
时间:2021-08-26 16:05:57

In his book Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Andrew Toelsen says, "In the world of .NET, type is simply a general term used to refer to a member from the set {class, interface, structure, enumeration, delegate}.

在他的书Pro C#2008和.NET 3.5平台中,Andrew Toelsen说,“在.NET世界中,类型只是一个通用术语,用于指代集合中的成员{class,interface,structure,enumeration,delegate }。

What do these all have in common that they would be classed together as types? What would be a formal definition of type that would cover all of these under one umbrella term like that???


3 个解决方案



A type is anything that can describe a variable. For insstance, I can have a variable 'a' of type 'int' (int is a struct). I can also have 'b' of type 'MyClass' (MyClass is a class).


Basically, all type are used (more or less) in this way (to declare a variable):


TypeName variableName;

The newly declared variable automatically has some sort of internal structure, for example, if it is of a class type, it can have methods and properties. If is of a delegate type, then it is designed to hold a reference to a method.


Basically, a type is anything that you use to declare a variable. A type gives the variable its meaning, as well as restricts the variable to being used in a way which is suited to its existence.




Short answer: you can declare variables of these - a type defines the "kind of" or "structure" of a variable.

简短回答:您可以声明这些变量 - 类型定义变量的“种类”或“结构”。

Technically, when you declare a variable of a certain type (for example, a class, an integral type etc.), you can only assign values of this specific type (or a compatible one, or one where an implicit type conversion exists) to the variable. In a strongly typed language like C#, in most cases the compiler will tell you if you break that rule.




They're all types because they represent all the possible types of a variable. Simple! :)

它们都是类型,因为它们代表变量的所有可能类型。简单! :)



A type is anything that can describe a variable. For insstance, I can have a variable 'a' of type 'int' (int is a struct). I can also have 'b' of type 'MyClass' (MyClass is a class).


Basically, all type are used (more or less) in this way (to declare a variable):


TypeName variableName;

The newly declared variable automatically has some sort of internal structure, for example, if it is of a class type, it can have methods and properties. If is of a delegate type, then it is designed to hold a reference to a method.


Basically, a type is anything that you use to declare a variable. A type gives the variable its meaning, as well as restricts the variable to being used in a way which is suited to its existence.




Short answer: you can declare variables of these - a type defines the "kind of" or "structure" of a variable.

简短回答:您可以声明这些变量 - 类型定义变量的“种类”或“结构”。

Technically, when you declare a variable of a certain type (for example, a class, an integral type etc.), you can only assign values of this specific type (or a compatible one, or one where an implicit type conversion exists) to the variable. In a strongly typed language like C#, in most cases the compiler will tell you if you break that rule.




They're all types because they represent all the possible types of a variable. Simple! :)

它们都是类型,因为它们代表变量的所有可能类型。简单! :)