<%@ Control Language=
" AutoEventWireup=
" CodeBehind=
" Inherits=
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<div class= " zy_con_l ">
<div class= " zy_con_ltt ">品牌展示</div>
<div class= " zy_ppzslb ">
Cms.BLL.Channel bll = new Cms.BLL.Channel();
System.Data.DataSet dt = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId=0 ");
if (dt.Tables[ 0].Rows.Count != 0)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dt.Tables[ 0].Rows)
string title = row[ " title "].ToString();
int id = Convert.ToInt32(row[ " Id "].ToString());
<li><a href= ' ProductList.aspx?classId=<%=id %> '><%=title%></a>
if (Request.QueryString[ " classId "] != null && Request.QueryString[ " classid "].ToString() == id.ToString())
System.Data.DataSet dt2 = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId= " + id);
if (dt2.Tables[ 0].Rows.Count != 0)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row2 in dt2.Tables[ 0].Rows)
string title2 = row2[ " title "].ToString();
int id2 = Convert.ToInt32(row2[ " Id "].ToString());
<li><a href= ' ProductList.aspx?classId=<%=id %>&classId2=<%=id2 %> '><%=title2%></a>
if (Request.QueryString[ " classId2 "] != null && Request.QueryString[ " classId2 "].ToString() == id2.ToString())
System.Data.DataSet dt3 = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId= " + id2);
if (dt3.Tables[ 0].Rows.Count != 0)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row3 in dt3.Tables[ 0].Rows)
string title3 = row3[ " title "].ToString();
int id3 = Convert.ToInt32(row3[ " Id "].ToString());
<li><a href= ' ProductList.aspx?classId=<%=id %>&classId2=<%=id2 %>&classId3=<%=id3 %> '><%=title3%></a>
if (Request.QueryString[ " classId3 "] != null && Request.QueryString[ " classId3 "].ToString() == id3.ToString())
System.Data.DataSet dt4 = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId= " + id3);
if (dt4.Tables[ 0].Rows.Count != 0)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row4 in dt4.Tables[ 0].Rows)
string title4 = row4[ " title "].ToString();
int id4 = Convert.ToInt32(row4[ " Id "].ToString());
<li><a href= ' ProductList.aspx?classId=<%=id %>&classId2=<%=id2 %>&classId3=<%=id3 %>&classId4=<%=id4 %> '><%=title4%></a></li>
} %>
} %>
} %>
<div class= " zy_con_l ">
<div class= " zy_con_ltt ">品牌展示</div>
<div class= " zy_ppzslb ">
Cms.BLL.Channel bll = new Cms.BLL.Channel();
System.Data.DataSet dt = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId=0 ");
if (dt.Tables[ 0].Rows.Count != 0)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dt.Tables[ 0].Rows)
string title = row[ " title "].ToString();
int id = Convert.ToInt32(row[ " Id "].ToString());
<li><a href= ' ProductList.aspx?classId=<%=id %> '><%=title%></a>
if (Request.QueryString[ " classId "] != null && Request.QueryString[ " classid "].ToString() == id.ToString())
System.Data.DataSet dt2 = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId= " + id);
if (dt2.Tables[ 0].Rows.Count != 0)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row2 in dt2.Tables[ 0].Rows)
string title2 = row2[ " title "].ToString();
int id2 = Convert.ToInt32(row2[ " Id "].ToString());
<li><a href= ' ProductList.aspx?classId=<%=id %>&classId2=<%=id2 %> '><%=title2%></a>
if (Request.QueryString[ " classId2 "] != null && Request.QueryString[ " classId2 "].ToString() == id2.ToString())
System.Data.DataSet dt3 = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId= " + id2);
if (dt3.Tables[ 0].Rows.Count != 0)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row3 in dt3.Tables[ 0].Rows)
string title3 = row3[ " title "].ToString();
int id3 = Convert.ToInt32(row3[ " Id "].ToString());
<li><a href= ' ProductList.aspx?classId=<%=id %>&classId2=<%=id2 %>&classId3=<%=id3 %> '><%=title3%></a>
if (Request.QueryString[ " classId3 "] != null && Request.QueryString[ " classId3 "].ToString() == id3.ToString())
System.Data.DataSet dt4 = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId= " + id3);
if (dt4.Tables[ 0].Rows.Count != 0)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row4 in dt4.Tables[ 0].Rows)
string title4 = row4[ " title "].ToString();
int id4 = Convert.ToInt32(row4[ " Id "].ToString());
<li><a href= ' ProductList.aspx?classId=<%=id %>&classId2=<%=id2 %>&classId3=<%=id3 %>&classId4=<%=id4 %> '><%=title4%></a></li>
} %>
} %>
} %>
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<div class= " zy_con_r ">
<div class= " zy_con_rtt "><p>品牌展示</p><span>您当前位置:首页>品牌展示</span></div>
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<li><a href= ' <%=GetUrl() %>id=<%#Eval("Id")%> ' class= " zy_ppzs_bot_pic "><img src= ' <%#Eval("ImgUrl") %> ' alt= ' <%#Eval("Title")%> '/></a><p class= " zy_ppzs_bot_lbwz "><a href= ' ProductView.aspx?id=<%#Eval("Id")%> '>品牌:<%#Eval( " Title ")%><br>型号:<%#Eval( " ModelType ") %></a></p></li>
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<div class= " zy_con_r ">
<div class= " zy_con_rtt "><p>品牌展示</p><span>您当前位置:首页>品牌展示</span></div>
<ul class= " zy_ppzs_bot ">
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<li><a href= ' <%=GetUrl() %>id=<%#Eval("Id")%> ' class= " zy_ppzs_bot_pic "><img src= ' <%#Eval("ImgUrl") %> ' alt= ' <%#Eval("Title")%> '/></a><p class= " zy_ppzs_bot_lbwz "><a href= ' ProductView.aspx?id=<%#Eval("Id")%> '>品牌:<%#Eval( " Title ")%><br>型号:<%#Eval( " ModelType ") %></a></p></li>
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class ProductList1 : System.Web.UI.Page
public int pcount = 0; // 总条数
public int classId;
protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)
if (! int.TryParse(Request.Params[ " classId "] as string, out this.classId))
this.classId = 0;
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
this.lbmsg.Visible = false;
RptBind( "");
if ((Request.Params[ " classId "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId "].ToString() != ""))
classId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ " classId "].ToString());
if ((Request.Params[ " classId2 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId2 "].ToString() != ""))
classId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ " classId2 "].ToString());
if ((Request.Params[ " classId3 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId3 "].ToString() != ""))
classId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ " classId3 "].ToString());
if ((Request.Params[ " classId4 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId4 "].ToString() != ""))
classId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ " classId4 "].ToString());
RptBind( " ClassId in ( " + GetAllId(classId) + " ) ");
public string GetUrl()
string url = " ProductView.aspx? ";
if ((Request.Params[ " classId "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId "].ToString() != ""))
url+= " &classId= "+Request.Params[ " classId "].ToString();
if ((Request.Params[ " classId2 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId2 "].ToString() != ""))
url += " &classId2= " + Request.Params[ " classId2 "].ToString();
if ((Request.Params[ " classId3 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId3 "].ToString() != ""))
url += " &classId3= " + Request.Params[ " classId3 "].ToString();
if ((Request.Params[ " classId4 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId4 "].ToString() != ""))
url += " &classId4= " + Request.Params[ " classId4 "].ToString();
url += " & ";
return url;
/// <summary>
/// 获得下级的所有id
/// </summary>
System.Text.StringBuilder str = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
int fag = 0;
protected string GetAllId( int classid)
if(fag== 0)
str.Append(classid+ " , ");
Cms.BLL.Channel bll = new BLL.Channel();
DataSet ds = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId= "+classid);
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[ 0].Rows)
fag = 1;
int id = Convert.ToInt32(row[ " Id "].ToString());
str.Append(id + " , ");
return str.ToString().Remove(str.ToString().LastIndexOf( " , "));
#region 列表绑定
private void RptBind( string strWhere)
Cms.BLL.ProductInfo bll = new Cms.BLL.ProductInfo();
DataSet ds = bll.GetList(strWhere);
DataView dv = ds.Tables[ 0].DefaultView;
PagedDataSource pds = new PagedDataSource();
AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dv.Count;
pds.DataSource = dv;
pds.AllowPaging = true;
pds.CurrentPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1;
pds.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
// 获得总条数
pcount = bll.GetCount(strWhere);
if ( this.pcount < 0)
this.lbmsg.Visible = true;
this.lbmsg.Text = " 暂时没有产品 ";
// 绑定数据
rptList.DataSource = pds;
protected void AspNetPager1_PageChanging( object src, Wuqi.Webdiyer.PageChangingEventArgs e)
AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
RptBind( "");
public int pcount = 0; // 总条数
public int classId;
protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)
if (! int.TryParse(Request.Params[ " classId "] as string, out this.classId))
this.classId = 0;
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
this.lbmsg.Visible = false;
RptBind( "");
if ((Request.Params[ " classId "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId "].ToString() != ""))
classId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ " classId "].ToString());
if ((Request.Params[ " classId2 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId2 "].ToString() != ""))
classId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ " classId2 "].ToString());
if ((Request.Params[ " classId3 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId3 "].ToString() != ""))
classId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ " classId3 "].ToString());
if ((Request.Params[ " classId4 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId4 "].ToString() != ""))
classId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params[ " classId4 "].ToString());
RptBind( " ClassId in ( " + GetAllId(classId) + " ) ");
public string GetUrl()
string url = " ProductView.aspx? ";
if ((Request.Params[ " classId "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId "].ToString() != ""))
url+= " &classId= "+Request.Params[ " classId "].ToString();
if ((Request.Params[ " classId2 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId2 "].ToString() != ""))
url += " &classId2= " + Request.Params[ " classId2 "].ToString();
if ((Request.Params[ " classId3 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId3 "].ToString() != ""))
url += " &classId3= " + Request.Params[ " classId3 "].ToString();
if ((Request.Params[ " classId4 "] != null) && (Request.Params[ " classId4 "].ToString() != ""))
url += " &classId4= " + Request.Params[ " classId4 "].ToString();
url += " & ";
return url;
/// <summary>
/// 获得下级的所有id
/// </summary>
System.Text.StringBuilder str = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
int fag = 0;
protected string GetAllId( int classid)
if(fag== 0)
str.Append(classid+ " , ");
Cms.BLL.Channel bll = new BLL.Channel();
DataSet ds = bll.GetList( " KindId=1 and ParentId= "+classid);
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[ 0].Rows)
fag = 1;
int id = Convert.ToInt32(row[ " Id "].ToString());
str.Append(id + " , ");
return str.ToString().Remove(str.ToString().LastIndexOf( " , "));
#region 列表绑定
private void RptBind( string strWhere)
Cms.BLL.ProductInfo bll = new Cms.BLL.ProductInfo();
DataSet ds = bll.GetList(strWhere);
DataView dv = ds.Tables[ 0].DefaultView;
PagedDataSource pds = new PagedDataSource();
AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dv.Count;
pds.DataSource = dv;
pds.AllowPaging = true;
pds.CurrentPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1;
pds.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
// 获得总条数
pcount = bll.GetCount(strWhere);
if ( this.pcount < 0)
this.lbmsg.Visible = true;
this.lbmsg.Text = " 暂时没有产品 ";
// 绑定数据
rptList.DataSource = pds;
protected void AspNetPager1_PageChanging( object src, Wuqi.Webdiyer.PageChangingEventArgs e)
AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
RptBind( "");