
时间:2022-07-05 16:08:02

I'm working on integrating objective-git into my project, but when I include their headers in my sources, I get these errors on several of their enum declarations:


objective-git/Classes/GTRepository.h:57:16: Non-integral type 'git_reset_t' is an invalid underlying type

objective-git /类/ GTRepository。h:57:16:非整型‘git_reset_t’是一个无效的底层类型

Here's the code in question:


typedef enum : git_reset_t {
    GTRepositoryResetTypeSoft = GIT_RESET_SOFT,
    GTRepositoryResetTypeMixed = GIT_RESET_MIXED,
    GTRepositoryResetTypeHard = GIT_RESET_HARD
} GTRepositoryResetType;

I changed git_reset_t to NSUInteger (typedef'd to unsigned long), and that got it to compile, but of course I'd rather not have to change the library files.

我将git_reset_t更改为NSUInteger (typedef转换为unsigned long),这使它得以编译,但我当然不希望更改库文件。

Objective-git compiles just fine in its own project, and I can't find any significant difference in the compiler settings between that project and mine. What could I be missing?


This is with Xcode 4.5, compiling with Apple llvm 4.1.

这是Xcode 4.5,与Apple llvm 4.1一起编译。

Update: The clue I missed was that the error only happened on a .mm file, and .m files were fine, so somehow the underlying enum type doesn't work in C++ (even if I enable C++11). As a workaround I put a fake minimal @interface declaration for the one objective-git class I use in that file so I don't have to include the headers, but I'd still like to find a cleaner solution.

更新:我漏掉的线索是,错误只发生在.mm文件上,而.m文件很好,所以底层enum类型在c++中不工作(即使我启用了c++ 11)。作为一个解决方案,我为我在那个文件中使用的一个objective-git类添加了一个伪最小化的@interface声明,这样我就不必包含header了,但我仍然希望找到一个更干净的解决方案。

1 个解决方案



Google turns up this file containing this:


typedef enum {
    GIT_RESET_SOFT  = 1, /** Move the head to the given commit */
    GIT_RESET_MIXED = 2, /** SOFT plus reset index to the commit */
    GIT_RESET_HARD  = 3, /** MIXED plus changes in working tree discarded */
} git_reset_t;

This is an old-style enumeration with int being the underlying type. But it's not an int, it's a distinct type. And it's not integral and it can't be an underlying type for a new-style enumeration.


The fix is to use typedef enum : int or if you can use C++ and want to be extra expository,

解决方法是使用typedef enum: int或者如果您可以使用c++并希望成为额外的解释性,

typedef enum : std::underlying_type< git_reset_t >::type

I haven't tried, but you could also try this in ObjC without C++:


typedef enum : __underlying_type( git_reset_t )



Google turns up this file containing this:


typedef enum {
    GIT_RESET_SOFT  = 1, /** Move the head to the given commit */
    GIT_RESET_MIXED = 2, /** SOFT plus reset index to the commit */
    GIT_RESET_HARD  = 3, /** MIXED plus changes in working tree discarded */
} git_reset_t;

This is an old-style enumeration with int being the underlying type. But it's not an int, it's a distinct type. And it's not integral and it can't be an underlying type for a new-style enumeration.


The fix is to use typedef enum : int or if you can use C++ and want to be extra expository,

解决方法是使用typedef enum: int或者如果您可以使用c++并希望成为额外的解释性,

typedef enum : std::underlying_type< git_reset_t >::type

I haven't tried, but you could also try this in ObjC without C++:


typedef enum : __underlying_type( git_reset_t )