twice, so Delphi thinks there are two different types. That's just an oddity of Delphi. Most other languages, I think, wouldn't care. It's not a problem in practice; it's just a bit strange. Maybe there is a good reason for it. Who knows. The solution, as the others have said, is define your own type, which you can put in a unit that can be used by other units. I just mention this issue of array types because it may be confusing you.

Delphi中的数组类型有点奇怪。看起来A和B的类型完全相同,但Delphi并不认为它们是相同的。 “整数的数组[1..4]”出现两次,因此德尔福认为有两种不同的类型。这只是德尔福的一个奇怪之处。我认为大多数其他语言都不会关心。这在实践中不是问题;这有点奇怪。也许这是有充分理由的。谁知道。正如其他人所说,解决方案是定义您自己的类型,您可以将其放入可供其他单位使用的单元中。我刚才提到这个数组类型的问题,因为它可能让你感到困惑。


Another approach, a bit old school but still works, is to use the ABSOLUTE keyword to force the memory of one to overlay another, and make the other type compatible. For example, in unit a lets say you have the following:


  TArrayA = Array[1..4] of integer;

then in unit b, you have the following:


  TArrayB = Array[1..4] of integer;  

For compatibility, you can do the following:


  InstanceA : TArrayA;
  InstanceB : TArrayB;
  InstanceBasA : TArrayA ABSOLUTE InstanceB;

What this does is create a variable "InstanceBasA" of type ArrayA which overlays the same memory space as the variable "InstanceB". This allows you to do the following command:


InstanceA := InstanceBasA;


One more method of moving data from variablea to variableb is to use the MOVE command. For example, to move from ArrayA to ArrayB you can do the following:


  ArrayA : array[1..4] of Integer;
  ArrayB : Array[1..4] of Integer;
  ArrayA[1] := 1234;
  ArrayA[2] := 3456;
  ArrayA[3] := 7890;
  ArrayA[4] := 9876;

  // This is where the move from ArrayA to ArrayB happens.
  Move( ArrayA[1], ArrayB[1], SizeOf(ArrayA) );

  Assert( ArrayA[4] = ArrayB[4], 'ArrayA[4] <> ArrayB[4]');

This works by the fact that the array is layed out in a linear fashion, so your copying the bytes starting at the first array position, for the length of the array.



You can force the compiler to assume they are of the same type by typecasting them:


  TIntArray = array[1..4] of integer;

  Assert(SizeOf(ArrayA) = SizeOf(TIntArray));
  Assert(SizeOf(ArrayB) = SizeOf(TIntArray));
  TIntArray(ArrayA) := TIntArray(ArrayB);

But you should make sure that both actually are array[1..4] of otherwise you will overwrite some memory. That's why I added the two assertions.



Just use UnitA in UnitB after inteface and before the implementation ...!!!!

在接口之后和实现之前,只需在UnitB中使用UnitA ...... !!!!


Never, never, NEVER use code like this:


// This is where the move from ArrayA to ArrayB happens.
Move( ArrayA[1], ArrayB[1], SizeOf(ArrayA) );

Where's the flaw? You're using the SOURCE size to get the number of bytes to move, not the DESTINATION size!!! If SizeOf(A) > SizeOf(B) you have a buffer overflow and you're overwriting memory. If you're luck you get an AV, if you're not you have an exploitable vulnerability. It's far better to always use the destination size, although this way you can end up reading memory you shouldn't if Size(B) > Size(A), maybe exposing unwanted data. Anyway, always check structure boundaries when moving data - some companies banned operations like this (i.e. memcpy() ) from their code.

哪个是缺陷?您正在使用SOURCE大小来获取要移动的字节数,而不是DESTINATION大小!如果SizeOf(A)> SizeOf(B)你有缓冲区溢出而你正在覆盖内存。如果你运气好的话,你会得到一个AV,如果你不是一个可利用的漏洞。总是使用目标大小要好得多,虽然这样你最终可以读取内存,如果大小(B)>大小(A),可能会暴露不需要的数据。无论如何,在移动数据时总是检查结构边界 - 一些公司从他们的代码中禁止这样的操作(即memcpy())。