
时间:2021-12-28 16:01:26

I search on the Internet, but find merely a little information about How to convert the latitude & longitude to Morton code(z order curve). From the link I know how to make two int to Morton Code. But, if I have float values like latitude or longitude, How should I convert the float value to int? Then I can convert the int to Morton code. For exmaple, c# code:


float value a=43.2345f;
int aint1=43.2345*10000;
int aint2=(int)BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(43.2345); 

Here, I don't have any idea which I should choose. Could you please help me? I didn't find a method like 'BitConverter.FloatToInt32Bits'. As of now, I don't know the reason.


Upate 1: I found an answer here, but I don't quite understand the answer.

Upate 1:我在这里找到了答案,但我不太明白答案。

1 个解决方案


I have spent sometime searching for answer to that question. It appears that spatial curves (z-order curve, Hilbert curve, etc) need to be build on positive integers, which is a problem because lat/lon can be negative floating numbers.

我花了一些时间寻找这个问题的答案。似乎空间曲线(z-顺序曲线,希尔伯特曲线等)需要建立在正整数上,这是一个问题,因为lat / lon可以是负浮点数。

Found several projects where solution is to convert to positive integers, for example:


  // lat: -90 .. +90
  var iLat = Math.round((lat + 90.0) * 100000);  // 5 digits
  // lng: -180 .. +180
  var iLng = Math.round((lng + 180.0) * 100000); // 6 digits

After converting to ints some convert integers to bit arrays and build curve on those values, while others just use the integer representation to build curve. I guess for large space length of the curve might be too big to fit into an integer and that is why arrays are used. However, I am still looking into that.



I have spent sometime searching for answer to that question. It appears that spatial curves (z-order curve, Hilbert curve, etc) need to be build on positive integers, which is a problem because lat/lon can be negative floating numbers.

我花了一些时间寻找这个问题的答案。似乎空间曲线(z-顺序曲线,希尔伯特曲线等)需要建立在正整数上,这是一个问题,因为lat / lon可以是负浮点数。

Found several projects where solution is to convert to positive integers, for example:


  // lat: -90 .. +90
  var iLat = Math.round((lat + 90.0) * 100000);  // 5 digits
  // lng: -180 .. +180
  var iLng = Math.round((lng + 180.0) * 100000); // 6 digits

After converting to ints some convert integers to bit arrays and build curve on those values, while others just use the integer representation to build curve. I guess for large space length of the curve might be too big to fit into an integer and that is why arrays are used. However, I am still looking into that.
